Why are all world leaders today such pedophile despots?

You haven't seen the pictures of him and Epstein at a party?
yes, we have seen the pictures of Democrats with Epstein, and in case somebody missed them
All I know is them taking pictures together.

The rest you can declare guilty of in a Manhattan court of law where you need no evidence it seems.

Candycorn is such a low-classed schlub who is more suited to scrubbing toilets, than she is being involved in high society. Being such an unrefined and coarse person she is, Candycorn doesn't understand how New York society works. When one is in the presence of a successful self-made billionaire, naturally everyone would want to have their picture taken with Donald J. Trump.

Not that I'm faulting Candycorn though, because those toilets are not going to scrub themselves.
Wow...is that all you got?


The same daughter he told Oprah he wants to date. Gross

Awww...a daughter's love for her father. Isn't that sweet?

And he didn't even have to shower with her like creepy pedophile Biden did to his daughter.

A photo op where Trump tells his daughter to hop into bed and kiss him.

Not so sweet. Kinda seedy. But then again, you right wing types go out for that sort of thing.

Oh, you were there!

Are you the one that snapped the photo?

Trump is relevant today shit brains. Clinton...not so much.
Thank you for admitting, Trump is relevant, and thanks for the showing us the tender moment between a father and his daughter

That reminds how Biden's daughter questions if she was molested by her father while showering with biden until she became an adult.

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