WHY Are Blacks Having To Manufacture / Why Are Blacks MANUFACTURING 'Racism'?

"They are black Americans. Black people. Black citizens. Black humans. They aren't "blacks". They are human beings. Idiot."

Ummm, you just said 4 times they were black...you even said they are black humans then contradict yourself by declaring they are human beings, not black human beings. Seems you are a might confused...all that 'Pc' getting in the way. :p

That was retarded. Are you a retard?
Why are Republicans 90% white and why do they seem to hate:

the poor
the middle class

This is all very nice opinionated B$, but far from the truth or facts. For instance, Liberals love to claim how the GOP is the party of rich old white people; however, look at the 2016 elections coming up:

The GOP has a diverse group of men and women with different heritages....while the Democrats have 2 bitter, corrupt, rich, old white people.

The facts do not support the continuous traditional Liberal false claims.
Michael Brown's death was NOT a case of a white cop targeting and killing a black young man for NO reason...

Dorothy Bland, the dean of a Texas journalism school, was NOT targeted / stopped for 'walking black'...

Oberlin College:
Sighting of a KKK member, Fliers demeaning Martin Luther King, Jr., Flier on a student's door that was demeaning to Black History Month and talked about "A WHITE WOMAN!" being sexually assaulted, Poster of a giant Nazi flag, Swastika on a glass door
-- The whole brouhaha ended up being a hoax conducted by two members of the Oberlin College Democrats, who viewed the actions as a way to "troll" the campus.

Berkley High School:
Word spread the KKK were coming to the school. The warning of a possible KKK appearance was nothing more than a hoax started by an unidentified black student, who will not be expelled for the hoax.

Grand Valley University:
Student found a whiteboard with a drawing of a hangman; the drawing featured the words "black b***h die" and "f**k black history month." Turned out the black student just happened to be the one who drew it.

Buffalo University:
"Jim Crow-esque" signs that said "White Only, Black Only" were found in front of restrooms and water fountains. Turned out to be a black female graduate student who claimed, once caught, that it was part of a 'project' she was doing.

Jersey City High School Racist Texts:
Student received 4 racist texts....which it turns out he sent to himself.

Montclair State University:
Racist messages were posted around the school against blacks and transgender students who claimed to have found the graffiti....and - you guessed it - these messages were written by the students themselves, and they withdrew from the school.

Univ of Va:
A black student identified as Jonathan Perkins wrote to the University of Virginia Law that he was harassed by police for being black. Perkins admitted finally that he lied because he was trying to BUILD A CASE against police for mis-treating blacks.

Univ. of Chicago (O's old stomping grounds):
A student claimed his Facebook account was hacked, and violent racist messages aimed at him were posted - yup, you guessed it - by himself.

Years ago 'Reverend' Al Sharpton raced to the side of a young black girl who claimed she had been raped by several policemen. Sharpton initiated protests, called for unrest, called the policemen vile names, and went as far as proclaiming he had (manufactured) evidence to prove the police had done it. When the severity of the situation was realized by the accuser, she recanted and admitted that the police had never touched her. Sharpton, who had been exposed for falsifying evidence, fled the city without so much as an apology to the police, seeking to avoid being arrested. The police, just wanting the entire situation to be over and calm down did not press charges against Sharpton.

And NOW we have Mizzou:

Mizzou College:
There is no evidence to support the claim about a 'Swastika draw with pooh in Mizzou; Mizzou Student Body President CAN'T prove racial slurs were hurled at him OFF-CAMPUS; The student in a Hunger Strike at Mizzou demands whites admit 'White Privilege' when he grew up in a MANSION and whose dad made $6.6 million last year alone.

With enough dumbmass racists already in the world, WHY do blacks have to lie and create these huge false racial accusations, attempting to stir up so much hatred and division when there ISN'T any?!

Blacks keep this crap up, and it will be like 'the boy who cried wolf'. People will just start to ignore them!

LINK: The Top 10 False Claims of Racism on Campus

It's the death rattle of a race that is fast becoming totally insignificant.
That was retarded. Are you a retard?
You're the one who spewed the contradicting, confused racial rhetoric.

BTW, way to expose the fact that you, like Obama, love to insult 'special needs' people by calling people 'retarded'. Wow, speaking of hate, bias, and discriminatory....
Why are Republicans 90% white and why do they seem to hate:

the poor
the middle class

Because you are too stupid to realize that the onus is on blacks and other self-identifying groups to get beyond group think and not vote exclusively democrat as a result.
Why are Republicans 90% white and why do they seem to hate:

the poor
the middle class


Mostly because we don't buy into the stupid narrative of the left, that whites are responsible for all the woes of minorities, especially negroes.

