Why am I a liberal?

Great and wonderful only a few problems in that though. First we have never really been balanced since the 1969 under Richard Nixon. Since that time the debt has always grown. Under Clinton the budget was balanced simply because we do not count interest in the budget. Now Clinton did get closer than anyone else but that was using the boosted economy built up by Reagan and Bush and raising taxes on that economy. Of course tax policy has a future impact more than a current impact and Clinton created the disaster we are currently sitting in not only through taxes but the policies as well. Especially the housing for everyone crap. Last, the budget has truly not been balanced since prior to FDR since we have never budgeted future liabilities for the welfare programs started then. If we budget future liabilities like states and businesses do, we are so broke that 16 trillion looks like chump change. So keep on listening to the lies while the world and country around us slowly is collapsing but denial does not make things go away.

You are wrong the total debt went down from Jan 01 2000 to Jan 01 2001, plug in the dates here to check this:

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

when the total debt is decreasing you have a balance budget, then of course Bush and the GOP screwed it up.
Well at least we know where the OP is coming from.

As a citizen I say "Get your filthy paws out of my wallet!"

Translation: "I've got mine - SCREW YOU!"

I can't even taut the cons to discuss this post, they know truth when they read it, hell I would make it so my children and children's children would never have to wash a dish or mow a lawn, but that's not reality, if we allow these Kingdoms, and the Royals to own the world the rest of us will be on our knees begging, but cons always think it's going to be them at the top, but CU is teaching them with just a few million they ain't in this new big money world, I wonder how they will feel about being squeezed out of the process?
As a young man in college I was not always the most diligent student. One weekend, near the end of term, was particularly eventful and I found myself on Monday morning sitting, looking at a Dynamics final and no memory of any of the fine formulas we had studied that semester. Then I remembered F=ma. From that kernel I was able to derive all of the formulas I needed and ended up doing pretty well. More importantly, I realized the importance of fundamental concepts; I found that if one has a good understanding of core principles the smaller details are easier to work out. This led me a few years ago to ask myself, aside from the individual policies which align my thinking with “liberals”; why am I a liberal?

After some consideration I arrived on four succinct statements, which I believe also gave me some insight to what motivates the “other” side.

I am a parent.
As a parent I will do anything within my power to advantage my child.
I am a citizen.
As a citizen I believe it is vitally important that we write rules that prevent that.

It is only natural that parents do all they can for their children, however as wealth accumulates this presents a threat to democracy. This is the threat that concerned Jefferson when he spoke of the need for inheritance taxes, not as a form of revenue but a means to protect the democracy from citizens that might become too powerful, and then threaten the will of the people. It is easy to see how this has become the case in America today.

The dangers of inherited wealth to our economy are not unlike monarchy to the health of any nation, when power is derived from birthright rather than one’s labor it is more often foolishly applied. As more and more of our economy becomes “inherited wealth” it becomes more of a target for con men and less a tool for innovators. The world’s financial power has been diverted from improving the human condition into money making schemes designed to enrich those who create them.

I do have some specific suggestions that I feel would be helpful long term:

Public financing for public elections
Flat rate Social Security Tax, first dollar to last all forms of income
Index minimum wage to the average increase in CEO pay for the S&P 500

That’s about it, that shouldn’t be too hard to do, right?

let's start with the Kennedys
As a young man in college I was not always the most diligent student. One weekend, near the end of term, was particularly eventful and I found myself on Monday morning sitting, looking at a Dynamics final and no memory of any of the fine formulas we had studied that semester. Then I remembered F=ma. From that kernel I was able to derive all of the formulas I needed and ended up doing pretty well. More importantly, I realized the importance of fundamental concepts; I found that if one has a good understanding of core principles the smaller details are easier to work out. This led me a few years ago to ask myself, aside from the individual policies which align my thinking with “liberals”; why am I a liberal?

After some consideration I arrived on four succinct statements, which I believe also gave me some insight to what motivates the “other” side.

I am a parent.
As a parent I will do anything within my power to advantage my child.
I am a citizen.
As a citizen I believe it is vitally important that we write rules that prevent that.

It is only natural that parents do all they can for their children, however as wealth accumulates this presents a threat to democracy. This is the threat that concerned Jefferson when he spoke of the need for inheritance taxes, not as a form of revenue but a means to protect the democracy from citizens that might become too powerful, and then threaten the will of the people. It is easy to see how this has become the case in America today.

The dangers of inherited wealth to our economy are not unlike monarchy to the health of any nation, when power is derived from birthright rather than one’s labor it is more often foolishly applied. As more and more of our economy becomes “inherited wealth” it becomes more of a target for con men and less a tool for innovators. The world’s financial power has been diverted from improving the human condition into money making schemes designed to enrich those who create them.

