Why am I supposed to care about Chemical Weapons in Syria?

US troops are in Syria. We don't know how many because the liar in chief has decided to make it a secret.
It seems as though Trumps response to chemical weapons is to blame it on Obama. Does Trump have a plan to help, does Trump have a clue about anything?
Because Obama was a COWARD. He said there were no chemical weapons in Syria and he made sure there weren't. He then drew his Yellow Line In the Sand, and then tucked tail in the Middle East and Ran turning his backs on people America promised to help. The end result was the slaughter of 500,000 people.

So go over there and do something. And don't forget to take your family with you. Fuchead
Because Obama was a COWARD. He said there were no chemical weapons in Syria and he made sure there weren't. He then drew his Yellow Line In the Sand, and then tucked tail in the Middle East and Ran turning his backs on people America promised to help. The end result was the slaughter of 500,000 people.

So go over there and do something. And don't forget to take your family with you. Fuchead
since when do these right wing fanatics give a damn about the Syrian Muslim population.
Because Obama was a COWARD. He said there were no chemical weapons in Syria and he made sure there weren't. He then drew his Yellow Line In the Sand, and then tucked tail in the Middle East and Ran turning his backs on people America promised to help. The end result was the slaughter of 500,000 people.

Can you show that he said there were no chemical weapons in Syria? Because that is a flat out lie.
I won't say that I DON'T CARE.

But I don't see it as our problem to solve.
The reason I ask is the same one I had when President Obama was faced with this question. I honestly don't care. What happens in Syria doesn't have a damned thing to do with anyone in the US.

The truth about World War II was on the Eastern Front, there were no good guys. Hitler was a bad guy, and so was Stalin. Both were totalitarian dictators. Both were incredibly cruel to their own people, and those who were conquered. Both were brutal. And both sides committed atrocities. There were no good guys on the Eastern Front, there was only one difference. Hitler was our enemy, Stalin was our ally. Political happenstance just made it so the enemy of our enemy was to be our friend.

In Syria, there are no good guys. Assad is a bad guy, and the people fighting him are baddies too. The people in Eastern Europe couldn't tell you the difference between the brutalities and atrocities of the German Army compared to the brutalities and atrocities of the Russian Army. New management, same rules.

If you want to really slice the meat thin, you could argue that Hitler was a minuscule bit worse. But that meat would be nearly transparent to get to that level of thin. Even then it wouldn't be all that conclusive.

I don't think you can say that with Assad. No matter how bad he is, letting the Terrorists of ISIS or the FSA have control of Syria is even worse, if only marginally so.

So why should I care? Because people died? Is it far more moral to die from gunshots, concussion from explosives, shrapnel from bombs, starvation, malnutrition, dehydration, or disease? Children died before the gas attack in the war. Children died since from reasons totally unrelated to chemical weapons.

Dan Carlin has a podcast. It's called Hardcore History. One of his episodes is called Logical Insanity. He asks the question about Japan in World War II. Was it more moral to firebomb the cities than it was to drop the Atomic Bomb? He reads diary excerpts about how bad the firebombing was. How heartbreaking the reactions of the people were.

Dan Carlin is right. At what point does the suffering reach the limit? When does it reach ten on the scale, or eleven if you are a Spinal Tap fan? At what point has the population in a war simply reached the limit of suffering where nothing else could possibly make them suffer anymore?

I didn't care about Syrian gas attacks when Obama was President, and I voted for Obama. Why should I care now? My opinion then, as now is the same. The Russians are never going to pull out of Syria. Their only Navy base in the entire Mediterranean Sea is there. It would be as if our Naval Base in Italy was threatened, or if the Naval base in Gibralter for the British. Great Britain just had their territory of Gibralter threatened by the EU, and in response promised all out war to defend it. A postage stamp of a territory. Worth fighting for regardless.

So you outraged folks, tell me why I should care. Tell me why dying from shrapnel from bombs is somehow way more preferable to gas. Tell me why dying from starvation is better. Tell me why we should care.

Only the US is allowed to use WMD's.
For the partisan hack that wants to flat out lie... here is from a speech from Obama to the nation. And it isn't fake news as it is directly from the White House political archives.

"The situation profoundly changed, though, on August 21st, when Assad’s government gassed to death over a thousand people, including hundreds of children. The images from this massacre are sickening: Men, women, children lying in rows, killed by poison gas. Others foaming at the mouth, gasping for breath. A father clutching his dead children, imploring them to get up and walk. On that terrible night, the world saw in gruesome detail the terrible nature of chemical weapons, and why the overwhelming majority of humanity has declared them off-limits -- a crime against humanity, and a violation of the laws of war."

"On August 21st, these basic rules were violated, along with our sense of common humanity. No one disputes that chemical weapons were used in Syria. The world saw thousands of videos, cell phone pictures, and social media accounts from the attack, and humanitarian organizations told stories of hospitals packed with people who had symptoms of poison gas."

Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on Syria
Because Obama was a COWARD. He said there were no chemical weapons in Syria and he made sure there weren't. He then drew his Yellow Line In the Sand, and then tucked tail in the Middle East and Ran turning his backs on people America promised to help. The end result was the slaughter of 500,000 people.

So go over there and do something. And don't forget to take your family with you. Fuchead
since when do these right wing fanatics give a damn about the Syrian Muslim population.
Since when do you give a damn about life, PERIOD?
Because Obama was a COWARD. He said there were no chemical weapons in Syria and he made sure there weren't. He then drew his Yellow Line In the Sand, and then tucked tail in the Middle East and Ran turning his backs on people America promised to help. The end result was the slaughter of 500,000 people.

