Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

The ruling class in Washington (and a good portion of the democratic party) are afraid of her because she connects with regular people,and is genuinely liked by them. They don't understand why she has that ability or draw... which just goes to show that they are just really out of touch with regular folks and what goes on in normal everyday life with most of them.

REGULAR PEOPLE?????? If this is the US of A's "regular, then we are truly and irrevocably in the crapper!

Sorry...I can't help it if you are a total snob. Most regular folks can relate to Sarah because she can talk to and relate to them on a personal level and she seems genuine. This is something most politicians can't do because they see themselves as "above it all...and everyone".

They aren't interested in peoples everyday plight...they just want to lecture the public about what they supposedly "need" from them.

Exactly... and they marvel at elitists like Obama, who wouldn't take a moment out of his not-so-busy life to spend a moment with an "ordinary" man. He's made it clear, the average Joe is just some nutter "clinging to his God and his guns".

These people are fools.
Well if I felt the opposition party had a real pushover that my party's incumbent president could easily beat, the last thing in the world I'd do is constantly denigrate the pushover. Why say things that might put enough doubt in the minds of some members of the pushover's party to deny him/her the nomination and end up with a candidate that's harder to beat?

It's totally illogical and...oops, wait a sec. They're Dimocrats! Never mind.
Well if I felt the opposition party had a real pushover that my party's incumbent president could easily beat, the last thing in the world I'd do is constantly denigrate the pushover. Why say things that might put enough doubt in the minds of some members of the pushover's party to deny him/her the nomination and end up with a candidate that's harder to beat?

It's totally illogical and...oops, wait a sec. They're Dimocrats! Never mind.

They're scared to death of Palin... she embodies everything Obama's supposed to be... but isn't.
Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Again, you don’t get it: they aren’t ‘terrified,’ they’re fascinated. It’s like finding some sort of political missing link.

Palin represents the remarkable phenomenon of ‘neo-anti-intellectualism’ in America. For Palin and her supporters, one need only know his job and the Bible – noting else. One need not know about Supreme Court decisions, books and newspapers, or about other peoples in other parts of the world.

Ignorance is indeed bliss for Palin and her followers – myths and fallacies about the Constitution and governance can flourish unhindered by fact or reality – a kind of ‘American Cult’ has developed around her.

Predicated on her ignorance of the Constitution and law she and the Palin faithful work to conjoin church and state, undermine privacy rights, and eliminate equal protection.

Wow... does it take a lot of effort to be this woefully ignorant?

No...rightly or wrongly she does come across as rather dumb.
Palin does not want to be president, she didnt even want to be govenor so she quit.

Palin is about money and fame, shes the Paris Hilton on politics.

Famous for being famous is what she wants for her life.

Presidenting is just too much hard work and doesnt pay as well.
Stupid people can be quite scary.... what party they belong to is of no consequence. We need to stop electing idiots.

Your biggest mistake is falling into the trap the liberals have set for you in thinking Mrs. Palin is stupid. She isn't.
REGULAR PEOPLE?????? If this is the US of A's "regular, then we are truly and irrevocably in the crapper!

Sorry...I can't help it if you are a total snob. Most regular folks can relate to Sarah because she can talk to and relate to them on a personal level and she seems genuine. This is something most politicians can't do because they see themselves as "above it all...and everyone".

They aren't interested in peoples everyday plight...they just want to lecture the public about what they supposedly "need" from them.

Exactly... and they marvel at elitists like Obama, who wouldn't take a moment out of his not-so-busy life to spend a moment with an "ordinary" man. He's made it clear, the average Joe is just some nutter "clinging to his God and his guns".

These people are fools.

Wish you guys would make up your mind about Obama...is he a Ghetto thug (like someone here called him the other day) or an elitist snob?
REGULAR PEOPLE?????? If this is the US of A's "regular, then we are truly and irrevocably in the crapper!

Sorry...I can't help it if you are a total snob. Most regular folks can relate to Sarah because she can talk to and relate to them on a personal level and she seems genuine. This is something most politicians can't do because they see themselves as "above it all...and everyone".

They aren't interested in peoples everyday plight...they just want to lecture the public about what they supposedly "need" from them.

Exactly... and they marvel at elitists like Obama, who wouldn't take a moment out of his not-so-busy life to spend a moment with an "ordinary" man. He's made it clear, the average Joe is just some nutter "clinging to his God and his guns".

These people are fools.

You're a fucking idiot!
So, its important that the president of the most powerful nation on earth not only be a working class slob but he should also find time to have a beer at the local?
You clown!!!!
Palin does not want to be president, she didnt even want to be govenor so she quit.

Palin is about money and fame, shes the Paris Hilton on politics.

Famous for being famous is what she wants for her life.

Presidenting is just too much hard work and doesnt pay as well.

In that case I've misjudged her.
Good for her!
Again, you don’t get it: they aren’t ‘terrified,’ they’re fascinated. It’s like finding some sort of political missing link.

Palin represents the remarkable phenomenon of ‘neo-anti-intellectualism’ in America. For Palin and her supporters, one need only know his job and the Bible – noting else. One need not know about Supreme Court decisions, books and newspapers, or about other peoples in other parts of the world.

Ignorance is indeed bliss for Palin and her followers – myths and fallacies about the Constitution and governance can flourish unhindered by fact or reality – a kind of ‘American Cult’ has developed around her.

Predicated on her ignorance of the Constitution and law she and the Palin faithful work to conjoin church and state, undermine privacy rights, and eliminate equal protection.