No one hates women and children more than the left. We believe men should marry women, take care of them, and raise children. As opposed to the left that tells women they don't need men, should get abortions, and that men should be encouraged to forsake women and become cross dressing queers.

The rest of your allegations are just nonsense.
Mostly because we don't buy into the stupid narrative of the left, that whites are responsible for all the woes of minorities, especially negroes.

No one hates women and children more than the left. We believe men should marry women, take care of them, and raise children. As opposed to the left that tells women they don't need men, should get abortions, and that men should be encouraged to forsake women and become cross dressing queers.

The rest of your allegations are just nonsense.

Remind pro-abortion, pro-homo lefties that they are racist and xenophobic because some of their victim groups, highspanics and blacks and muslims, oppose those issues.
Michael Brown's death was NOT a case of a white cop targeting and killing a black young man for NO reason...

Dorothy Bland, the dean of a Texas journalism school, was NOT targeted / stopped for 'walking black'...

Oberlin College:
Sighting of a KKK member, Fliers demeaning Martin Luther King, Jr., Flier on a student's door that was demeaning to Black History Month and talked about "A WHITE WOMAN!" being sexually assaulted, Poster of a giant Nazi flag, Swastika on a glass door
-- The whole brouhaha ended up being a hoax conducted by two members of the Oberlin College Democrats, who viewed the actions as a way to "troll" the campus.

Berkley High School:
Word spread the KKK were coming to the school. The warning of a possible KKK appearance was nothing more than a hoax started by an unidentified black student, who will not be expelled for the hoax.

Grand Valley University:
Student found a whiteboard with a drawing of a hangman; the drawing featured the words "black b***h die" and "f**k black history month." Turned out the black student just happened to be the one who drew it.

Buffalo University:
"Jim Crow-esque" signs that said "White Only, Black Only" were found in front of restrooms and water fountains. Turned out to be a black female graduate student who claimed, once caught, that it was part of a 'project' she was doing.

Jersey City High School Racist Texts:
Student received 4 racist texts....which it turns out he sent to himself.

Montclair State University:
Racist messages were posted around the school against blacks and transgender students who claimed to have found the graffiti....and - you guessed it - these messages were written by the students themselves, and they withdrew from the school.

Univ of Va:
A black student identified as Jonathan Perkins wrote to the University of Virginia Law that he was harassed by police for being black. Perkins admitted finally that he lied because he was trying to BUILD A CASE against police for mis-treating blacks.

Univ. of Chicago (O's old stomping grounds):
A student claimed his Facebook account was hacked, and violent racist messages aimed at him were posted - yup, you guessed it - by himself.

Years ago 'Reverend' Al Sharpton raced to the side of a young black girl who claimed she had been raped by several policemen. Sharpton initiated protests, called for unrest, called the policemen vile names, and went as far as proclaiming he had (manufactured) evidence to prove the police had done it. When the severity of the situation was realized by the accuser, she recanted and admitted that the police had never touched her. Sharpton, who had been exposed for falsifying evidence, fled the city without so much as an apology to the police, seeking to avoid being arrested. The police, just wanting the entire situation to be over and calm down did not press charges against Sharpton.

And NOW we have Mizzou:

Mizzou College:
There is no evidence to support the claim about a 'Swastika draw with pooh in Mizzou; Mizzou Student Body President CAN'T prove racial slurs were hurled at him OFF-CAMPUS; The student in a Hunger Strike at Mizzou demands whites admit 'White Privilege' when he grew up in a MANSION and whose dad made $6.6 million last year alone.

With enough dumbmass racists already in the world, WHY do blacks have to lie and create these huge false racial accusations, attempting to stir up so much hatred and division when there ISN'T any?!

Blacks keep this crap up, and it will be like 'the boy who cried wolf'. People will just start to ignore them!

LINK: The Top 10 False Claims of Racism on Campus

The Democrats actively encourage this sort of nonsense. They know damn well that if they cannot keep the minorities stirred up through next year, those minorities will stay home on election day because the Democrats have done nothing for them under Obama.
Michael Brown's death was NOT a case of a white cop targeting and killing a black young man for NO reason...

Dorothy Bland, the dean of a Texas journalism school, was NOT targeted / stopped for 'walking black'...

Oberlin College:
Sighting of a KKK member, Fliers demeaning Martin Luther King, Jr., Flier on a student's door that was demeaning to Black History Month and talked about "A WHITE WOMAN!" being sexually assaulted, Poster of a giant Nazi flag, Swastika on a glass door
-- The whole brouhaha ended up being a hoax conducted by two members of the Oberlin College Democrats, who viewed the actions as a way to "troll" the campus.

Berkley High School:
Word spread the KKK were coming to the school. The warning of a possible KKK appearance was nothing more than a hoax started by an unidentified black student, who will not be expelled for the hoax.

