Why A "Good Guy with a Gun" is Bullshit

You mean imaginary gun zones
There is no evidence of planned attacks on gun free zones because they are gun free.
Except for the vast majority happen to pick "gun free zones" for their mass killing. Dumbass
Only in your imagination ,
The reality is mass killers choose high traffic areas to cause the most distruction ,death and chaos.
Armed citizens or not.

Moron....they have the notes, the videos and the confessions of actual, real....mass shooters.....it isn't made up..it is a fact....
Doesn't refute anything I said.

You think you actually said something intelligent....my case is proven.....your brain is not fully developed...or it is broken....like someone with dyslexia....I call it "Reality Dyslexia" you see the truth and think it is false......you see what is false and think it is true.....
False! you are a classic case of cognitive bias.
Cognitive bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A cognitive bias refers to a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment, whereby inferences about other people and situations may be drawn in an illogical fashion.[1] Individuals create their own "subjective social reality" from their perception of the input.[2] An individual's construction of social reality, not theobjective input, may dictate their behaviour in the social world.[3] Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationality.[4][5][6]

I win.
Na, not really.
They Much like a bully, they are born cowards. Most turn to suicide or just give up when resistance is meant.
Thus the reason most pic gun free zone's for reason. Are you stupid or what you dumb fuck? LOL
You mean imaginary gun zones
There is no evidence of planned attacks on gun free zones because they are gun free.

And the South Carolina church shooter...wanted to target a University, but they had too much armed security...

Dylann Roof 'wanted to target local university'

The man accused of massacring nine people at a church in Charleston intended to target a local university but could not get past security, friends have claimed.
So many words so little said.

Look...I realize you are a true blue, anti-gun nutter....which means that part of your brain that deals with facts, truth, reality and the differences between right and wrong and good and evil...are either nonexistent or so poorly developed that the difference doesn't matter....

you have been given facts...and you ignore them......

you can't be helped...
False I was raised around guns, I learned to shoot before I could ride a bike.
My father was a hunter and sharpshooter in the Marines.
I have owned guns.
That set of experiences make my more than qualified to judge.
That judgment is you asshat are far too tightly wrapped to own firearms and anyone stupid enough to sell them to you should be fined put in prison or both.

hey asswipe.... I didn't say you couldn't function as a normal person.....someone with Dyslexia is perfectly normal..until they try to read.....for you....you can read, write, feed yourself, dress yourself, and even use a gun .....what you are incapable of is understanding the truth, facts, reality or the difference between right and wrong and good and evil......

On that...you couldn't see clearly to save your life...as you show with each post....
Except for the vast majority happen to pick "gun free zones" for their mass killing. Dumbass
Only in your imagination ,
The reality is mass killers choose high traffic areas to cause the most distruction ,death and chaos.
Armed citizens or not.

Moron....they have the notes, the videos and the confessions of actual, real....mass shooters.....it isn't made up..it is a fact....
Doesn't refute anything I said.

You think you actually said something intelligent....my case is proven.....your brain is not fully developed...or it is broken....like someone with dyslexia....I call it "Reality Dyslexia" you see the truth and think it is false......you see what is false and think it is true.....
False! you are a classic case of cognitive bias.
Cognitive bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A cognitive bias refers to a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment, whereby inferences about other people and situations may be drawn in an illogical fashion.[1] Individuals create their own "subjective social reality" from their perception of the input.[2] An individual's construction of social reality, not theobjective input, may dictate their behaviour in the social world.[3] Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationality.[4][5][6]

I win.

Asswipe....I just laid out the actual statistics from the FBI homicide table 8......it shows that knives are used to murder more people each year than guns....no cognnitive bias there.......just statistics...

you are a moron...you can't help it.....your brain did not develop properly.....don't worry.....the entire democrat party thinks like you....
Only in your imagination ,
The reality is mass killers choose high traffic areas to cause the most distruction ,death and chaos.
Armed citizens or not.

Moron....they have the notes, the videos and the confessions of actual, real....mass shooters.....it isn't made up..it is a fact....
Doesn't refute anything I said.

You think you actually said something intelligent....my case is proven.....your brain is not fully developed...or it is broken....like someone with dyslexia....I call it "Reality Dyslexia" you see the truth and think it is false......you see what is false and think it is true.....
False! you are a classic case of cognitive bias.
Cognitive bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A cognitive bias refers to a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment, whereby inferences about other people and situations may be drawn in an illogical fashion.[1] Individuals create their own "subjective social reality" from their perception of the input.[2] An individual's construction of social reality, not theobjective input, may dictate their behaviour in the social world.[3] Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationality.[4][5][6]

I win.

