Why are all these BIG Tough Republicans scared little Rats???

Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
It's a conservative thing.
The snowflake thing is to continue to accuse others of what Democrats have done / do and of being who they are.

Thanks for the demo....
It must be fun to live in a fantasy land where you can fabricate anything you want, just like on Foxnews, or a Trump rally...

I don't get it, where am I accusing others of what Democrats do???

Did you read the thread, I'll repeat it because you seem to have a hard time reading simple English...

All these big, bad, tough republicans are nothing, but a bunch of weak, scared, little rats. Martha Stewart stood strong and did her time, meanwhile FLynn cried for his mommy and ratted everyone out to avoid going to prison for what 6 months 1 year???

Funny how Martha Stewart can do that year, but Flynn can't. That pretty much sums up the GOP right there, a bunch of weak scared rats.
Was that whole rambling diatribe and personal attack that consisted of not 1 single fact supposed to be your response to the actual facts presented earlier?

You are watching too many movies. Martha got caught doing insider trading and was sentenced to jail. This had nothing to do with politics. Monica was a cum rag that sold her story for money. Weak is what Hillary did after she lost, ran away. Any of the mob guys you are trying to reference that didn’t talk, either lost their trials and/or died in jail. They were abandoned by their families, like you have been by the dims. You are really obsessed with this shit. I just voted Republican and was done. But fucking with you morons is very entertaining. Get some sleep.

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Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
It's a conservative thing.
The snowflake thing is to continue to accuse others of what Democrats have done / do and of being who they are.

Thanks for the demo....
Isn't that what you're doing right now?
This guy lives in an alternate reality. He can't address the OP so he goes off on a rant of non- sequiturs I love how the truth is just kryptonite to the republicans... They can't handle it...
Strike 2....more avoidance FAIL.
I love how you can type anything, make diversions, and claim anything about democrats but at the end of the day you have no response for this:

Martha Stewart shut her mouth and did her little year in prison... meanwhile Flynn and his cadre of criminal rats are a bunch of scared little bitches crying for mommy. They all ratted and they all are a bunch of pussies.

Is that you Jake?
What's holding you back from going to see Michael Flynn in person? Then you could inform that three star 60 year old airborne ranger he's a sissified mommy's boy and kick his ass.

The only sign that he is in any way intelligent is his not taking you up on that challenge.... :p
Strange troll thread.
I guess in the GOP circles the truth is called trolling... funny how that works......

This thread is called trolling. Piss poor trolling, but trolling nonetheless.
If it's trolling then why are you here? I get it, you're a blindly loyal republican so when I point out the simple truths of your party you can't handle them.

It must be tough to get smacked with a dose of reality.

Here's the lesson of this thread::: Anybody can claim to be strong, tough, standup etc... BUTTTTT actions speak much louder than words, Martha Stewart can do her little time and keep her mouth shut because she is a democrat and she is tough.
Flynn and his cadre of rats are a bunch of weaklings. It is easy to run around talking tough and telling people you're tough, but to actually be tough... that takes real balls just like Martha Stewart has.

Maybe someday you will man up too and be tough, just like Martha Stewart is.
More highly opinionated diatribe and avoidance of stated earlier facts from a weakling calling others weaklings...

Whatever helps you feel more like a man, little anonymous chat board snowflake ...

Despite former FBI Director Comey testifying under oath before Congress that his FBI agents reported Flynn never lied during his interview, FBI Agent Strzok indicted Flynn for lying to the FBI ... while protecting Hillary aides Abedin and Mills from the same charge ... and handed Flynn over to Mueller.

The US IG later hammered the FBI for abandoning its standard operating procedures - actually violating them - and even for altering witness testimony AFTER it was given.
-- If Flynn successfully pushes back on his plea, demands a trial, and gets one, who REALLY doesn't think that Comey's testimony and the US IG finding will NOT be brought up?


I am betting Mueller cries like a little bitch when the judge sentences HIS ASS to prison before this is all over...

Isn't that what you're doing right now?
NO. I have addressed your / the OP's BS, debunked the rant, provided evidence, and am now watching your candy asses lie, deny, spin, and avoid....

THAT is what I am doing now.
Pretty high and unwarranted opinion of yourself huh?
No, a factual assessment of the situation.
If it was it would be your first.
Strange troll thread.
I guess in the GOP circles the truth is called trolling... funny how that works......

This thread is called trolling. Piss poor trolling, but trolling nonetheless.
If it's trolling then why are you here? I get it, you're a blindly loyal republican so when I point out the simple truths of your party you can't handle them.

It must be tough to get smacked with a dose of reality.

Here's the lesson of this thread::: Anybody can claim to be strong, tough, standup etc... BUTTTTT actions speak much louder than words, Martha Stewart can do her little time and keep her mouth shut because she is a democrat and she is tough.
Flynn and his cadre of rats are a bunch of weaklings. It is easy to run around talking tough and telling people you're tough, but to actually be tough... that takes real balls just like Martha Stewart has.

Maybe someday you will man up too and be tough, just like Martha Stewart is.

So? Can you school us "Trumpers" into the ways of leftardism and show us the errors of our evil Trumper ways? In what ways must we pay penance to absolve ourselves and get back in the good graces of fabian socialist scum...such as yourself? Us disillusioned "Trumpers" need the kind of guidance that only an enlightened commie (such as yourself) can provide....don't leave us hangin'!!!!


Here's the lesson of this thread::: Anybody can claim to be strong, tough, standup etc... ......

Boy, all the insecurity you're wallowing in here must come from a traumatic event of some sort - and recent. Then again, no one cares. It's just another troll thread.
Isn't that what you're doing right now?
NO. I have addressed your / the OP's BS, debunked the rant, provided evidence, and am now watching your candy asses lie, deny, spin, and avoid....

THAT is what I am doing now.
Pretty high and unwarranted opinion of yourself huh?
No, a factual assessment of the situation.
If it was it would be your first.

Commas, Creepitus........learn where to place them. They change the entire meaning of a sentence. It's SOOOO fucking hard to take an idiot like you seriously when you can't even master the most basic principles of the English language.... as it pertains to communication.
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
Comey - RAT
Bruce Ohre - RAT
Nellie Ohre - RAT
Strozk - RAT
McCabe - RAT
Brennan - RAT
Hillary - RAT
Clapper - RAT
Lynch - RAT
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!
What "facts" are those, dumbass?
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
Comey - RAT
Bruce Ohre - RAT
Nellie Ohre - RAT
Strozk - RAT
McCabe - RAT
Brennan - RAT
Hillary - RAT
Clapper - RAT
Lynch - RAT
Criminals, not rats.
You are watching too many movies. Martha got caught doing insider trading and was sentenced to jail. This had nothing to do with politics. Monica was a cum rag that sold her story for money. Weak is what Hillary did after she lost, ran away. Any of the mob guys you are trying to reference that didn’t talk, either lost their trials and/or died in jail. They were abandoned by their families, like you have been by the dims. You are really obsessed with this shit. I just voted Republican and was done. But fucking with you morons is very entertaining. Get some sleep.

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I guess you don't

Here's the lesson of this thread::: Anybody can claim to be strong, tough, standup etc... ......

Boy, all the insecurity you're wallowing in here must come from a traumatic event of some sort - and recent. Then again, no one cares. It's just another troll thread.
I find it really amusing that the truth hurts you so much that you must call it trolling.

I know the facts, the truth, they don't look good to the GOP, I get it, BUT sometimes in life you need a dose of reality because you can't hide from reality. Well maybe on Foxnews you can...

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