Why are conservatives so obsessed with the border and immigration?

Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.
Nobody, in America, should have to work for a substandard wage that won't pay the rent and a decent living. Even if it means we pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce.

lol, aren't you so noble. until you have to pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce. so how many business do you have and how much do you pay your employees? Just curious.
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.

Of course Americans won't work for less than a fair wage and why should they? Are you for the rich getting richer off of cheap, illegal labor while they both break the law and screw American out of their jobs?

Only 3% of illegals are picking crops and the growers are just pocketing the profits they aren't passing any saving on to the consumer. Educate yourself on this issue as you are completely clueless with an anti-American attitude. It is against the law to hire illegal aliens what part of that aren't you getting? This isn't just a conservative problem or concern it is an American one.that affects us all.

Ask the Repubs who gets rich off of cheap labor.

Why are Repubs forcing family farms out of business and buying them up at pennies on the dollar?

Why are foreign interests buying American companies and employing illegals?

BTW, people really need to stop thinking that the US has only one border (south) and that all illegals are Mexican.


Single mindedness on display,only republicans own businesses,the link to only republican forcing people from their farms. simple minded and way childish
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.
Nobody, in America, should have to work for a substandard wage that won't pay the rent and a decent living. Even if it means we pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce.

lol, aren't you so noble. until you have to pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce. so how many business do you have and how much do you pay your employees? Just curious.

Lettuce nor any other produce would increase by using legal labor to pick crops. Only 3% of illegals are picking crops anyway. Congrats for drinking the leftist, liberal Kool-Aid.
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.

If those Americans are receiving a social welfare handout, it should be taken from them and let them do without.
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.

If you think they are just picking fruits and veggies, you are sadly misinformed. They are working many types of jobs Americans would be happy to do. Plus many of them send half their paycheck home, hurting our economy even more.

The real question should be: Why don't liberals care about something that affects all Americans?

And they're doing them at a far lower rate of compensation. Otherwise, Americans would be glad to do those jobs.
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.
Nobody, in America, should have to work for a substandard wage that won't pay the rent and a decent living. Even if it means we pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce.

If you had to pay ten bucks for a head of lettuce those people making the minimum would still be poor. And their purchasing power would remain the same.
No, they don't "take" jobs. THat has been proven repeatedly and is getting pretty lame.

But more to the point is, why don't they write their legislator and demand they match Obama's efforts?

Why do Rs want total and complete amnesty for all illegals? And if that's not what they want, why do they refuse to legislate?

Obama has deported more than any other prez and has increased border patrol on our southern border to more than 18,500.

What have the Rs done?


Just the same nothing they always do.


Just the same nothing they always do.
they have to keep the controversy ALIVE....!!!!

Thus absolutely no action at all from the congress critters....
end of the century , maybe sooner you'll have 500 million in the country . There is some speculation and some hope that the USA will break up into areas of like minded people as the USA dissolves .
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.
Nobody, in America, should have to work for a substandard wage that won't pay the rent and a decent living. Even if it means we pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce.

If you had to pay ten bucks for a head of lettuce those people making the minimum would still be poor. And their purchasing power would remain the same.

Geez, are you thick headed? Before the arrival of millions of illegal aliens the cost of produce wasn't out of sight as you are claiming will happen with them gone. Again, only 3% of illegals are picking crops. Get that thru your thick skull! There are unlimited visas for legal, foreign crop pickers. When you factor in our higher taxes paying for these illegal's social costs our head of lettuce is no bargain now. Remove them from the picture and lettuce will actually go down and Americans will get back the jobs that they will do and will increase their purchasing power.
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.

If those Americans are receiving a social welfare handout, it should be taken from them and let them do without.

What about Americans who have lost their jobs to illegal aliens such as in the construction industry? They are not lazy welfare handout people. Not their fault that our government won't enforce our immigration laws and that they are allowing the rich to get rich off of cheap, illegal labor.
I read on Briebart a couple of months back that the Republican plan is to give every single Mexican that wants to come here and work, a green card and legal means to work... without ever giving them a passage to citizenship.

IS THAT WHAT YOU CONSERVATIVES truly want? All the Mexicans that want to come here and work and LIVE can do so, as long as we give them no pathway to citizenship??????????

So the republicans can SERVE their business masters and give them the cheaper labor they want.....more like SLAVES that they want, by not giving them the opportunity to some day become citizens in the place they live and work their entire life?

If they are all here legally with green cards, they are all eligible for all of our social welfare programs.

Seriously, do you agree with this Republican plan?
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.
Nobody, in America, should have to work for a substandard wage that won't pay the rent and a decent living. Even if it means we pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce.

If you had to pay ten bucks for a head of lettuce those people making the minimum would still be poor. And their purchasing power would remain the same.

