Unbelievable....Trumpers don't realize that Navajos are Americans

The R Party of old was comprised of nothing but scared pussies owned by the Left and their political correctness…Trump has transformed the Party, he has given most of the castrated pussies their nuts back….that’s why the purple hair filth hate him like they do. They want those Bible thumpers back, the ones who never conserved, preserved or protected anything.
Lol. Dumb Don was potus for four years and did almost nothing about the border. The R Party while he was potus, did nothing.

You’re dreaming if you think anything has changed.
Trump supporters asked Rep. Eric Descheenie (D) if he was in the country legally at a protest on January 25 at the Arizona Capital in Phoenix. The protest was about immigration reform.

His response to the empty-headed morons was: """“I’m indigenous to these lands,” Rep. Descheenie said. “My ancestors fought and died on these lands. I just told them, ‘Don’t ask me that question.’”"""

'Get out of the country!': Navajo lawmaker harassed by Arizona Trump supporters accusing him of being here 'illegally'
Kit Carson Had Something to Say About That Race-Traitor Lie
Native Hawaiians are also citizens. People forget that.
Good point

well I guess if America wanted a closer military base to fight wars in that part of the world then Hawaii would be one choice.

I guess they made a mistake in letting Cuba become communist.
Andrew Jackson, the father of the Democratic Party, signed legislation that forced Native Americans to go to reservations far away from their homeland or be incarcerated or genocided. The Jacksonian Democrats were also the main slave owners who defended the institution of slavery while the northern Whig Party vehemently protested them. Eventually the Whig Party transformed into the Republican Party. These are FACTS. And today Democrats hide behind the "we're for the little guy and the poor and the underpriveleged and oppressed" sales pitch while STILL defending actions which enable human trafficking and dependence on the government, among a slew of other societal diseases.
Do you really think my ancestors who were forced out of their homes really care if the people who did it were democrats or republicans?
Good point

well I guess if America wanted a closer military base to fight wars in that part of the world then Hawaii would be one choice.

I guess they made a mistake in letting Cuba become communist.

It is often overlooked. Native Hawaiian's were totally dispossessed of their native lands after the forced abdication of Queen Liliuokalani by the like people Sanford B. Dole.
if we could ask them who they thought their “enemy” was….Democrats or the “ruling class”?
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Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

All parties in this Preppy Republic are tools of the self-appointed ruling class. If you support one fake side or the other, you will be left on the sidelines by its pampered pompous pipsqueaks.

We far outnumber the heiristocrats and can squish them like grapes. Time to quit "whining" and start making wine. This generation of guillotine-fodder has been gifted with the largest inheritances in human history, so soon its illegitimate power will be too obvious to ignore.
It makes no sense to live in the past. Live in the present and look to the future.
Why Tax the Living When We Can Tax the Dead?

Heredity domination forces us to live in the past. "Like father, like son" is the judgment of a groveling serf.

If sons don't get punished for the crimes of their fathers, it logically follows that they shouldn't get rewarded for the success of their fathers, either.
I wonder if the Representative takes the needs of his Caucasian, Asian, Bkack ands Hispanic constituents into account as much as his Navajo constituents. I’d be willing to bet the answer is “NO”. Individuals on the reservation SHOULD NOT be allowed to vote in any non-reservation election. They live in a separate nation.
Don't put Blacks Asians and Hispanics in this racist comment. We don't have any problem with Navajos voting. You do. And since the white man put them on reservations, then they have every right to vote.
It is often overlooked. Native Hawaiian's were totally dispossessed of their native lands after the forced abdication of Queen Liliuokalani by the like people Sanford B. Dole.

interesting did not know that. So the new arrivals abducted the queen.

typical behavior by those who believe they are superior and take what they want.
Lol. Dumb Don was potus for four years and did almost nothing about the border.
You mean other than make it crystal clear that we don’t want anymore Mexicans, other than building a new wall, expanding the immigration courts for faster more streamline deportations, locking criminals in cages rather than turning them loose to rape and smash Laken Riley’s skull, forcing Mexico to adhere to a remain in Mexico policy, threatening to cut funding to Mexico and sanctuary cities and other than having the most secure border in 45 years?
That kind of “nothing”?
Do you see why we can’t take you Harpy Eagle pknopp dblack and the other fence-sitters seriously?
You just fucking lie your asses off…you have ZERO credibility.
Is this up there with all black people look alike? That man looks about as much Mexican as I do.
I’m sorry you look illegal.
Imagine this filthy piece of nasty dogshit with longer hair in a ponytail…Do the subhumans look any different?


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