why are democrats directing the majority of their vitriol at Justice Thomas over the Roe V Wade ruling ?

Many democrats continue to have their cross hairs on Clarence Thomas instead of the other white folk on SCOTUS


Is it racism? More high tech lynchings?

Howard is a well known racist

Made black face video in 1993. Check

Used the N word. Check
The only two people who should NOT be sitting on that court are Thomas and Kavanaugh. And it's got nothing to do with their rulings steeped in their religious and moral beliefs.
These two are scumbags. Not fit to sit on the highest court in the land. Add to that Thomas shares a bed and pillow talk with a woman who supports insurrection and sedition. That makes him doubly
The only two people who should NOT be sitting on that court are Thomas and Kavanaugh. And it's got nothing to do with their rulings steeped in their religious and moral beliefs.
These two are scumbags. Not fit to sit on the highest court in the land. Add to that Thomas shares a bed and pillow talk with a woman who supports insurrection and sedition. That makes him doubly
I assume you believe all of the allegations brought against both of them that were unproven.

Even so, why is Clarence alone singled out like in this example?

Those criticizing Thomas are racist, and those who do not denounce this racism are supporting it.

We saw Biden being racist as hell against Thomas during the hearings.

“A high tech lynching of an uppity black.”. That is a quote from Thomas.

The attacks against Clarence go way back before the recent decisions

For years, Democrats have attacked Ginni Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, for being involved in conservative politics. The goal has always been the same: to discredit the justice and force him out of the Supreme Court.

In 2010, they railed against Ginni Thomas’s decision to form a Tea Party-linked group and argued the Tea Party had “infiltrated” the Supreme Court. A few years later, they slammed her for opposing Obamacare and demanded that Clarence Thomas recuse himself from hearing a challenge to the healthcare law. In both cases, ethical experts and Thomas’s own colleagues, including Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Stephen Breyer, made it clear that Ginni Thomas’s beliefs and involvement in Republican politics had no bearing on Clarence Thomas’s ability to do his job.

“This is a false issue in my mind,” Breyer said back in 2011. “A wife or husband is an independent person, and they make up their own minds what their career is going to be,” he added, noting that his own wife’s career as a psychologist did not stop him from sitting on cases involving psychology.
Breyer’s comments are worth bearing in mind as the Democrats launch yet another attack against Ginni and Clarence Thomas, this time because Ginni Thomas dared to hold a controversial opinion about the 2020 presidential election that millions of people happen to share.
After the election, she reportedly encouraged then-chief of staff Mark Meadows to challenge the results and expose alleged voter fraud by Democrats so that President Joe Biden’s win would be overturned. She voiced her support for Sidney Powell, a pro-Trump attorney who claimed to have evidence of this widespread fraud, and told Meadows that Trump should refuse to concede.
To be clear, these text messages from Ginni Thomas were crazy and conspiratorial and reflect poorly on her. But in no way do they indicate that Clarence Thomas was a part of some grand conspiracy to keep Trump in office or that he used his position to run cover for his wife, as Democrats are now claiming.

The Left is arguing that Ginni Thomas’s text messages are directly related to a Supreme Court case involving a tranche of documents regarding the Jan. 6 Capitol riot that Trump sued to keep secret from the National Archives. Clarence Thomas was the lone dissenter who sided with Trump. His dissent, according to leftists, is evidence that he knew about his wife’s correspondence with the White House and wanted to keep it secret, which Democrats are arguing is cause for impeachment.
But here’s the problem: There is no evidence, none, that Ginni Thomas’s text messages were a part of the National Archives documents in question. In fact, there is much more evidence that they were not. According to the Washington Post, these messages were among the thousands of documents that Meadows voluntarily handed over to the Jan. 6 congressional committee when he was initially cooperating with their investigation. In other words, her messages were not among the documents Clarence Thomas ruled should not be released to the committee.
Democrats have also argued that a dissenting opinion Thomas wrote in response to the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear an appeal of a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision regarding the 2020 election was proof that he shared the same beliefs as his wife. This, too, is untrue. Thomas’s argument was that the Pennsylvania case provided the court with an “ideal opportunity” to address election law and whether state lawmakers or state courts get the final say in how federal elections are carried out. His concern was with the legality of the election process — not with its outcome in 2020.
Indeed, Thomas had several opportunities to question the results of the 2020 election if he had wanted to. But each time Trump tried to bring his case before the Supreme Court, the justices turned him away without one dissent.
The attacks against the Thomases are dishonest but deliberate. The Left hates Clarence Thomas because he gets in the way of their agenda, and they have made it quite clear they will do anything to get rid of him — even if they have to accuse him of sexual harassment, dismiss him as a race traitor, insult his wife, and smear him with false allegations of corruption.
It’s what they’ve been doing for decades. Thank God it hasn’t worked.
Hopelessy faggoted slopehead that pretends for a living...... strike 3, you're out cocksucker!

