why are democrats directing the majority of their vitriol at Justice Thomas over the Roe V Wade ruling ?

from prominent leftist celebrities to the leaders in the dem party and commentators on the msm the majority of anger over the SC decision on Roe V Wade is being directed at Clarence Thomas ? hes been vilified by everyone from Samuel Jackson ,Whoopi Goldberg , Hillary and Lightfoot ... and they all know that he wasnt the author of the recent Roe opinion ! Justice Alito not Thomas was the author of the majority opinion that was used to argue for the overturning Roe V Wade ! while i agree and applaud with the courts decision i find it strange that dems seem to be angrier at a black man [Thomas] that agreed with the opinion written by a white man Alito ! is this proof that dems absolutely abhor any black man that has independent thought that doesnt comply with there point of view more than they would dislike a white man that doesnt hold their views ? with the vicious attacks being leveled at Thomas it would seem so ...

I totally agree.

maybe it's because Anita Shrill ws supposed to have saved abortion w/ her bs accusations against C. Thomas at his nomination hearing and that didn't happen and so... You know, the left are always obsessed about killing the unborn.. I would say it is eerie but I figured out a long time ago that dims especially the elite ones are demon possessed so... yeh... After you discover that truth, everything falls into place and starts making a little more sense.. What doesn't make sense is why they allow themselves to be taken over by the devil.... I guess it's that lawless spirit they all seem to have... that way they have of tossing aside logic and truth and reality and choosing instead... just.. whatever... :dunno:
Clarence Thomas wants America to become a moral nation again. Libs can't stand that.

---Clarence Thomas says Supreme Court should reconsider contraception, gay marriage rulings---

In the days when the Catholic Church helped rule (Magna Carta) and kings listened to the Church (sigh... nostalgia.. even though I wasn't alive then) we didn't have all this vileness... this demonic stuff and again.. I don't care if people call me looney tunes or whatever but the problem w/ the dims is that they are demon possessed

kinda hard to deal w/ such people but..

Seriously, though... what more would a demon do to this country than an elite dim has already done or tried to do?

from prominent leftist celebrities to the leaders in the dem party and commentators on the msm the majority of anger over the SC decision on Roe V Wade is being directed at Clarence Thomas ? hes been vilified by everyone from Samuel Jackson ,Whoopi Goldberg , Hillary and Lightfoot ... and they all know that he wasnt the author of the recent Roe opinion ! Justice Alito not Thomas was the author of the majority opinion that was used to argue for the overturning Roe V Wade ! while i agree and applaud with the courts decision i find it strange that dems seem to be angrier at a black man [Thomas] that agreed with the opinion written by a white man Alito ! is this proof that dems absolutely abhor any black man that has independent thought that doesnt comply with there point of view more than they would dislike a white man that doesnt hold their views ? with the vicious attacks being leveled at Thomas it would seem so ...

It's plain Maoist/Democrat racism. I listened today to a program that revisited all the racist remarks of former Senator, vice president and now president Joe Biden.
Yet, no Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats hold Joey Xi Bai Dung's racism even though he claimed that Barack Obama was an articulate speaker and was clean.

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It's plain Maoist/Democrat racism. I listened today to a program that revisited all the racist remarks of former Senator, vice president and now president Joe Biden.
Yet, no Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats hold Joey Xi Bai Dung's racism even though he claimed that Barack Obama was an articulate speaker and was clean.


they cant hide their racism even when they are trying to hide their racism .
from prominent leftist celebrities to the leaders in the dem party and commentators on the msm the majority of anger over the SC decision on Roe V Wade is being directed at Clarence Thomas ? hes been vilified by everyone from Samuel Jackson ,Whoopi Goldberg , Hillary and Lightfoot ... and they all know that he wasnt the author of the recent Roe opinion ! Justice Alito not Thomas was the author of the majority opinion that was used to argue for the overturning Roe V Wade ! while i agree and applaud with the courts decision i find it strange that dems seem to be angrier at a black man [Thomas] that agreed with the opinion written by a white man Alito ! is this proof that dems absolutely abhor any black man that has independent thought that doesnt comply with there point of view more than they would dislike a white man that doesnt hold their views ? with the vicious attacks being leveled at Thomas it would seem so ...

Easy target.
So you support gay marriage.

