CDZ Why are anti gunners so open all of a sudden about banning guns?

they have really exposed themselves
Facebook post claiming guns could have prevented the Holocaust met with backlash

Nazism has come to power once again, not only in Europe, but in America. Gun registration and confiscation is straight out of Adolf Hitler's playbook. But we have a resistance. We shall overcome, we shall prevail, and we shall get our guns back.

Those who support gun control, gun registration, or gun bans are fallen angels, and in their fallen condition they do not have the heart or courage for battle. Thus is it that right will prevail.
Nazism has come to power once again, not only in Europe, but in America. Gun registration and confiscation is straight out of Adolf Hitler's playbook. But we have a resistance. We shall overcome, we shall prevail, and we shall get our guns back.

The Nazis never confiscated guns in Germany.
Germans never turned their guns on the Nazis. They took those guns and fought to the last old man and little boy for their Fuhrer.

Then the ALLIES had to confiscate all the guns because even though Germany lost, they were still taking pot-shots at the allies.

Those who support gun control, gun registration, or gun bans are fallen angels, and in their fallen condition they do not have the heart or courage for battle. Thus is it that right will prevail.

Nope, we're just tired of sharing our streets with gun toting madmen.
That the guns there weren't confiscated after the illegal Irag invasion in 2003 is a great part of that administrations giant fiasco.
Nazism has come to power once again, not only in Europe, but in America. Gun registration and confiscation is straight out of Adolf Hitler's playbook. But we have a resistance. We shall overcome, we shall prevail, and we shall get our guns back.

The Nazis never confiscated guns in Germany.
Germans never turned their guns on the Nazis. They took those guns and fought to the last old man and little boy for their Fuhrer.

Then the ALLIES had to confiscate all the guns because even though Germany lost, they were still taking pot-shots at the allies.

Those who support gun control, gun registration, or gun bans are fallen angels, and in their fallen condition they do not have the heart or courage for battle. Thus is it that right will prevail.

Nope, we're just tired of sharing our streets with gun toting madmen.

The Nazis never confiscated guns in Germany.

except from the jews and others not in the party

you leftards make me sick using that stale argument

a jew merely possessing a bullet was grounds for summary execution
The Nazis never confiscated guns in Germany.

except from the jews and others not in the party

you leftards make me sick using that stale argument

It's time to break your stupid mirror, retard. The NAZIs are on the LEFT, stupid, not the RIGHT.

The official name of the Nazi party is NAtionalsoZIalistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The National Socialist German Workers' Party, if you speak English.

Fucking idiot! When have socialists and "workers' parties" ever been on the right?

The Democratic Party in the U.S. is NAZI, and the national socialist Democrats are definitely confiscating our guns.
Nazism has come to power once again, not only in Europe, but in America. Gun registration and confiscation is straight out of Adolf Hitler's playbook. But we have a resistance. We shall overcome, we shall prevail, and we shall get our guns back.

The Nazis never confiscated guns in Germany.
Germans never turned their guns on the Nazis. They took those guns and fought to the last old man and little boy for their Fuhrer.

Then the ALLIES had to confiscate all the guns because even though Germany lost, they were still taking pot-shots at the allies.

Those who support gun control, gun registration, or gun bans are fallen angels, and in their fallen condition they do not have the heart or courage for battle. Thus is it that right will prevail.

Nope, we're just tired of sharing our streets with gun toting madmen.

You don't know what you are talking about....Read

Based on newly discovered secret documents from German archives, diaries, and newspapers of the time, Gun Control in the Third Reich presents the definitive yet hidden history of how the Nazi dictatorship made use of gun control to disarm and repress its enemies and consolidate its power. The countless books on the Third Reich and the Holocaust fail even to mention the laws restricting firearms ownership, which rendered political opponents and Jews defenseless. A skeptic could surmise that a better-armed populace might have made no difference, but the National Socialist regime certainly did not think so—it ruthlessly suppressed firearm ownership by disfavored groups. The book spans the two decades from the birth of the Weimar Republic in 1918 through Kristallnacht in 1938 and then presents a panorama of pertinent events during World War II regarding the effects of the disarming policies. Citizens across the nation are grappling with how the 2nd Amendment should be interpreted—or even if it should be disposed of—and this book provides the perspective of the consequence of disarming a population.
The Nazis never confiscated guns in Germany.

except from the jews and others not in the party

you leftards make me sick using that stale argument

It's time to break your stupid mirror, retard. The NAZIs are on the LEFT, stupid, not the RIGHT.

The official name of the Nazi party is NAtionalsoZIalistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The National Socialist German Workers' Party, if you speak English.