Asswipe....I just laid out the actual statistics from the FBI homicide table 8......it shows that knives are used to murder more people each year than guns....no cognnitive bias there.......just statistics...

you are a moron...you can't help it.....your brain did not develop properly.....don't worry.....the entire democrat party thinks like you....
Tantrum alert!

Moron....they have the notes, the videos and the confessions of actual, real....mass shooters.....it isn't made up..it is a fact....
Doesn't refute anything I said.

You think you actually said something intelligent....my case is proven.....your brain is not fully developed...or it is broken....like someone with dyslexia....I call it "Reality Dyslexia" you see the truth and think it is false......you see what is false and think it is true.....
False! you are a classic case of cognitive bias.
Cognitive bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A cognitive bias refers to a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment, whereby inferences about other people and situations may be drawn in an illogical fashion.[1] Individuals create their own "subjective social reality" from their perception of the input.[2] An individual's construction of social reality, not theobjective input, may dictate their behaviour in the social world.[3] Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationality.[4][5][6]

I win.

Asswipe....I just laid out the actual statistics from the FBI homicide table 8......it shows that knives are used to murder more people each year than guns....no cognnitive bias there.......just statistics...

you are a moron...you can't help it.....your brain did not develop properly.....don't worry.....the entire democrat party thinks like you....
Tantrum alert!

Do your parent's know you are on the computer....? Or is your babysitter making out with her boyfriend again.......?
Doesn't refute anything I said.

You think you actually said something intelligent....my case is proven.....your brain is not fully developed...or it is broken....like someone with dyslexia....I call it "Reality Dyslexia" you see the truth and think it is false......you see what is false and think it is true.....
False! you are a classic case of cognitive bias.
Cognitive bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A cognitive bias refers to a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment, whereby inferences about other people and situations may be drawn in an illogical fashion.[1] Individuals create their own "subjective social reality" from their perception of the input.[2] An individual's construction of social reality, not theobjective input, may dictate their behaviour in the social world.[3] Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationality.[4][5][6]

I win.

Asswipe....I just laid out the actual statistics from the FBI homicide table 8......it shows that knives are used to murder more people each year than guns....no cognnitive bias there.......just statistics...

you are a moron...you can't help it.....your brain did not develop properly.....don't worry.....the entire democrat party thinks like you....
Tantrum alert!

Do your parent's know you are on the computer....? Or is your babysitter making out with her boyfriend again.......?

Stage I tantrum engaged.

Well, cowards like mass murders always pick the easiest, path of a least resistance. It's in their very nature, no easier path for a murderer than thru a "gun free zone"... Dip shit
Gun free zones are imaginary slapdick.
A mass murder will shoot no matter what.
They will inevitably kill as many as possible whether or not they are being shot at.
Na, not really.
They Much like a bully, they are born cowards. Most turn to suicide or just give up when resistance is meant.
Thus the reason most pic gun free zone's for reason. Are you stupid or what you dumb fuck? LOL
You mean imaginary gun zones
There is no evidence of planned attacks on gun free zones because they are gun free.
Except for the vast majority happen to pick "gun free zones" for their mass killing. Dumbass
Only in your imagination ,
The reality is mass killers choose high traffic areas to cause the most distruction ,death and chaos.
Armed citizens or not.
Except none those killed were armed. Dumbass
...Hence the picking of "gun free zones"
'Gun free zones" = shooting fish in a barrel
Perfect for a -coward
Living in AZ, I see a lot of people walking around wearing guns. I am absolutely convinced that they are not doing it to protect themselves. Most of it for the same reason guys get macho tattoos. It used to be known as "puttin' on the style". People who actually are prepared to use guns never let someone see the gun until it is too late for anyone to do anything about it.
False there is no evidence of planned attacks on so called gun free zones because they are "gun free".
That's a lie you clowns tell youselves .
Well, cowards like mass murders always pick the easiest, path of a least resistance. It's in their very nature, no easier path for a murderer than thru a "gun free zone"... Dip shit
Gun free zones are imaginary slapdick.
A mass murder will shoot no matter what.
They will inevitably kill as many as possible whether or not they are being shot at.
Na, not really.
They Much like a bully, they are born cowards. Most turn to suicide or just give up when resistance is meant.
Thus the reason most pic gun free zone's for reason. Are you stupid or what you dumb fuck? LOL
You mean imaginary gun zones
There is no evidence of planned attacks on gun free zones because they are gun free.
Except for the vast majority happen to pick "gun free zones" for their mass killing. Dumbass
They would have picked them anyway.
You are out of gas.
Living in AZ, I see a lot of people walking around wearing guns. I am absolutely convinced that they are not doing it to protect themselves. Most of it for the same reason guys get macho tattoos. It used to be known as "puttin' on the style". People who actually are prepared to use guns never let someone see the gun until it is too late for anyone to do anything about it.
Absofuckingluetly correct.
Most of those guys have dick esteem problems.
Suck up, and also, see my response, twat-waddle.
Your lame as always one?