Grand Valley University:
Student found a whiteboard with a drawing of a hangman; the drawing featured the words "black b***h die" and "f**k black history month." Turned out the black student just happened to be the one who drew it.

Buffalo University:
"Jim Crow-esque" signs that said "White Only, Black Only" were found in front of restrooms and water fountains. Turned out to be a black female graduate student who claimed, once caught, that it was part of a 'project' she was doing.

Jersey City High School Racist Texts:
Student received 4 racist texts....which it turns out he sent to himself.

Montclair State University:
Racist messages were posted around the school against blacks and transgender students who claimed to have found the graffiti....and - you guessed it - these messages were written by the students themselves, and they withdrew from the school.

Univ of Va:
A black student identified as Jonathan Perkins wrote to the University of Virginia Law that he was harassed by police for being black. Perkins admitted finally that he lied because he was trying to BUILD A CASE against police for mis-treating blacks.

Univ. of Chicago (O's old stomping grounds):
A student claimed his Facebook account was hacked, and violent racist messages aimed at him were posted - yup, you guessed it - by himself.

Years ago 'Reverend' Al Sharpton raced to the side of a young black girl who claimed she had been raped by several policemen. Sharpton initiated protests, called for unrest, called the policemen vile names, and went as far as proclaiming he had (manufactured) evidence to prove the police had done it. When the severity of the situation was realized by the accuser, she recanted and admitted that the police had never touched her. Sharpton, who had been exposed for falsifying evidence, fled the city without so much as an apology to the police, seeking to avoid being arrested. The police, just wanting the entire situation to be over and calm down did not press charges against Sharpton.

And NOW we have Mizzou:

Mizzou College:
There is no evidence to support the claim about a 'Swastika draw with pooh in Mizzou; Mizzou Student Body President CAN'T prove racial slurs were hurled at him OFF-CAMPUS; The student in a Hunger Strike at Mizzou demands whites admit 'White Privilege' when he grew up in a MANSION and whose dad made $6.6 million last year alone.

With enough dumbmass racists already in the world, WHY do blacks have to lie and create these huge false racial accusations, attempting to stir up so much hatred and division when there ISN'T any?!

Blacks keep this crap up, and it will be like 'the boy who cried wolf'. People will just start to ignore them!

LINK: The Top 10 False Claims of Racism on Campus

The Democrats actively encourage this sort of nonsense. They know damn well that if they cannot keep the minorities stirred up through next year, those minorities will stay home on election day because the Democrats have done nothing for them under Obama.

Exactly, they know it's going to take a lot of shit stirring to get the negroes out in force to vote for the old white queen.
If the op believes that the racism is manufactured that alone proves he's racist dumb shit.

Notice that none of these incidents involve racism. Also notice that they can't name one incident that dies involve racism. Do you know why?

Nothing is racist to them and if it is racist....just shut up about it jeez. It's annoying to hear people say something negative about racism!
Why are Republicans 90% white and why do they seem to hate:

the poor
the middle class

If the op believes that the racism is manufactured that alone proves he's racist dumb shit.

Notice that none of these incidents involve racism. Also notice that they can't name one incident that dies involve racism. Do you know why?

Nothing is racist to them and if it is racist....just shut up about it jeez. It's annoying to hear people say something negative about racism!
Michael Brown's death had nothing to do with racism and everything to do about a thug who had no respect for the law and police officers; YET, blacks made it about 'racism' (or tried to). Using an old DNC tactic, they 'blame-shifted' the responsibility of Brown's actions onto the policeman.

All of these incidents were attempts to manufacture cases of racism...and were exposed as such.
If the op believes that the racism is manufactured that alone proves he's racist dumb shit.

Notice that none of these incidents involve racism. Also notice that they can't name one incident that dies involve racism. Do you know why?

Nothing is racist to them and if it is racist....just shut up about it jeez. It's annoying to hear people say something negative about racism!
I watched plenty of hate in Ferguson and Baltimore, and it had nothing to do with white folk. So the racism and hate is black on black. And it has been for a very long time. You all should really learn where the hate actually is. And btw, the plack power symbol raised when the Mizzou president resigned is the ultimate racist move.

So let's keep our heads where the racism actually is, leftist programs that hurt the black folk.
Yeah I know, hey bud, tell me of one incident that was racist. Go head, I'll wait
when the black group at Mizzou held up their fists demonstrating the black power symbol. That's when. yesterday day before, what ever day, but there you go. Then in Ferguson and Baltimore when blacks tore up their own cities. yep all racist. Any more?
Last edited:
Why are you calling a group of people "blacks"? Are you aware that doing so gives the reader the impression that you are a racist dumb shit?

That same group of people preferred to be called "black" - rather than "Negro" or "colored" - and declared time and again that "black is beautiful".