It wasn't that long ago when the women of the village would fling a poof like that off the nearest cliff and laugh about it. The men aren't going to feed it, hmm? OMG wake me when this nightmare is over.

Many democrats continue to have their cross hairs on Clarence Thomas instead of the other white folk on SCOTUS


Is it racism? More high tech lynchings?

All you need to know about why Thomas is being singled out is to read his opinions.

Alito and all the other conservatives said that the Dobbs case only effected abortion, (Roe / Casey) and no other cases.
Thomas said the Dobbs decision sets up reversing other cases like Obergerfell, Lawrence, Griswold, Loving et al.
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Tell us you'd be totally fine if the spouse of a liberal justice was accepting millions from Planned Parenthood.

I'm hoping that you won't be willing to embarrass yourself like that.

So who did Mrs. Thomas accept money from and why? Provide a link please.
Howard Stern would do a better job as Justice

At least he wouldn’t have his wife telling him what to do

You mean like Mooochelle did when she had her husband force restaurants to post calorie count on all items? Or Hillary's national healthcare plan that lost her husband the House the commies held in decades?
He had a character on his show for years he called "king of all blacks", he was always drunk, high and ranting whenever he was on. Howard used him for laughs.
I used to listen to him when I was driving a truck otr. I outgrew him, or he stopped being funny. Take your choice.

Same here except I drove local. He started going downhill when he lost Artie Lange and never replaced him. When he started to get political, that's when I lost interest. He made a statement like "Anybody that votes Republican is a complete moron." I said oh yeah MF? Then you don't need this morons money.

Tuning into the news channels instead, all the good hosts left because they were paying Stern and his sidekicks so much money that they couldn't afford good news talk show hosts any longer. Finally I threw the radio away and canceled my subscription.
The only two people who should NOT be sitting on that court are Thomas and Kavanaugh. And it's got nothing to do with their rulings steeped in their religious and moral beliefs.
These two are scumbags. Not fit to sit on the highest court in the land. Add to that Thomas shares a bed and pillow talk with a woman who supports insurrection and sedition. That makes him doubly

Yeah, we don't need judges like that. Hey, I have a good idea! Why don't we start selecting pedophilia friendly judges based on their skin color and gender? How could we go wrong there?
from prominent leftist celebrities to the leaders in the dem party and commentators on the msm the majority of anger over the SC decision on Roe V Wade is being directed at Clarence Thomas ? hes been vilified by everyone from Samuel Jackson ,Whoopi Goldberg , Hillary and Lightfoot ... and they all know that he wasnt the author of the recent Roe opinion ! Justice Alito not Thomas was the author of the majority opinion that was used to argue for the overturning Roe V Wade ! while i agree and applaud with the courts decision i find it strange that dems seem to be angrier at a black man [Thomas] that agreed with the opinion written by a white man Alito ! is this proof that dems absolutely abhor any black man that has independent thought that doesnt comply with there point of view more than they would dislike a white man that doesnt hold their views ? with the vicious attacks being leveled at Thomas it would seem so ...

He is in his late 70s....they want to put pressure on him....they want the people controlling biden to be the one's to pick his replacement.....
Doesnt say Michelle does it?
She was not involved in crafting ACA

The policy was originally a part of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, but was delayed by lawmakers who felt the new labeling would be burdensome on businesses to comply

And yet he did it anyhow. Who else would be behind it? Who was in charge of trying to force kids to eat crap they didn't want in school?

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