Unbelievable....Trumpers don't realize that Navajos are Americans

The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, (43 Stat. 253, enacted June 2, 1924) was an Act of the United States Congress that declared Indigenous persons born within the United States are US citizens. While the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution defines a citizen as any persons born in the United States and subject to its laws and jurisdiction, the amendment had previously been interpreted by the courts not to apply to Native peoples.

The act was proposed by US Representative Homer P. Snyder (R-NY), and signed into law by President Calvin Coolidge on June 2, 1924.

Proof that intelligent life did exist 100 years ago.
As expected you can’t see the truth, because you’re blinded by your partisanship.

The R Party has done nothing to stop illegal immigration and most R pols support illegal immigration, and have for decades. Your beloved Ronnie gave them amnesty long ago, yet did nothing to stop future illegal immigration.
The R Party of old was comprised of nothing but scared pussies owned by the Left and their political correctness…Trump has transformed the Party, he has given most of the castrated pussies their nuts back….that’s why the purple hair filth hate him like they do. They want those Bible thumpers back, the ones who never conserved, preserved or protected anything.
I'm not quite sure what your point is here, but learning from the past is one thing, living in the past quite another.
I'm not sure what the moron you quoted meant by unburdened. Luckily she probably doesn't either.
Kamalalalala lies and claims that she is proposing her agenda for the future while Trump’s agenda is supposedly in the “past.”

All agendas are proposed for the future.

Her claim is gibberish.

We all live in the present as we gradually move, moment by moment, into the future. Nobody can live in the past.

Maybe I missed your “point?” What was your point?
Kamalalalala lies and claims that she is proposing her agenda for the future while Trump’s agenda is supposedly in the “past.”

All agendas are proposed for the future.

Her claim is gibberish.

We all live in the present as we gradually move, moment by moment, into the future. Nobody can live in the past.

Maybe I missed your “point?” What was your point?
I see, you are off on an unrelated tangent. That's ok, carry on L.
early as 1817, U.S. citizenship had been conferred by special treaty upon specific groups of Indian people.

In 1924, Congress extended American citizenship to all other American Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States. American Indians and Alaska Natives are citizens of the United States and of the individual states, counties, cities, and towns where they reside. They can also become citizens of their tribes or villages as enrolled tribal members.

So it was just Trump supports being trump supporters.

AZ should used this as proof that trump supporters will say the darndest thing.

Native Hawaiians are also citizens. People forget that.
I was reply to that anthema crotchety old guy. He was saying the rez should not have been created.
Ok. In some ways, he’s wrong. In some ways he is right. But those arguments are probably on a different plane.
Agree or disagree, that has already been done. It is in the past.
Slavery already existed. It had existed in the past. At that time (let’s say pre civil war) the fact that it was in the past didn’t mean that it couldn’t be addressed in the (then) “present.”

The Kamalalala line about being “unburdened by the past” remains gibberish. The past held that “separate but equal” schooling was perfectly Constitutional. After more than five decades later, we determined that it was wrong.

Correcting mistakes is what unburdens us from the past.
Trump supporters asked Rep. Eric Descheenie (D) if he was in the country legally at a protest on January 25 at the Arizona Capital in Phoenix. The protest was about immigration reform.

His response to the empty-headed morons was: """“I’m indigenous to these lands,” Rep. Descheenie said. “My ancestors fought and died on these lands. I just told them, ‘Don’t ask me that question.’”"""

'Get out of the country!': Navajo lawmaker harassed by Arizona Trump supporters accusing him of being here 'illegally'
So one uninformed person equals an entire class asshole?

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound when you try to broad brush based off of a single experience?

This is why people pay no attention to you, The liberal media or any liberal at all.
Ok. In some ways, he’s wrong. In some ways he is right. But those arguments are probably on a different plane.

Slavery already existed. It had existed in the past. At that time (let’s say pre civil war) the fact that it was in the past didn’t mean that it couldn’t be addressed in the (then) “present.”

The Kamalalala line about being “unburdened by the past” remains gibberish. The past held that “separate but equal” schooling was perfectly Constitutional. After more than five decades, we determined that it was wrong.

Correcting mistakes is what unburdens us from the past.
Great examples of learning from the past.
"Unburdened by the past" is a great example of gibberish.
I believe you are looking in the wrong place for an argument, but feel free to carry on.
Dems are panicking in AZ because natives are changing over to Republican. Kari Lake has been campaigning in their areas. Indians are tired of Dem policies destroying the economy and bringing millions of more invaders. They have to deal with illegal aliens as well.
Andrew Jackson, the father of the Democratic Party, signed legislation that forced Native Americans to go to reservations far away from their homeland or be incarcerated or genocided. The Jacksonian Democrats were also the main slave owners who defended the institution of slavery while the northern Whig Party vehemently protested them. Eventually the Whig Party transformed into the Republican Party. These are FACTS. And today Democrats hide behind the "we're for the little guy and the poor and the underpriveleged and oppressed" sales pitch while STILL defending actions which enable human trafficking and dependence on the government, among a slew of other societal diseases.
Great examples of learning from the past.
"Unburdened by the past" is a great example of gibberish.
I believe you are looking in the wrong place for an argument, but feel free to carry on.
I’m not looking for an argument from you. I hope you agree with what I posted.

Indeed, if you agree, more power to you.

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