Then they decided they would prefer to be called after a continent which most of them could not find on the map.

Why do you object to calling black people black? Are you racist or just dumb?
Why are Republicans 90% white and why do they seem to hate:

the poor
the middle class


Why do democrats hate:

the poor
the middle class

who happen to be conservative?

Michael Brown's death was NOT a case of a white cop targeting and killing a black young man for NO reason...

Dorothy Bland, the dean of a Texas journalism school, was NOT targeted / stopped for 'walking black'...

Oberlin College:
Sighting of a KKK member, Fliers demeaning Martin Luther King, Jr., Flier on a student's door that was demeaning to Black History Month and talked about "A WHITE WOMAN!" being sexually assaulted, Poster of a giant Nazi flag, Swastika on a glass door
-- The whole brouhaha ended up being a hoax conducted by two members of the Oberlin College Democrats, who viewed the actions as a way to "troll" the campus.

Berkley High School:
Word spread the KKK were coming to the school. The warning of a possible KKK appearance was nothing more than a hoax started by an unidentified black student, who will not be expelled for the hoax.

Grand Valley University:
Student found a whiteboard with a drawing of a hangman; the drawing featured the words "black b***h die" and "f**k black history month." Turned out the black student just happened to be the one who drew it.

Buffalo University:
"Jim Crow-esque" signs that said "White Only, Black Only" were found in front of restrooms and water fountains. Turned out to be a black female graduate student who claimed, once caught, that it was part of a 'project' she was doing.

Jersey City High School Racist Texts:
Student received 4 racist texts....which it turns out he sent to himself.

Montclair State University:
Racist messages were posted around the school against blacks and transgender students who claimed to have found the graffiti....and - you guessed it - these messages were written by the students themselves, and they withdrew from the school.

Univ of Va:
A black student identified as Jonathan Perkins wrote to the University of Virginia Law that he was harassed by police for being black. Perkins admitted finally that he lied because he was trying to BUILD A CASE against police for mis-treating blacks.

Univ. of Chicago (O's old stomping grounds):
A student claimed his Facebook account was hacked, and violent racist messages aimed at him were posted - yup, you guessed it - by himself.

Years ago 'Reverend' Al Sharpton raced to the side of a young black girl who claimed she had been raped by several policemen. Sharpton initiated protests, called for unrest, called the policemen vile names, and went as far as proclaiming he had (manufactured) evidence to prove the police had done it. When the severity of the situation was realized by the accuser, she recanted and admitted that the police had never touched her. Sharpton, who had been exposed for falsifying evidence, fled the city without so much as an apology to the police, seeking to avoid being arrested. The police, just wanting the entire situation to be over and calm down did not press charges against Sharpton.

And NOW we have Mizzou:

Mizzou College:
There is no evidence to support the claim about a 'Swastika draw with pooh in Mizzou; Mizzou Student Body President CAN'T prove racial slurs were hurled at him OFF-CAMPUS; The student in a Hunger Strike at Mizzou demands whites admit 'White Privilege' when he grew up in a MANSION and whose dad made $6.6 million last year alone.

With enough dumbmass racists already in the world, WHY do blacks have to lie and create these huge false racial accusations, attempting to stir up so much hatred and division when there ISN'T any?!

Blacks keep this crap up, and it will be like 'the boy who cried wolf'. People will just start to ignore them!

LINK: The Top 10 False Claims of Racism on Campus

Because the Civil Rights for blacks were finally won…the democrats changed tactics…..so now they have nothing to blame on their current status…..and they refuse to let go of the racist democrat party.
Why are you calling a group of people "blacks"? Are you aware that doing so gives the reader the impression that you are a racist dumb shit?
You mean black people AREN'T BLACK?!

I call white people 'whites'...cause they are white.
I call black people 'blacks'...because they are black.
I call BOTH who are from America 'Americans'.
I refuse to call a black person born here in the United States an 'African American', especially when they have never BEEN to Africa.

We don't call whites 'Scottish Americans' or 'Italian Americans' but we are expected to call all blacks 'African Americans?! That's B$! You can push that crap, demand out of PC that everyone else does, but don't hold your breath waiting for me to do so. There is enough division and B$ without people like you claiming that if people do not call a black person an 'African American'...when they were born HERE and have NEVER been to Africa...then they are racists!

Go spread the PC propaganda / racist B$ somewhere else - you just proved you're no better than the clowns above that falsely screamed 'racism'!
the fastest tantrum in a thread award goes to. .
I don't think it all is "manufactured". I think a lot of it is, they don't even understand what racism is. Like at this college. Or Michael Brown.
Oh ok you just keep thinking that.
Shutup moron. Everyone knows you know shit about shit.
Another classic appealingly to an imaginary authority fallicy

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