Why are civilians being told not to help in hurricane relief?

didnt mean to hurt your feelings,,
I guess you didnt realize youre just another useful idiot repeating government misinformation,,

as long as you take this as a learning experience is what matters,,
Do you have anything of substance to contribute?
substance as in people on the ground needing help or your government talking points directed at useful idiots like you??
So...nothing. Just emojiis. Check.
Pull your head out of alt-right media and X, and maybe you might find some truth. But I'm not holding my breath.
Because you're a retard. :)
So...nothing. Just emojiis. Check.
Pull your head out of alt-right media and X, and maybe you might find some truth. But I'm not holding my breath.
Because you're a retard. :)
I didnt post emojis,,

are you seeing things again??

you sure do spend a lot of time justifying people in need not getting aid,, why is that??
I didnt post emojis,,

are you seeing things again??

you sure do spend a lot of time justifying people in need not getting aid,, why is that??
Why do you keep repeating things that posters don't post?
Again. Do you get off on seeing your own trolling? Does something for you.
That's just weird, man. :)
dimocraps are not only the scum of the Earth, they are incompetent


FEMA whistleblowers accuse Mayorkas of illegally appropriating FEMA funds for non-approved uses:

Excellent illustration of the problem. Thank you.
This goes alllll the way back to Covid.

Remember when the govt told us, trust us, you need to social distance?

You need to close your business?

You need to mask your two year old?

You need two untested vaccines and then multiple boosters?

This is the comeuppance. We're not talking about it--but NO ONE trusts the govt now. And so people read the headlines and it confirms what's true for them. (And to be fair, it IS mostly true).

Aside from the actual tragic disaster this is for hurricane victims....

It's a political disaster for you

People are livid about the government response. My mom's county has literally tons of supplies including hay for livestock on the way, left late last night. It better get through
C'mon princess. Boil it down for us.
What in this 20 minute ramble should we be looking at?

Don't be shy.
just thought you might want to see some life on the ground instead of just repeating your government talking points,,

guess I was wrong,,
Your faux sympathy is noted. Unless you have something of substance to offer without wasting everyone's time with You Tube vids, stop wasting board storage space.
great another mind reader telling other people what they think and feel,,
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