
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The cost of processing the 11 million that are here is astronomical and a price the American people would have to pay since they are low wage earners and pay very little if any in taxes they will not contribute anything to this country economically. They will create another lower class people that will need subsidies. They all will not come forward and undergo a background check so how what will be done about those millions that will not come forward? Go out and look for them? This comprehensive immigration reform will end up being another blanket amnesty and another one I 25 more years and send a open invitation to come here illegally. No one in their right mind can comprehend the cost of implementing Comprehensive Immigration Reform with legalization, deportations. Children born here, children brought here with their parents will all be in a different class. Some citizens, some on a path to citizenship and others legal status. A bloody nightmare. If you think Obamacare is a nightmare wait for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Only solution to illegal aliens is sending them to the back of the line with deportation the same why they got here. One by one and once deportation is started they will leave on their own. No need for a round up but just go to businesses that hire them. If they cannot work they will leave and they will not come illegally but will come legally. We have been sending them an open invitations over and over again and it has to stop now or we will never solve illegal immigration. Democratic plan is unrealistic and costly and will cost billions we can never pay for.

There is no logic in the lame left wing excuse for giving citizenship to children that were brought here illegally by “no fault of the own”
by their parents and just because they have been to school, learned English and eat hot dogs and hamburgers. Then there is absolutely no logic in the parent who came here after living all their lives in Mexico, etc, speaking Spanish and not learning English , leaving family behind and often starting a new family here. Would the logic be to send them back to Mexico, etc where they already know the language and the culture and children have grand parents and other family. The compassionate thing to do is to re-unite those families by send then home and not bring elderly grandparents, etc here by Chain Migration which would be a culture shock. Many of those children, born here and brought here, make up the thousands of gang members because they do not assimilate into American society as their parents do not. Our leaders need to scrape C.I.R with citizenship and legalization which would be a disaster for us and Mexico, etc. Those that are for the disaster plan for illegal aliens are not in it for the good of little children and their parents but for their own political gains. They would sell their own children’s future for their own gains.
The borders are an invitation for more criminals intent on destroying us and it will take another 9/11 for anyone in government to realize that open door is dangerous...especially when terrorists enter from Mexico. Watch and see.
and give them to illegal aliens increasing unemployment, lower wages and raises the deficit. Majority of Americans, especially afro-Americans, oppose any form of immigration reform that allow path to citizenship, legalization and work permits. Enforcement and border security and deportation.

Illegal aliens have killed more Americans on us soil, Afghanistan and Iraq altogether. Invading and killing Americans are what terrorist are. So don't that make illegal aliens foreign terrorist? When jobs are taken and wages are lowered it destroys Americans families. We use the military to fight terrorist and we should the military on the us border as we did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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There is no logic in the lame left wing excuse for giving citizenship to children that were brought here illegally by “no fault of the own”
by their parents and just because they have been to school, learned English and eat hot dogs and hamburgers. Then there is absolutely no logic in the parent who came here after living all their lives in Mexico, etc, speaking Spanish and not learning English , leaving family behind and often starting a new family here. Would the logic be to send them back to Mexico, etc where they already know the language and the culture and children have grand parents and other family. The compassionate thing to do is to re-unite those families by send then home and not bring elderly grandparents, etc here by Chain Migration which would be a culture shock. Many of those children, born here and brought here, make up the thousands of gang members because they do not assimilate into American society as their parents do not. Our leaders need to scrape C.I.R with citizenship and legalization which would be a disaster for us and Mexico, etc. Those that are for the disaster plan for illegal aliens are not in it for the good of little children and their parents but for their own political gains. They would sell their own children’s future for their own gains.

All of the above 'reasoning' is weak and unnecessary. It is the government's responsibility to prevent people from violating our borders and our sovereignty. If they fulfill that responsibility, all of the rest is largely moot.
Like it or not, it is not some politician's choice to grant citizenship to anyone born within our borders (even if born to an "illegal" alien). It is a USSC interpretation of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which reads as follows:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the united States and of the state wherein they reside."

Whether you like the opinion or not, it is the law of the land, and would require a Constituitonal Amendment to be changed. Which ain't happening.

For this and for many other reasons, mass deportations ain't happening neither.

The only issue to be addressed is whether to (1) give the "illegals" a path to citizenship, (2) keep them in "the shadows," or (3) develop a "third way" that allows them to remain permanently, without citizenship.

Smart Republicans are leaning toward (3). Tea Partiers seem to be longing for that which will never happen - mass deportations.
Unless the borders are secured, there is no point in even debating immigration reform.

Once the borders have been secured, the priority is to process immigrant applications that have been filed legally. It would be unfair to place the undocumented folks ahead of everyone else.
Because we straight thinkers in the GOP want to win elections.

If you nativists don't want this, then go find another party.

Might know people would be ticked at President Obama for deporting more illegals than any other president.

Terrorists, drugs and more ... We need security at all our borders - not just the south, which, btw, currently has the tightest security.
What makes anyone think that new immigration laws will be enforced any better than the current/old immigration laws?
Unless the borders are secured, there is no point in even debating immigration reform.

Once the borders have been secured, the priority is to process immigrant applications that have been filed legally. It would be unfair to place the undocumented folks ahead of everyone else.

The only way to secure the border without military is to enforce our immigration laws and they will leave and they will not come except drug smugglers. They will come over a wall, around a wall, under a wall if businesses are allowed to continue to hire them. A data base to keep track of visa over stayers. New laws are just new laws to be broken and not enforced.
The borders are an invitation for more criminals intent on destroying us and it will take another 9/11 for anyone in government to realize that open door is dangerous...especially when terrorists enter from Mexico. Watch and see.

Those that masterminded 911 came in under legal visas. All those entering should be on probation and made to check in at intervals and if not they will be rounded up on the job by a data base system. A data base of visa holders that employers have easy access to.

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