Geez, are you thick headed? Before the arrival of millions of illegal aliens the cost of produce wasn't out of sight as you are claiming will happen with them gone. Again, only 3% of illegals are picking crops. Get that thru your thick skull! There are unlimited visas for legal, foreign crop pickers. When you factor in our higher taxes paying for these illegal's social costs our head of lettuce is no bargain now. Remove them from the picture and lettuce will actually go down and Americans will get back the jobs that they will do and will increase their purchasing power.

Geez you're a dumb fuck.
Not sure how you got the idea I'm pro immigration out of my post but you just wasted a lot of words for nothing.
You need to work on your reading comprehension...jackass.
"Why are conservatives so obsessed with the border and immigration?"

It's the consequence of the fear of change and diversity common to most on the right, specificity the unwarranted fear that immigrants manifest some sort of 'threat,' that America will be 'changed' in some manner detrimental to the interests of conservatives.

Much of it has to do with conservative ignorance of, or contempt for, 14th Amendment jurisprudence, where the right to due process of the law is guaranteed to all persons, including those undocumented, as one is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty of unauthorized access to the country in a court of law.

Nativism has historically been a fundamental component of conservative dogma, dating back to the late 19th Century and hostility toward immigration from Central and Eastern Europe.

Last, and unfortunately, it has to some degree to do with racism and bigotry – those who don't want to see more 'brown people' in the country. Of course this racism is not representative of all conservatives, but it does illustrate the fact that conservative dogma does attract racists, who find refuge among conservative ranks.
I wouldn't mind a similar plan 'care4' , I think that under a couple of plans in the past that certain numbers of workers would come to the USA and do farm labor , etc , make money and then go home when the work was done . That'd be much better than what we now have .
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I wouldn't mind a similar plan 'care4' , I think that under a couple of plans in the past that certain numbers of workers would come to the USA and do farm labor , etc , make money and then go home when the work was done . That'd be much better than what we now have .
Pismoe, only 3 percent of the illegals in this nation work in agriculture, the Mexican Migrant workers do get green cards easily...so they are NOT the majority of illegal Mexicans as so many people think they are..... We already have a fairly solid and working immigration green card program for these Mexican workers. It's the 97% that are left of the illegals that we have a problem with controling, and they are working other jobs.

Many on this thread on the conservative side have said that not one Mexican Illegal should be working in this nation until ALL citizens here have a job that want a job first....

How does this republican proposal JIVE with that?
And Pismoe, most all of the conservatives have also voiced their opinion on not wanting illegals to receive all of our social safety net welfare programs, but allowing all Mexicans that want to come here to work and live.... get a green card visa, allows them to all receive welfare if they means test qualify, and allows all of them to put their children in our schools etc etc etc....

Soooo, if this is all okay for these immigrants to receive, then what is it that stops conservatives from giving them a pathway to citizenship if they want to pursue it?
hey 'care4' , my position is to STOP all immigration of all types !! I would only let in the people needed to pick crops and send them home after crops are picked . Better yet , lets see some crop picking machinery built and forget about allowing people into the country to pick crops . My position is the Conservative position .
hey 'care4' , my position is to STOP all immigration of all types !! I would only let in the people needed to pick crops and send them home after crops are picked . Better yet , lets see some crop picking machinery built and forget about allowing people into the country to pick crops . My position is the Conservative position .
Okay Pismoe, then you ARE being consistent with your own conservative stance.....

However, this is NOT what the Republicans are proposing...they are proposing completely opened borders, with any and everyone that wants to come in to this country for a job and to live, will be issued a green card to do so.....if I am understanding this correctly.
Immigrants take jobs that could go to an american. We should seal the border until every american who wants a job has a job.

Except that Americans are not going to do those jobs for what the illegals are doing them for.

Unless, of course, you're ready to pay $10 for a head of lettuce.

I know I'm not.
Nobody, in America, should have to work for a substandard wage that won't pay the rent and a decent living. Even if it means we pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce.

If you had to pay ten bucks for a head of lettuce those people making the minimum would still be poor. And their purchasing power would remain the same.
We need to raise import taxes to countries that pay less than an American living wage. Then Big screen TV's would be more expensive and I wouldn't cry if you couldn't afford a big screen tv.

Your logic is that we, Americans, have to tolerate a lifestyle that requires living in dirt hovels like they do in third world countries and thus it sucks and it is wrong. Pay poor people more, make the cost of living more expensive for more well off people. Raising minimum standards does not mean that those making more than the minimum standards have to get increases too.
hey 'care4' , my position is to STOP all immigration of all types !! I would only let in the people needed to pick crops and send them home after crops are picked . Better yet , lets see some crop picking machinery built and forget about allowing people into the country to pick crops . My position is the Conservative position .
Okay Pismoe, then you ARE being consistent with your own conservative stance.....

However, this is NOT what the Republicans are proposing...they are proposing completely opened borders, with any and everyone that wants to come in to this country for a job and to live, will be issued a green card to do so.....if I am understanding this correctly.
The republicans in the White House do not represent Conservatives any more than the socialist in the White House actually represent Liberals.

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