Lol, "lame"

Are you capable of more than a 2-3 sentence or word response, or does that tax the empty space in your head you call a brain?
Lame and pretentious.
Communication is most accurate when it's concise .
Blathering on like you do, is what stupid people do to appear intelligent.

Ooohhh! Three sentences. No content though. So go get yourself a cookie, but a meh cookie, like oatmeal raisin.
Best you could do?

You lose 2 points for repeating the same method of "attack".

Try to get more creative.
So to stop gun violence your solution is only government actors should get guns? And when that impossible event happens, do you propose on confiscating every type of machine tool that could produce guns? because if you ban people from buying them, and there is still a demand from criminals, people will figure out how to make them.
Another over the top conspiracy theory.
No matter what is suggested you'll spew the same comin' to take out guns bullshit.

For me its a prevent me from getting a gun with bullshit laws designed to make it as difficult and expensive as possible

Try to keep up.
Bullshit !
You are like a spoiled child who got everything they ever wanted and is abruptly taking in hand.

It's the only obvious answer. Why does NYC take 3-6 months and $1000 to issue a license for a handgun?
To you yes, in reality no.
The only logical answer for someone to need immediate access to firearms is imminent threat.
Not the imagined need .

So what happens to someone in NYC who has an "imminent threat"? Does the NYPD then provide 24-7 protection?
I think you don't know the definition of a troll.

You do know what a mouth breathing oxygen thief is, as long as you own a mirror.
Best you could do?

Why use the best this early? I'd rather keep you strung along with some base level insults, it only adds to my post count.
I'll take that as a yes, that's your best .
The rest is rationalizing.

Ah the progressives 2nd favorite word, "rationalizing", right after any word with ist,ism, or ic at the end.

And like the latter, you don't really know what it means, or how to properly use it.
More rationalizing!

Again, using the word wrong.
Well, cowards like mass murders always pick the easiest, path of a least resistance. It's in their very nature, no easier path for a murderer than thru a "gun free zone"... Dip shit
Gun free zones are imaginary slapdick.
A mass murder will shoot no matter what.
They will inevitably kill as many as possible whether or not they are being shot at.
Na, not really.
They Much like a bully, they are born cowards. Most turn to suicide or just give up when resistance is meant.
Thus the reason most pic gun free zone's for reason. Are you stupid or what you dumb fuck? LOL
You mean imaginary gun zones
There is no evidence of planned attacks on gun free zones because they are gun free.
Except for the vast majority happen to pick "gun free zones" for their mass killing. Dumbass
They would have picked them anyway.
You are out of gas.
...gun free zones = fish in a barrel
Living in AZ, I see a lot of people walking around wearing guns. I am absolutely convinced that they are not doing it to protect themselves. Most of it for the same reason guys get macho tattoos. It used to be known as "puttin' on the style". People who actually are prepared to use guns never let someone see the gun until it is too late for anyone to do anything about it.
Absofuckingluetly correct.
Most of those guys have dick esteem problems.
There you go again with the penis talk, your inadequacy's have made you delusional...
Living in AZ, I see a lot of people walking around wearing guns. I am absolutely convinced that they are not doing it to protect themselves. Most of it for the same reason guys get macho tattoos. It used to be known as "puttin' on the style". People who actually are prepared to use guns never let someone see the gun until it is too late for anyone to do anything about it.
Go hide then... Bed wetter
Your lame as always one?

Lol, "lame"

Are you capable of more than a 2-3 sentence or word response, or does that tax the empty space in your head you call a brain?
Lame and pretentious.
Communication is most accurate when it's concise .
Blathering on like you do, is what stupid people do to appear intelligent.

Ooohhh! Three sentences. No content though. So go get yourself a cookie, but a meh cookie, like oatmeal raisin.
Best you could do?

You lose 2 points for repeating the same method of "attack".

Try to get more creative.

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