I do have some specific suggestions that I feel would be helpful long term:

Public financing for public elections
Flat rate Social Security Tax, first dollar to last all forms of income
Index minimum wage to the average increase in CEO pay for the S&P 500

That’s about it, that shouldn’t be too hard to do, right?

let's start with the Kennedys

Let's start with everybody.....that's in the Constitution.
As a young man in college I was not always the most diligent student. One weekend, near the end of term, was particularly eventful and I found myself on Monday morning sitting, looking at a Dynamics final and no memory of any of the fine formulas we had studied that semester. Then I remembered F=ma. From that kernel I was able to derive all of the formulas I needed and ended up doing pretty well. More importantly, I realized the importance of fundamental concepts; I found that if one has a good understanding of core principles the smaller details are easier to work out. This led me a few years ago to ask myself, aside from the individual policies which align my thinking with “liberals”; why am I a liberal?

After some consideration I arrived on four succinct statements, which I believe also gave me some insight to what motivates the “other” side.

I am a parent.
As a parent I will do anything within my power to advantage my child.
I am a citizen.
As a citizen I believe it is vitally important that we write rules that prevent that.

It is only natural that parents do all they can for their children, however as wealth accumulates this presents a threat to democracy. This is the threat that concerned Jefferson when he spoke of the need for inheritance taxes, not as a form of revenue but a means to protect the democracy from citizens that might become too powerful, and then threaten the will of the people. It is easy to see how this has become the case in America today.

The dangers of inherited wealth to our economy are not unlike monarchy to the health of any nation, when power is derived from birthright rather than one’s labor it is more often foolishly applied. As more and more of our economy becomes “inherited wealth” it becomes more of a target for con men and less a tool for innovators. The world’s financial power has been diverted from improving the human condition into money making schemes designed to enrich those who create them.
Like all lolberals, you're envious and covetous, and look down upon your neighbors as children who need your benevolent patronage.

You are cordially invited to blow it out your ass.
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As a young man in college I was not always the most diligent student. One weekend, near the end of term, was particularly eventful and I found myself on Monday morning sitting, looking at a Dynamics final and no memory of any of the fine formulas we had studied that semester. Then I remembered F=ma. From that kernel I was able to derive all of the formulas I needed and ended up doing pretty well. More importantly, I realized the importance of fundamental concepts; I found that if one has a good understanding of core principles the smaller details are easier to work out. This led me a few years ago to ask myself, aside from the individual policies which align my thinking with “liberals”; why am I a liberal?

After some consideration I arrived on four succinct statements, which I believe also gave me some insight to what motivates the “other” side.

I am a parent.
As a parent I will do anything within my power to advantage my child.
I am a citizen.
As a citizen I believe it is vitally important that we write rules that prevent that.

It is only natural that parents do all they can for their children, however as wealth accumulates this presents a threat to democracy. This is the threat that concerned Jefferson when he spoke of the need for inheritance taxes, not as a form of revenue but a means to protect the democracy from citizens that might become too powerful, and then threaten the will of the people. It is easy to see how this has become the case in America today.

The dangers of inherited wealth to our economy are not unlike monarchy to the health of any nation, when power is derived from birthright rather than one’s labor it is more often foolishly applied. As more and more of our economy becomes “inherited wealth” it becomes more of a target for con men and less a tool for innovators. The world’s financial power has been diverted from improving the human condition into money making schemes designed to enrich those who create them.
Like all lolberals, you're envious and covetous, and look down upon your neighbors as children who need your benevolent patronage.

You are cordially invited to blow it out your ass.

Like all cons you just make shit up and pretend it's true, not a damn thing in anything I said that supports what you said therefore you must be a shit eating liar.
As a young man in college I was not always the most diligent student. One weekend, near the end of term, was particularly eventful and I found myself on Monday morning sitting, looking at a Dynamics final and no memory of any of the fine formulas we had studied that semester. Then I remembered F=ma. From that kernel I was able to derive all of the formulas I needed and ended up doing pretty well. More importantly, I realized the importance of fundamental concepts; I found that if one has a good understanding of core principles the smaller details are easier to work out. This led me a few years ago to ask myself, aside from the individual policies which align my thinking with “liberals”; why am I a liberal?

After some consideration I arrived on four succinct statements, which I believe also gave me some insight to what motivates the “other” side.

I am a parent.
As a parent I will do anything within my power to advantage my child.
I am a citizen.
As a citizen I believe it is vitally important that we write rules that prevent that.

It is only natural that parents do all they can for their children, however as wealth accumulates this presents a threat to democracy. This is the threat that concerned Jefferson when he spoke of the need for inheritance taxes, not as a form of revenue but a means to protect the democracy from citizens that might become too powerful, and then threaten the will of the people. It is easy to see how this has become the case in America today.

The dangers of inherited wealth to our economy are not unlike monarchy to the health of any nation, when power is derived from birthright rather than one’s labor it is more often foolishly applied. As more and more of our economy becomes “inherited wealth” it becomes more of a target for con men and less a tool for innovators. The world’s financial power has been diverted from improving the human condition into money making schemes designed to enrich those who create them.
Like all lolberals, you're envious and covetous, and look down upon your neighbors as children who need your benevolent patronage.