Can you show that he said there were no chemical weapons in Syria? Because that is a flat out lie.
The entire rant is a lie, but that is what Original Tree does all the time.
It is probably a false flag designed to entangle the USA in another useless expensive deadly war.

Fuck that.

I remember at the time Obama drew his famous red line in the sand, promising to attack if they used WMD's. Then once Syria used them, it got 24/7 media attention as the media was used to generate support for the war effort. Then something inexplicable happened. Poll numbers did not increase for support for the war. The media's effort to generate support for war failed.

Then President spineless failed to back up his promise to attack Assad.

Of coarse, Obama got a pass on not attacking, even though he promised to, and Trump will get crucified if he also refuses to attack.

It's no different that Obama restricting immigration with nothing said about it but when Trump does it it's racist.as the courts stop him
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US troops are in Syria. We don't know how many because the liar in chief has decided to make it a secret.
It seems as though Trumps response to chemical weapons is to blame it on Obama. Does Trump have a plan to help, does Trump have a clue about anything?
It seems as though you make shit up then sling it around. Who takes you seriously?

"Confronted by one of his first foreign crises, President Donald Trump on Tuesday split the blame for Syria's worst chemical weapons attack in years between its Russian-backed leader and former President Barack Obama, as the new American administration struggled to explain what it might do in response."

Trump blames Assad and Obama for chemical attack in Syria
Because Obama was a COWARD. He said there were no chemical weapons in Syria and he made sure there weren't. He then drew his Yellow Line In the Sand, and then tucked tail in the Middle East and Ran turning his backs on people America promised to help. The end result was the slaughter of 500,000 people.

So go over there and do something. And don't forget to take your family with you. Fuchead
I have served my country and would do it again. It would give me more incentive to do so, again, if I knew you were fighting with ISIS.

But I can shoot a Jihadi here in the US just as easily as I can over there, thanks to Obama.
US troops are in Syria. We don't know how many because the liar in chief has decided to make it a secret.
It seems as though Trumps response to chemical weapons is to blame it on Obama. Does Trump have a plan to help, does Trump have a clue about anything?
It seems as though you make shit up then sling it around. Who takes you seriously?

"Confronted by one of his first foreign crises, President Donald Trump on Tuesday split the blame for Syria's worst chemical weapons attack in years between its Russian-backed leader and former President Barack Obama, as the new American administration struggled to explain what it might do in response."

Trump blames Assad and Obama for chemical attack in Syria
Help moderators, Lewdog is stalking me! LOL. Looks like you proved him wrong though, Trump split the blame.
It is probably a false flag designed to entangle the USA in another useless expensive deadly war.

Fuck that.

I remember at the time Obama drew his famous red line in the sand, promising to attack if they used WMD's. Then once Syria used them, it got 24/7 media attention as the media was used to generate support for the war effort. Then something inexplicable happened. Poll numbers did not increase for support for the war. The media's effort to generate support for war failed.
Agreed, but it was worse than that.

It is likely that Assad had nothing to do with the chemical weapons attack in 2012. Notice how the media since then continues to claim Assad did the attack in 2012, but never has proved Assad guilty.

I think it more likely ISIS (then supported by Obama with arms from Libya) or other rebel groups are the culprit for the attack in 2012. Their intention was to bring in the USA to help remove Assad. Thankfully that did not happen.
US troops are in Syria. We don't know how many because the liar in chief has decided to make it a secret.
It seems as though Trumps response to chemical weapons is to blame it on Obama. Does Trump have a plan to help, does Trump have a clue about anything?
It seems as though you make shit up then sling it around. Who takes you seriously?
read the news idiot
You were proven wrong.

It is probably a false flag designed to entangle the USA in another useless expensive deadly war.

Fuck that.

I remember at the time Obama drew his famous red line in the sand, promising to attack if they used WMD's. Then once Syria used them, it got 24/7 media attention as the media was used to generate support for the war effort. Then something inexplicable happened. Poll numbers did not increase for support for the war. The media's effort to generate support for war failed.
Agreed, but it was worse than that.

It is likely that Assad had nothing to do with the chemical weapons attack in 2012. Notice how the media since then continues to claim Assad did the attack in 2012, but never has proved Assad guilty.

I think it more likely ISIS (then supported by Obama with arms from Libya) or other rebel groups are the culprit for the attack in 2012. Their intention was to bring in the USA to help remove Assad. Thankfully that did not happen.

If he wasn't guilty then why did he have to turn over the chemical weapons, chemical weapons that it is against international law to make and have, to Russia?
It is probably a false flag designed to entangle the USA in another useless expensive deadly war.

Fuck that.

I remember at the time Obama drew his famous red line in the sand, promising to attack if they used WMD's. Then once Syria used them, it got 24/7 media attention as the media was used to generate support for the war effort. Then something inexplicable happened. Poll numbers did not increase for support for the war. The media's effort to generate support for war failed.
Agreed, but it was worse than that.

It is likely that Assad had nothing to do with the chemical weapons attack in 2012. Notice how the media since then continues to claim Assad did the attack in 2012, but never has proved Assad guilty.YeaI think it more likely ISIS (then supported by Obama with arms from Libya) or other rebel groups are the culprit for the attack in 2012. Their intention was to bring in the USA to help remove Assad. Thankfully that did not happen.

If he wasn't guilty then why did he have to turn over the chemical weapons, chemical weapons that it is against international law to make and have, to Russia?
Yeah...cause guilty people gladly expose themselves. Do you fail to recognize how dumb that is?

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