Fucking idiot! When have socialists and "workers' parties" ever been on the right?

The Democratic Party in the U.S. is NAZI, and the national socialist Democrats are definitely confiscating our guns.

Yo.....this is the CDZ, no calling left wingers by bad names........
Nazism has come to power once again, not only in Europe, but in America. Gun registration and confiscation is straight out of Adolf Hitler's playbook. But we have a resistance. We shall overcome, we shall prevail, and we shall get our guns back.

The Nazis never confiscated guns in Germany.
Germans never turned their guns on the Nazis. They took those guns and fought to the last old man and little boy for their Fuhrer.

Then the ALLIES had to confiscate all the guns because even though Germany lost, they were still taking pot-shots at the allies.

Those who support gun control, gun registration, or gun bans are fallen angels, and in their fallen condition they do not have the heart or courage for battle. Thus is it that right will prevail.

Nope, we're just tired of sharing our streets with gun toting madmen.
That is simply false.

the nazis permitted only lightweight hinting guns and none at all for jews.

They did not fight for their fuhrer as you claim either.
Nazism has come to power once again, not only in Europe, but in America. Gun registration and confiscation is straight out of Adolf Hitler's playbook. But we have a resistance. We shall overcome, we shall prevail, and we shall get our guns back.

The Nazis never confiscated guns in Germany.
Germans never turned their guns on the Nazis. They took those guns and fought to the last old man and little boy for their Fuhrer.

Then the ALLIES had to confiscate all the guns because even though Germany lost, they were still taking pot-shots at the allies.

Those who support gun control, gun registration, or gun bans are fallen angels, and in their fallen condition they do not have the heart or courage for battle. Thus is it that right will prevail.

Nope, we're just tired of sharing our streets with gun toting madmen.
That is simply false.

the nazis permitted only lightweight hinting guns and none at all for jews.

They did not fight for their fuhrer as you claim either.

there is nothing quite like a libtard defending NAZI gun laws
Nope, we're just tired of sharing our streets with gun toting madmen.

Right, the “acceptable” Germans did not turn their guns on the nazis because they felt they personally had nothing to fear of the nazis. As allies, their guns weren’t confiscated. Jews couldn’t have guns though... go figure. You only need to confiscate guns from people you want to dominate and fear will resist (and Hitler was outspoken about this).

Which leaves one to wonder why our government wants to take guns out of the hands of its citizens, but not its agents - could it be they don’t want them to have the ability to revolt? Nooooo... they just want to protect us, right? Just protecting us from ourselves like a good parent does when the baby gets hold of a steak knife. Guns are for grown-ups, not stupid little children, so just hand them over and we’ll protect you...
We promise...” :FIREdevil:

If you’re so tired of sharing the streets with gun-toting madmen, why don’t we hear anything about getting guns out of the hands of police? They kill innocent people on camera and don’t even get convicted. And what about soldiers, who kill innocent people overseas for a living? No problem with that? No problem with guns in the hands of the agents of an inherently violent institution responsible for more deaths than all private gun owners combined, times a million?

Oh, I get it... they “need” them, but we don’t... We’d still be living under the King of England if people thought the way you do 250 years ago.

“The man who puts all the guns and all the decision-making power into the hands of the central government and then says, ‘Limit yourself’; it is he who is truly the impractical utopian.” - Murray Rothbard
a jew merely possessing a bullet was grounds for summary execution

A Jew being a Jew was grounds for execution.

Sorry, lame argument.

They did not fight for their fuhrer as you claim either.

Volksgrenadier - Wikipedia

They were organized around small cadres of hardened veteran soldiers, NCOs and officers, and then bulked out with anything the Replacement Army could supply: "jobless" personnel of the shrinking Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe, wounded soldiers from broken formations returning to duty from hospitals, older men who would have been considered too old or too unfit for the peacetime army and teenagers were recruited into the ranks.
Right, the “acceptable” Germans did not turn their guns on the nazis because they felt they personally had nothing to fear of the nazis. As allies, their guns weren’t confiscated. Jews couldn’t have guns though... go figure. You only need to confiscate guns from people you want to dominate and fear will resist (and Hitler was outspoken about this).

Again, the Nazis didn't engage in massive gun confiscation, they actually repealed the largely unenforced Weimar Gun Laws.

And not one "Good German" ever showed up to stop the Nazis.

So the whole notion that I need to share my street with crazy people with guns because some day, the government is going to turn "bad", and we need to fight it, is just plain silly.

Here's the UGLY TRUTH about Hitler. He was a reflection of all the evil anger Germany had between 1914 and 1933. Wars, Depressions, revolutions, anarchy, and Germans happily supported an angry clown.

