Why American Heritage Will Be Reduced To Smoldering Ruins

Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent.
These seem to be contradictory and therefore fabricated ideology. We all know customs and traditions vary from one society to another, from one time to another, hardly permanent truths. Got an example of a permanent truth?

Murder of the innocent.
The US and England engaged in area bombing in WWII KNOWING that women and children would be killed. I don't recall conservatives decrying their deaths as immoral. Do you?
Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent.
These seem to be contradictory and therefore fabricated ideology. We all know customs and traditions vary from one society to another, from one time to another, hardly permanent truths. Got an example of a permanent truth?

Murder of the innocent.
The US and England engaged in area bombing in WWII KNOWING that women and children would be killed. I don't recall conservatives decrying their deaths as immoral. Do you?


So your view is that it is Democrat War on the unborn human beings you slaughter.....and the already -born as well.
Democrats favor infanticide.

You pretentious lying scum.
Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent.
These seem to be contradictory and therefore fabricated ideology. We all know customs and traditions vary from one society to another, from one time to another, hardly permanent truths. Got an example of a permanent truth?

Murder of the innocent.
The US and England engaged in area bombing in WWII KNOWING that women and children would be killed. I don't recall conservatives decrying their deaths as immoral. Do you?


So your view is that it is Democrat War on the unborn human beings you slaughter.....and the already -born as well.
Democrats favor infanticide.

You pretentious lying scum.
So the killing of women and children is OK so long as it is called 'war'? ISIS would agree with you.
Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent.

Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent.
These seem to be contradictory and therefore fabricated ideology. We all know customs and traditions vary from one society to another, from one time to another, hardly permanent truths. Got an example of a permanent truth?

Murder of the innocent.
The US and England engaged in area bombing in WWII KNOWING that women and children would be killed. I don't recall conservatives decrying their deaths as immoral. Do you?


So your view is that it is Democrat War on the unborn human beings you slaughter.....and the already -born as well.
Democrats favor infanticide.

You pretentious lying scum.
So the killing of women and children is OK so long as it is called 'war'? ISIS would agree with you.

I bet you could jump out of a very high window, and somehow miss the ground.
I bet you could jump out of a very high window, and somehow miss the ground.
I'll add gravity to join evolution and epidemiology on the list of sciences you don't believe in. Can I add climate change too?

Always amusing how an uneducated, low-life, lying bore like you fantasizes about correcting....moi.

But you have my permission to add just a touch of batrachotoxin to your next aperitif.

AOC is a great example of a person who has been brainwashed by Left Wing academia.
There are millions of people like her coming of age every year.
In ten year she might even be the president.
She remind me of the movie "Idiocracy"

If America is still here in 10 years it will be a dictatorship.No longer free or actually even American.
AOC is a great example of a person who has been brainwashed by Left Wing academia.
There are millions of people like her coming of age every year.
In ten year she might even be the president.
She remind me of the movie "Idiocracy"

If America is still here in 10 years it will be a dictatorship.No longer free or actually even American.

I go with the great Yogi....

Yogi Berra — 'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.'

....but I fear that you are correct.
Didn't he wink after the last sentence?

People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school... who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote. But they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard..

The link includes a video. So there was no "wink"
Always amusing how an uneducated, low-life, lying bore like you fantasizes about correcting....moi.
Well, you continue to claim Obama told illegal aliens to vote.

Even when he ended his remarks with telling them they can't.

Phew….Is there a cat in the area….oh, that’s you.

I've asked you not to address me.
I want nothing to do with a lying low-life like you....haven't I made that clear enough???
Didn't he wink after the last sentence?

People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school... who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote. But they're counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard..

The link includes a video. So there was no "w

Whoops fell off the wagon here.
I notice how you want teachers to do this and do that NEVER once asking the students to be accountable. So they have zero responsibility. Got it.
I notice how you want teachers to do this and do that NEVER once asking the students to be accountable. So they have zero responsibility. Got it.

You 'notice' nothing.

Your best avi would be 'Oblivious.'
I've asked you not to address me.
I want nothing to do with a lying low-life like you....haven't I made that clear enough???
I've asked you to retract your lie about Obama. You've been riding that dead horse for years apparently.

So each time you claim you do not lie, that has to be addressed by pointing out your many lies.
It is the fantasy of every conservative that recording teachers would catch them in the act of CRT. Wrong. Among serious privacy concerns for students it will force really good teachers to spend time we don't have explaining things we shouldn't have to. For many parents this would be daily. So my question is are we going to get secretaries to field questions that come up from the camera.

This is not a small concern. The general public is rude and demanding theses days. And selfish. Ask anyone in customer service.

(Kids are not, thank God. Kids are superior humans, really)

“Nation’s Largest Teachers Union to Push Critical Race Theory

The NEA has already adopted new provisions that support critical race theory, a controversial school of thought that emphasizes racism in American history and maintains that it is systemic in U.S. law and institutions.

According to the NEA measure, the organization has now agreed to lead and support campaigns that “result in increasing the implementation of culturally responsive education, critical race theory, and ethnic (Native people, Asian, Black, Latin(o/a/x), Middle Eastern, North African, and Pacific Islander) Studies curriculum in pre- K-12 and higher education.”
Nation's Largest Teachers Union to Push Critical Race Theory - Headline USA

You were saying......???
“Nation’s Largest Teachers Union to Push Critical Race Theory

The NEA has already adopted new provisions that support critical race theory, a controversial school of thought that emphasizes racism in American history and maintains that it is systemic in U.S. law and institutions.

You were saying......???
You left out why they are doing it.

The National Education Association, in coordination with national partners, NEA state and local affiliates, racial justice advocates, allies, and community activists, shall build powerful education communities and continue our work together to eradicate institutional racism in our public school system by:
It is the fantasy of every conservative that recording teachers would catch them in the act of CRT. Wrong. Among serious privacy concerns for students it will force really good teachers to spend time we don't have explaining things we shouldn't have to. For many parents this would be daily. So my question is are we going to get secretaries to field questions that come up from the camera.

This is not a small concern. The general public is rude and demanding theses days. And selfish. Ask anyone in customer service.

(Kids are not, thank God. Kids are superior humans, really)

What is it that teachers would want to hide from parents?

Any teacher who fears being 'overheard' is a charlatan.

"So my question is are we going to get secretaries to field questions that come up from the camera."

What sort of questions do you anticipate?

"This is not a small concern."
You can say that again!

"The general public is rude and demanding theses days."
Gee....that's pretty rude.
These are the folks providing you employment.....or, you can go back to being a garden gnome.F
So your contention is that all the people in other service industries are making up stories about how rude and demanding the American public is. Okay

No.....I've revealing how your post became a boomerang.

You are the rude one, complaining about the 'hands that feed you.'

For some reason you fear parents hearing what you say to their most important asset, their children.

I am a highly qualified teacher in the top 3% in my very good district. I am not afraid. You, on the other hand, never sway from your position. Never. So go on with it. Let it burn, and the devil take the hindmost.

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