Why are civilians being told not to help in hurricane relief?

You are a useless moron. I've got you talking and responding to yourself.
Admit it, you like seeing yourself post. :)
didnt mean to hurt your feelings,,
I guess you didnt realize youre just another useful idiot repeating government misinformation,,

as long as you take this as a learning experience is what matters,,
No stupid. YOU prove your statements.

That’s how it works

This is their. Schtick, when progressives post, we have to have all kinds of proof, which of course they will call lies. They post they don't think prove shit. We are suppose to accept whatever crap post as fact
I do so constantly.

And you ignore all of it. What would you like proven to you (again)?
I ignored nothing,,
I listened to what the people on the ground are saying and compare it to what the government claims is happening,,

in this case the government through you are spreading misinformation,,
I ignored nothing,,
I listened to what the people on the ground are saying and compare it to what the government claims is happening,,

in this case the government through you are spreading misinformation,,
People on the ground.

Twitter twats

What do you need proven (again)?

Second time

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