But then again, Americans elected Trump with a lot less provocation, so there goes our moral high ground.
Right, the “acceptable” Germans did not turn their guns on the nazis because they felt they personally had nothing to fear of the nazis. As allies, their guns weren’t confiscated. Jews couldn’t have guns though... go figure. You only need to confiscate guns from people you want to dominate and fear will resist (and Hitler was outspoken about this).

Again, the Nazis didn't engage in massive gun confiscation, they actually repealed the largely unenforced Weimar Gun Laws.

And not one "Good German" ever showed up to stop the Nazis.

So the whole notion that I need to share my street with crazy people with guns because some day, the government is going to turn "bad", and we need to fight it, is just plain silly.

Here's the UGLY TRUTH about Hitler. He was a reflection of all the evil anger Germany had between 1914 and 1933. Wars, Depressions, revolutions, anarchy, and Germans happily supported an angry clown.
But then again, Americans elected Trump with a lot less provocation, so there goes our moral high ground.

But it's important to note that Hitler was never elected. He wrestled his position as chancellor in backroom contests of power.

Trump was elected for three reasons:

1. The Republican base does not trust it's seasoned leaders. They keep campaigning on an agenda that they have no intention of advancing, and the base got tired enough of it to react. The people in the TEA Party didn't just go away even though you don't hear about the TP anymore. Instead, they intentionally threw a wrench into the works by electing Trump in the primary.

2. Obama moved the Democratic Party so far left during his two terms that there was bound to be a backlash just about no matter what. For example, the effects of Obamacare were well felt by the end of his 2nd term—middle America went from having health insurance premiums of maybe $200-$300 a month with a $250 deductible to premiums of $1200 a month with a $5000 deductible in just a few years. And despite the constant narrative by the left of calling Trump a fascist, Obamacare—by the very definition of the word "fascist"—is possibly the most fascist program ever instituted in America. And again despite the narrative, fascism always springs up from the left, not the right. It's one step short of socialism—government controlling private industry rather than taking it over completely. Not to talk too much about one program—the point is that the Democrats moved way far left during Obama's terms to the point that a candidate in 2016 who is a self-described socialist made a strong run at the nomination (and who knows how far he would have gotten if the DNC wasn't so corrupt?)

3. Hillary Clinton was simply a terrible candidate. Obviously corrupt, not especially charismatic, appears to have health issues—about the only things she had going for her were name recognition, the corrupt DNC sticking their thumb on the scale for her, and the built-in votes of idiots who would vote for any woman just to participate in electing the first woman POTUS. AND, she kept getting pulled left by Bernie Sanders. That endears you to the college kids who don't know any better, but it alienates you from middle America. And as much as it may gall people like yourself (I'm guessing—I don't know you, but just going by your posts) middle America made up of people with traditional family values still count in this country.

Electing Trump had nothing to do with the leftist narrative of racism or xenophobia. Best I can tell from FBI stats, there are around 100,000 white supremacists in a country of 320 million. That wasn't the difference in the election.

Did Trump harp on illegal immigration? Absolutely. But leftists to whom racism is always the knee jerk answer to every question miss the real significance of that play. To the average middle American things like "sanctuary cities" aren't just a bad thing, they are absurd. The very idea of allowing people who are breaking the law just to be here—and often guilty of other crimes as well—to wander around free and escape law enforcement is maddeningly stupid. There's a lot of liberalism that is maddeningly stupid to middle America, btw, which is my ultimate point. Refusing to enforce federal immigration law is one of those things.

And finally, Trump's election was not an anomaly. By the time Trump was elected the Democrats had lost the majority of governorships, the House, and the Senate. It was just one more office following a trend. And I know the Democrats are really optimistic in the mid-terms, and they may pick up a few seats, but I don't think it will be anything like the gains they think they will see.

Too much of America simply doesn't resonate with the platform.
a jew merely possessing a bullet was grounds for summary execution

A Jew being a Jew was grounds for execution.

Sorry, lame argument.

They did not fight for their fuhrer as you claim either.

Volksgrenadier - Wikipedia

They were organized around small cadres of hardened veteran soldiers, NCOs and officers, and then bulked out with anything the Replacement Army could supply: "jobless" personnel of the shrinking Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe, wounded soldiers from broken formations returning to duty from hospitals, older men who would have been considered too old or too unfit for the peacetime army and teenagers were recruited into the ranks.

exactly that is why guns had been banned from the jew

like i said got to get a kick out leftists defending NAZI gun control


folks like you make me sick
Right, the “acceptable” Germans did not turn their guns on the nazis because they felt they personally had nothing to fear of the nazis. As allies, their guns weren’t confiscated. Jews couldn’t have guns though... go figure. You only need to confiscate guns from people you want to dominate and fear will resist (and Hitler was outspoken about this).

