Why an R Purge but not a D one?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?
They are moving toward being full time Socialists. Sanders set the ball in motion. The "purge" as current will see D moderates driven from the party.
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?
They are moving toward being full time Socialists. Sanders set the ball in motion. The "purge" as current will see D moderates driven from the party.

That appears to be right but it is also 2+2 =27 stupid.
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?
They are moving toward being full time Socialists. Sanders set the ball in motion. The "purge" as current will see D moderates driven from the party.

That appears to be right but it is also 2+2 =27 stupid.
Well IF Clinton runs again and Sanders runs indy it will play out like this......
Trump wins
Sanders second
Clinton a DISTANT 3rd.
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?
Because R’s are drowning in shame left and right
If the Dems do not do well in the midterms or in the 2020 election, then I think there could be a shakeup in the Democratic Party as the wealthy donors speak out with one very loud voice: "cut the socialism crap and move back to the center left or we ain't giving you any more money to flush down the toilet". I think Nancy Pelosi will be relegated to a minor role and decide to retire, along with some others of the old guard. Oh, they'll still have the Bernie Sanders crowd, but I think they'll be marginalized with less influence than they have currently. Otherwise, the Dems are going to get their asses kicked for quite awhile IMHO.
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds.
Republican politicians are retiring, and Republican voters are leaving the party, because of the Jacobin Club effect. I made up that term based on the French Revolution.

At first, more moderate members of a sect depart because they just don't want to be associated with the extremists in the sect who are dominating the conversation. Then the less extreme leave. Then the slightly more extreme leave. Eventually, only the most rabid and insane members are left, and then the Reign of Terror begins.
The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?

Where is your evidence the Democrats are pushing away independents to the GOP?
The WALK AWAY site has 2 million members. I was there just a few hours ago.
Ah the movement of gay people leaving the Dems that is actually 99% straight republicans? :laugh:

Good luck wih that :itsok:
The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?

Where is your evidence the Democrats are pushing away independents to the GOP?
The WALK AWAY site has 2 million members. I was there just a few hours ago.
1,999,000 of them are Russian bots.

Russian bots are back: #WalkAway attack on Democrats is a likely Kr...
R are retiring right and left but not the Ds. The Rs are being given their second unearned and unexpected victory.

If Hillary has campaigned more and spent less time on her premature victory tour she would have won. For the mid-terms the Ds are trying to block a SCOTUS nomination knowing that it will cost them Senate seats and result in far more radical nominee sailing through confirmation in the next congress.

The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?

There is often no explanation for the behavior of the insane.
The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?

Where is your evidence the Democrats are pushing away independents to the GOP?
The WALK AWAY site has 2 million members. I was there just a few hours ago.
1,999,000 of them are Russian bots.

Russian bots are back: #WalkAway attack on Democrats is a likely Kr...
NO, most of them are fed up blacks, Asians and queers. You had better pay attention to them. They are going to cost you dearly in the mid terms.
The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?

Where is your evidence the Democrats are pushing away independents to the GOP?
The WALK AWAY site has 2 million members. I was there just a few hours ago.
1,999,000 of them are Russian bots.

Russian bots are back: #WalkAway attack on Democrats is a likely Kr...
NO, most of them are fed up blacks, Asians and queers. You had better pay attention to them. They are going to cost you dearly in the mid terms.
They aren't costing me anything. I'm a walk away Republican. I quit the Republican party and changed my party affiliation to "none" a few months ago.
The Ds are driving Independents into the R camp and driving their geographical base into default. Why are they doing this?

Where is your evidence the Democrats are pushing away independents to the GOP?
The WALK AWAY site has 2 million members. I was there just a few hours ago.
1,999,000 of them are Russian bots.

Russian bots are back: #WalkAway attack on Democrats is a likely Kr...
NO, most of them are fed up blacks, Asians and queers. You had better pay attention to them. They are going to cost you dearly in the mid terms.
They aren't costing me anything.
They WILL.
Funny watching the GOP far right shaking in their boots and pointing their shaking fingers at the Dems.
Where is your evidence the Democrats are pushing away independents to the GOP?
The WALK AWAY site has 2 million members. I was there just a few hours ago.
1,999,000 of them are Russian bots.

Russian bots are back: #WalkAway attack on Democrats is a likely Kr...
NO, most of them are fed up blacks, Asians and queers. You had better pay attention to them. They are going to cost you dearly in the mid terms.
They aren't costing me anything.

They WILL.
Nope. I am a walk away Republican. I changed my party affiliation to "none" a few months ago.

So I am costing YOU.


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