You are cordially invited to blow it out your ass.

Like all cons you just make shit up and pretend it's true, not a damn thing in anything I said that supports what you said therefore you must be a shit eating liar.

Republican Party is Anti-Science, I feel the problem stated at "Then I remembered F=ma" this formulas thing...

Daily Kos: Republican Party is Anti-Science
As a young man in college I was not always the most diligent student. One weekend, near the end of term, was particularly eventful and I found myself on Monday morning sitting, looking at a Dynamics final and no memory of any of the fine formulas we had studied that semester. Then I remembered F=ma. From that kernel I was able to derive all of the formulas I needed and ended up doing pretty well. More importantly, I realized the importance of fundamental concepts; I found that if one has a good understanding of core principles the smaller details are easier to work out. This led me a few years ago to ask myself, aside from the individual policies which align my thinking with “liberals”; why am I a liberal?

After some consideration I arrived on four succinct statements, which I believe also gave me some insight to what motivates the “other” side.

I am a parent.
As a parent I will do anything within my power to advantage my child.
I am a citizen.
As a citizen I believe it is vitally important that we write rules that prevent that.

It is only natural that parents do all they can for their children, however as wealth accumulates this presents a threat to democracy. This is the threat that concerned Jefferson when he spoke of the need for inheritance taxes, not as a form of revenue but a means to protect the democracy from citizens that might become too powerful, and then threaten the will of the people. It is easy to see how this has become the case in America today.

The dangers of inherited wealth to our economy are not unlike monarchy to the health of any nation, when power is derived from birthright rather than one’s labor it is more often foolishly applied. As more and more of our economy becomes “inherited wealth” it becomes more of a target for con men and less a tool for innovators. The world’s financial power has been diverted from improving the human condition into money making schemes designed to enrich those who create them.
Like all lolberals, you're envious and covetous, and look down upon your neighbors as children who need your benevolent patronage.

You are cordially invited to blow it out your ass.

Like all cons you just make shit up and pretend it's true, not a damn thing in anything I said that supports what you said therefore you must be a shit eating liar.
I'm not a con, sport-o.

And you're still a paternalistic, covetous, know-it-all little looter.
Like all lolberals, you're envious and covetous, and look down upon your neighbors as children who need your benevolent patronage.

You are cordially invited to blow it out your ass.

Like all cons you just make shit up and pretend it's true, not a damn thing in anything I said that supports what you said therefore you must be a shit eating liar.
I'm not a con, sport-o.

And you're still a paternalistic, covetous, know-it-all little looter.

I know, it always cracks me up when liberals call me a con. Actually what's even funnier to me is that no liberal I've ever met can just repeat back to me what libertarian views are. Most of them think we're socon Republicans. Every so often I'll meet a liberal who is able to process anarchist. But none of them have ever just been able to state accurately that I want government minimized, but not eliminated. Then they think they are the intelligent party. Republicans have little problem grasping my views. Some call me a liberal, but generally they have no problem getting it or that I'm neither Republican nor Democrat.
Why are you a liberal? I can think of a few possible reasons:

1. Brain damage.
2. Government schools.
3. Smoking too much pot.
4. Massive sense of entitlement.
5. Desire to avoid responsibility.
6. Racist.
7. Any combination of the above.
Like all cons you just make shit up and pretend it's true, not a damn thing in anything I said that supports what you said therefore you must be a shit eating liar.
I'm not a con, sport-o.

And you're still a paternalistic, covetous, know-it-all little looter.

I know, it always cracks me up when liberals call me a con. Actually what's even funnier to me is that no liberal I've ever met can just repeat back to me what libertarian views are. Most of them think we're socon Republicans. Every so often I'll meet a liberal who is able to process anarchist. But none of them have ever just been able to state accurately that I want government minimized, but not eliminated. Then they think they are the intelligent party. Republicans have little problem grasping my views. Some call me a liberal, but generally they have no problem getting it or that I'm neither Republican nor Democrat.

I have political/philosophical differences with libertarians. I am not a Republican, either.

But I can appreciate the differences between libs and libertarians just as I appreciate the differences between libertarianism and conservatism.

I tweak lots of libs, but I make distinctions between the various liberals and the degree of their left-leaning political philosophies. Not every bit of liberalism is "wrong" or even wrong headed. But lots of libs do tend to consider the differences between conservatism and liberalism a stark black/white dichotomy. And this is why they have difficulty so often in grasping the differences between conservatism and libertarianism.
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the cons have all ran away.....

I don't waste my time arguing with hypocrites like you.

Tell me do you have life insurance? If you do you should cancel it because your family will not have earned that money for themselves.
The liberals have changed over the years. Their thinking and their beliefs are so different. The average hard working person should not have to give half his money to anyone. You work for it, its yours. I think the Liberals have become very communistic and I am totally against it.

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