Again, the Nazis didn't engage in massive gun confiscation, they actually repealed the largely unenforced Weimar Gun Laws.

And not one "Good German" ever showed up to stop the Nazis.

So the whole notion that I need to share my street with crazy people with guns because some day, the government is going to turn "bad", and we need to fight it, is just plain silly.

Here's the UGLY TRUTH about Hitler. He was a reflection of all the evil anger Germany had between 1914 and 1933. Wars, Depressions, revolutions, anarchy, and Germans happily supported an angry clown.

But then again, Americans elected Trump with a lot less provocation, so there goes our moral high ground.

This is how out of touch joe an argument about Germany and a government turning on it's people, he posts this......

So the whole notion that I need to share my street with crazy people with guns because some day, the government is going to turn "bad", and we need to fight it, is just plain silly.

The level of cluelessness.....the Germans of the 1920s thought the same way as joe and the other left wing gun grabbers do today....and in the late 1930s......the German Government marched 12 million Germans and Europeans into gas chambers.....

This kind of insanity is why democrats and people like joe can't be in charge of anything....

The Germans registered guns in the 1920s and used those lists in the 1930s to take guns away from Jews and the political enemies of the nazis......and then sent them to death camps....

Allowing the government to take your guns is the first step toward the death camps........
a jew merely possessing a bullet was grounds for summary execution

A Jew being a Jew was grounds for execution.

Sorry, lame argument.

They did not fight for their fuhrer as you claim either.

Volksgrenadier - Wikipedia

They were organized around small cadres of hardened veteran soldiers, NCOs and officers, and then bulked out with anything the Replacement Army could supply: "jobless" personnel of the shrinking Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe, wounded soldiers from broken formations returning to duty from hospitals, older men who would have been considered too old or too unfit for the peacetime army and teenagers were recruited into the ranks.
Yes and the volksgrenadier were armed by the state.

Lame argument
But it's important to note that Hitler was never elected. He wrestled his position as chancellor in backroom contests of power.

Trump was elected for three reasons:

Neither was Trump. They both got to power despite most people voting against them, but used the flawed system of the day to get power.

1. The Republican base does not trust it's seasoned leaders. They keep campaigning on an agenda that they have no intention of advancing, and the base got tired enough of it to react. The people in the TEA Party didn't just go away even though you don't hear about the TP anymore. Instead, they intentionally threw a wrench into the works by electing Trump in the primary.

Except more people in the primary voted against Trump, they just couldn't agree on an alternative. The Far right wanted Creepy Cruz, and the moderates wanted Kasich.

The real problem, though is that so few people vote in the primaries, that anyone can hijack them.

2. Obama moved the Democratic Party so far left during his two terms that there was bound to be a backlash just about no matter what. For example, the effects of Obamacare were well felt by the end of his 2nd term—m

I'm gonna cut you off right there, bud, that's bullshit.

HILLARY GOT MORE VOTES! There was no anger and backlash. Trump got less of a percentage of the votes than Romney did.

What happened - Is that after 25 years of slandering Mrs. Clinton, voters were given two messages- 1) Hillary had this in the bag and 2) she was really, really corrupt and just as bad as trump. So that gave the self-righteous the option of voting third party to show how hip they were.

3. Hillary Clinton was simply a terrible candidate. Obviously corrupt, not especially charismatic,

Yes, I agree, she was. And we treated the election of the leader of the Free World like Picking the Winner of American Idol.

Now we find that unlike the Winner of American Idol, Trump doesn't go away when the season is over.
The level of cluelessness.....the Germans of the 1920s thought the same way as joe and the other left wing gun grabbers do today....and in the late 1930s......the German Government marched 12 million Germans and Europeans into gas chambers.....

You know what the Germans of the 1920's feared? That their hungry neighbors might kill them and turn them into sausages. Which actually happened during the post-war era. Yup, the country that gave us composers and philosophers were reduced to cannibalism after WWI.

The Germans registered guns in the 1920s and used those lists in the 1930s to take guns away from Jews and the political enemies of the nazis......and then sent them to death camps....

Uh, guy, very few German Jews went to the death camps. In fact, most German Jews fled the country before the War started. Most of the Jews killed by the Nazis were from countries the Germans conquered. And guns didn't do those people much good because the Germans had tanks.

But here's the reality- Most Europeans were HAPPY to turn over their Jewish neighbors. 2000 years of Christians being told Jews killed their imaginary God-man, something like this was bound to happen.

Regular Germans, though. They kept their guns and never raised them against the Nazis no matter how bad things got.

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