Some people shouldn't be allowed to get married.
Yeah, generally people who can't consent- Conservatives weird ass obsession with grown adults doing what they want with other grown adults sure seems antithetic to their small government, freedom stuff they always saying they're about.
Because Thomas is black conservative, something liberals HATE.
Aren't it always conservative people whining about people bringing up race and how that makes them racists? Anyway, if you think they hate him because he's black and not... for the same reason they hate all the rest of the people who did this you're being dense,
It's plain Maoist/Democrat racism. I listened today to a program that revisited all the racist remarks of former Senator, vice president and now president Joe Biden.
Yet, no Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats hold Joey Xi Bai Dung's racism even though he claimed that Barack Obama was an articulate speaker and was clean.



Look at the look on that Black guy's face listening to byedum

it's like

"What the hell is this honky white boy talking about...? not making a lick o'sense... "
Let me break it down for you chief, it's because he's the one trying to not only destroy women's constitutional right to Abortion. It's because he decided to put in his little wish list of other freedom's and rights he wants to abolish next.

It's not even complicated.
Abortion is not a ‘constitutional right’. That’s what this decision is about.
What are these other alleged ‘freedoms and rights’ that Thomas opposes that you refer to?
from prominent leftist celebrities to the leaders in the dem party and commentators on the msm the majority of anger over the SC decision on Roe V Wade is being directed at Clarence Thomas ? hes been vilified by everyone from Samuel Jackson ,Whoopi Goldberg , Hillary and Lightfoot ... and they all know that he wasnt the author of the recent Roe opinion ! Justice Alito not Thomas was the author of the majority opinion that was used to argue for the overturning Roe V Wade ! while i agree and applaud with the courts decision i find it strange that dems seem to be angrier at a black man [Thomas] that agreed with the opinion written by a white man Alito ! is this proof that dems absolutely abhor any black man that has independent thought that doesnt comply with there point of view more than they would dislike a white man that doesnt hold their views ? with the vicious attacks being leveled at Thomas it would seem so ...

cause they've already hated him for a long time because he's black, and they are uncomfortable admitting that black people can have different views .. even opposite ones , and that doesn't necessarily make them a bad person? I think so.

I have an African friend who many liberals here would probably LOVE because of her heritage , outgoing personality, tough life experiences and then accomplishments in the U.S., probably would love her art work and things she had done with a foundation.... but then.. if they ever heard her complain about Illegal immigrants which she sometimes does... and if they ever heard her say how she REALLY LIKES TRUMP.... they would probably want to disown her. Then ther's the little fact that she thought the whole BLM movement was a bunch of B.S. , infuriating some of her other friends because she refused to go with them to BLM protests. Probably because as I know she endured a lot of suffering in her original home and cant quite equate what people are telling her to believe. So yeah, people like Lightfoot and that particular ilk, exist by putting everyone in neat little boxes, they cant understand actually how complex people are and how each of us has variations in the way we view and process information. They have to villify someone like Thomas, when in reality they should embrace the fact that heres someone with different ideas... so lets talk about them and learn something about each other.
The one thing I notice from the radical libs though, is they are always saying how they are done with talking..its time to get in peoples faces. of course, they have been doing that for years now.
Abortion is not a ‘constitutional right’. That’s what this decision is about.
What are these other alleged ‘freedoms and rights’ that Thomas opposes that you refer to?

Correct. the decision does not take rights away from women, it leaves it up to the states to determine if the baby inside the womb, is also considered human and also has some right to life.
Yeah, generally people who can't consent- Conservatives weird ass obsession with grown adults doing what they want with other grown adults sure seems antithetic to their small government, freedom stuff they always saying they're about.

Aren't it always conservative people whining about people bringing up race and how that makes them racists? Anyway, if you think they hate him because he's black and not... for the same reason they hate all the rest of the people who did this you're being dense,
GROWN ASS ADULTS dont murder babies, only lib coward scum do.
from prominent leftist celebrities to the leaders in the dem party and commentators on the msm the majority of anger over the SC decision on Roe V Wade is being directed at Clarence Thomas ? hes been vilified by everyone from Samuel Jackson ,Whoopi Goldberg , Hillary and Lightfoot ... and they all know that he wasnt the author of the recent Roe opinion ! Justice Alito not Thomas was the author of the majority opinion that was used to argue for the overturning Roe V Wade ! while i agree and applaud with the courts decision i find it strange that dems seem to be angrier at a black man [Thomas] that agreed with the opinion written by a white man Alito ! is this proof that dems absolutely abhor any black man that has independent thought that doesnt comply with there point of view more than they would dislike a white man that doesnt hold their views ? with the vicious attacks being leveled at Thomas it would seem so ...

Because he's not following the Democratic parties mandated behavior for Black people.They say they want diversity, but it has to be the appropriate kind.
Because he's not following the Democratic parties mandated behavior for Black people.They say they want diversity, but it has to be the appropriate kind.

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