Wow... does it take a lot of effort to be this woefully ignorant?

No...rightly or wrongly she does come across as rather dumb.

No, no she doesn't.
The ruling class in Washington (and a good portion of the democratic party) are afraid of her because she connects with regular people,and is genuinely liked by them. They don't understand why she has that ability or draw... which just goes to show that they are just really out of touch with regular folks and what goes on in normal everyday life with most of them.

REGULAR PEOPLE?????? If this is the US of A's "regular, then we are truly and irrevocably in the crapper!

Sorry...I can't help it if you are a total snob. Most regular folks can relate to Sarah because she can talk to and relate to them on a personal level and she seems genuine. This is something most politicians can't do because they see themselves as "above it all...and everyone".

They aren't interested in peoples everyday plight...they just want to lecture the public about what they supposedly "need" from them.

I suppose my PROBLEM is that I think we are supposed to be smarter than this, but to paraphrase another poster in this thread, those who are turned on by female mud wrestlers are gonna get big thrills out of the Republican Silly Season...

It really will be kind of sad, this is the face we present to the rest of the world, and almost, if we were not seeing it happen, unbelievable that the party of Anti-Slavery, and Women's Voting Rights, as well as so many other good things has so degenerated that this is all there is left.

Rolling in the mud, and this: Republican Corruption: List of Corrupt Republicans

Rise and Fall of The American Empire, at the speed of sound.... Every damned time one of them opens their mouth!


And if you want to continue to be a "sorry" so-and-so, that is on YOU, LOL.
Not a democrat, but here is what scares the hell out of me. Her view of smaller governemtn does not apply to her morality. Smaller governement only applies when it benefits corporations and all political donors. When it comes to resticting peoples moral freedom she is all for it, you can be free all you want as long as it doesn't conflict with her morality. But this is the same problem I have with all republicans and conservatives, I'm with them and all of their ideas and concepts and then they bring out their morality and their ideas of how they will enforce it, and they lose me.
Palin does not want to be president, she didnt even want to be govenor so she quit.

Palin is about money and fame, shes the Paris Hilton on politics.

Famous for being famous is what she wants for her life.

Presidenting is just too much hard work and doesnt pay as well.


What a fucking moron.
Why Democrats are so Terrified of Sarah Palin 'Splained:

They have serious Mommy Issues.
REGULAR PEOPLE?????? If this is the US of A's "regular, then we are truly and irrevocably in the crapper!

Sorry...I can't help it if you are a total snob. Most regular folks can relate to Sarah because she can talk to and relate to them on a personal level and she seems genuine. This is something most politicians can't do because they see themselves as "above it all...and everyone".

They aren't interested in peoples everyday plight...they just want to lecture the public about what they supposedly "need" from them.

I suppose my PROBLEM is that I think we are supposed to be smarter than this, but to paraphrase another poster in this thread, those who are turned on by female mud wrestlers are gonna get big thrills out of the Republican Silly Season...

It really will be kind of sad, this is the face we present to the rest of the world, and almost, if we were not seeing it happen, unbelievable that the party of Anti-Slavery, and Women's Voting Rights, as well as so many other good things has so degenerated that this is all there is left.

Rolling in the mud, and this: Republican Corruption: List of Corrupt Republicans

Rise and Fall of The American Empire, at the speed of sound.... Every damned time one of them opens their mouth!


And if you want to continue to be a "sorry" so-and-so, that is on YOU, LOL.

What about the Democrat silly season that is Obama? The empty suit.. the great orator that says nothing? The 50 year-old man who has worked less than a 16 year-old paper boy?

Give me a break.

Palin does not want to be president, she didnt even want to be govenor so she quit.

Palin is about money and fame, shes the Paris Hilton on politics.

Famous for being famous is what she wants for her life.

Presidenting is just too much hard work and doesnt pay as well.

In that case I've misjudged her.
Good for her!

And that is why we do not FEAR Palin.

She could not get elected anyway and she doesnt want to be president, She just wants to suck the air out of the room for any viable candidate on the right and split the party.

She will walk away with donations that might have gone to a serious candidate and will up her ability to sell books and increase lecture tour procedes.

She gave Trump the idea and he used the right wing crowd too to amp up his TV carreer.

The right wing fringe is a real gullible group who will send you money for nothing.
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I liked the comment that I heard on a news channel this morning. When Sarah's name is mentioned, it "darkens the sky" for all other GOP candidates. She is either loved or hated. You know, a Palin-Romney ticket would be interesting, although I doubt Romney would take second fiddle.

Personally, I feel she should be given the chance to run for President....and quit.
What a charming lament from someone who voted for a Marxist thug and a pathological liar who wipes his ass on the Constitution every chance he gets.

I don't know how on earth anyone honestly associates Palin with corruption. What could possibly be more corrupt than the Obama Administration, or Reid and Pelosi?

I suppose my PROBLEM is that I think we are supposed to be smarter than this, but to paraphrase another poster in this thread, those who are turned on by female mud wrestlers are gonna get big thrills out of the Republican Silly Season...

It really will be kind of sad, this is the face we present to the rest of the world, and almost, if we were not seeing it happen, unbelievable that the party of Anti-Slavery, and Women's Voting Rights, as well as so many other good things has so degenerated that this is all there is left.

Rolling in the mud, and this: Republican Corruption: List of Corrupt Republicans

Rise and Fall of The American Empire, at the speed of sound.... Every damned time one of them opens their mouth!


And if you want to continue to be a "sorry" so-and-so, that is on YOU, LOL.
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