Why are civilians being told not to help in hurricane relief?

On this very site multiple people have wished death on my bc I don't agree with them politically. That's YOUR bag. YOU'RE the party that tried to assassinate Trump twice, not us. I have already made clear I would erase our political win if the lives lost in the hurricane could be brought back. This is something your side doesn't do. You are the folks of "you have to break a few eggs...."

Which makes sense, because your people thinking killing your own babies in the womb is empowering
Cry me a river. It's an anonymous Internet message board. However, in your case it's a two way street. You get what you give. I watched you post extensively during the pandemic and your lack of respect and courtesy for your fellow human beings who might have been more susceptible to the virus was evident....because it offended your sensibilities and your perceived "freedoms".

And stop with the bullshit already. Trump was shot at once..by a registered Republican. And the other guy was a supporter and voted for him in 2016.

All you do is whine from your porch. :)
Ummmm huh? Helicopters and planes flying all over the place… drones getting in their way…

How stupid are you?
Except it didn’t happen. It was theorized that it could and presented falsely that it had. Reports on the ground of one helicopter per hour providing assistance to a 20 mile by 20 mile area.
Lib loons Once Again making a fantasy presentation.of drones , planes , helicopters, lions tiger and bear All Over The Place. Cartoonish.
Feds had a hissy because knowledgeable licensed pilots were providing relief that Feds could not. .
Cry me a river. It's an anonymous Internet message board. However, in your case it's a two way street. You get what you give. I watched you post extensively during the pandemic and your lack of respect and courtesy for your fellow human beings who might have been more susceptible to the virus was evident....because it offended your sensibilities and your perceived "freedoms".

And stop with the bullshit already. Trump was shot at once..by a registered Republican. And the other guy was a supporter and voted for him in 2016.

All you do is whine from your porch. :)
is that why you say such crazy things??
because no one knows who you are??
Except it didn’t happen. It was theorized that it could and presented falsely that it had. Reports on the ground of one helicopter per hour providing assistance to a 39 mile by 20 mile area.
Lib loons Once Again making a fantasy presentation.of drones , planes , helicopters, lions tiger and bear All Over The Place. Cartoonish.
Feds had a hissy because knowledgeable licensed pilots were providing relief that Feds could not. .
Post a link showing that only one helicopter was in the air at all times across that five state area

Fucking cretin
Why are civilians being told not to help in hurricane relief?
It's all a Democratic Party conspiracy to replace White Folk... let 'em die-out and kill-off Old Dixie with 'em, right?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-crutch... some of these MAGAtts and Krazy Klown Kornspiracy idiots are just too much... :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, there were several close calls. Probably a good idea to restrict airspace. However, boats don't operate in airspace.
No close calls cartoon boy
Emergencies require prompt response and not detailed protocol restrictions
You didn't pose one. One that was cogent, anyway.
Hence my observation that people who know you must think you're a full blown retard.
so you dont know what these things are?

so you dont know what these things are?

Peat and repeat. You like repeating yourself..don't you...retard! :)

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