Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Terrified of her? Are you kidding me?
A woman who is so committed to running that her reasoning has been - I will get in if i don't see any other better candidate from our party. She is holding back and waiting? For what ?
Oh wait, i know. She wants to be begged to get in. She wants to be wooed so as to stroke her ego and whatever else she needs stroked.
Everybody (Repubilicans) used to bitch about Obama's credentials and how inexperience he was, but they are going to get behind someone who could not finish out her only term as governor of Alaska, a state known for where they film the Deadliest Catch and oil?
They are going to get behind a woman who has skin as thick as silk and the brain capacity of the crabs that are brought in on the Behring Sea?
They are going to get behind a candidate that has spent more time being a money whore for herself and the majority of her public appearances in the past two years have been at Tea Party rallies and book signings?
They want a woman who was shredded by the "main stream, really mean, unfair, biased, really mean, liberal, really, really mean media" in 8 weeks last year to run that same gauntlet for 18 months?
They think she is somehow going to unite a party that is in more dissaray than Charlie Sheen on a Vegas bender?
She is "top of the ticket" material ?
Not one person is terrified of her if they get through the BS and look at the facts about Sarah Palin. The "image" is scary by itself, the reality is a walking political horror movie.
For all you Republicans and/or Obama haters know this ---- if she decides to run and is "serious" about it and does nto fold like a lawnchair in six weeks, you are guaranteeing another four years of Obama. You can bet your life and your voter registration card on that TRUST ME !!!!
But hey, go ahead and endorse the biggest politicial novice since Pat Paulsen if you want, just do not even think about blaming anyone and i mean ANYONE but yourselves when she goes off the rails, that is if she can even find them !!!

Well said!!!
Terrified of her? Are you kidding me?
A woman who is so committed to running that her reasoning has been - I will get in if i don't see any other better candidate from our party. She is holding back and waiting? For what ?
Oh wait, i know. She wants to be begged to get in. She wants to be wooed so as to stroke her ego and whatever else she needs stroked.
Everybody (Repubilicans) used to bitch about Obama's credentials and how inexperience he was, but they are going to get behind someone who could not finish out her only term as governor of Alaska, a state known for where they film the Deadliest Catch and oil?
They are going to get behind a woman who has skin as thick as silk and the brain capacity of the crabs that are brought in on the Behring Sea?
They are going to get behind a candidate that has spent more time being a money whore for herself and the majority of her public appearances in the past two years have been at Tea Party rallies and book signings?
They want a woman who was shredded by the "main stream, really mean, unfair, biased, really mean, liberal, really, really mean media" in 8 weeks last year to run that same gauntlet for 18 months?
They think she is somehow going to unite a party that is in more dissaray than Charlie Sheen on a Vegas bender?
She is "top of the ticket" material ?
Not one person is terrified of her if they get through the BS and look at the facts about Sarah Palin. The "image" is scary by itself, the reality is a walking political horror movie.
For all you Republicans and/or Obama haters know this ---- if she decides to run and is "serious" about it and does nto fold like a lawnchair in six weeks, you are guaranteeing another four years of Obama. You can bet your life and your voter registration card on that TRUST ME !!!!
But hey, go ahead and endorse the biggest politicial novice since Pat Paulsen if you want, just do not even think about blaming anyone and i mean ANYONE but yourselves when she goes off the rails, that is if she can even find them !!!

The weekend, the conservative commentator George Will intimated on "This Week" that Sarah Palin shouldn't be trusted with nuclear launch codes.
Terrified of her? Are you kidding me?
A woman who is so committed to running that her reasoning has been - I will get in if i don't see any other better candidate from our party. She is holding back and waiting? For what ?
Oh wait, i know. She wants to be begged to get in. She wants to be wooed so as to stroke her ego and whatever else she needs stroked.
Everybody (Repubilicans) used to bitch about Obama's credentials and how inexperience he was, but they are going to get behind someone who could not finish out her only term as governor of Alaska, a state known for where they film the Deadliest Catch and oil?
They are going to get behind a woman who has skin as thick as silk and the brain capacity of the crabs that are brought in on the Behring Sea?
They are going to get behind a candidate that has spent more time being a money whore for herself and the majority of her public appearances in the past two years have been at Tea Party rallies and book signings?
They want a woman who was shredded by the "main stream, really mean, unfair, biased, really mean, liberal, really, really mean media" in 8 weeks last year to run that same gauntlet for 18 months?
They think she is somehow going to unite a party that is in more dissaray than Charlie Sheen on a Vegas bender?
She is "top of the ticket" material ?
Not one person is terrified of her if they get through the BS and look at the facts about Sarah Palin. The "image" is scary by itself, the reality is a walking political horror movie.
For all you Republicans and/or Obama haters know this ---- if she decides to run and is "serious" about it and does nto fold like a lawnchair in six weeks, you are guaranteeing another four years of Obama. You can bet your life and your voter registration card on that TRUST ME !!!!
But hey, go ahead and endorse the biggest politicial novice since Pat Paulsen if you want, just do not even think about blaming anyone and i mean ANYONE but yourselves when she goes off the rails, that is if she can even find them !!!

The weekend, the conservative commentator George Will intimated on "This Week" that Sarah Palin shouldn't be trusted with nuclear launch codes.

George Will is a RINO who hates America.
I dare her to run...no, and I don't do this often... I double dare her to run!!!!!
Next time out Obama can't pretend he's the Fiscally Conservative Moderate said he was to be on his 57 state tour in 2008 and Palin will demolish him in the debate by making him defend his record
Palin is pretending to run to soak up SarahPac money before it goes to serious candidates. She has seen the polls and knows she couldn't hack it in an open primary

Yeah, plus she's afraid she might have to go on, "Meet The Press".
What exactly did Palin do that was positive for the citizens of Alaska? Please provide links to verifiable sources.

Might wanna read the book "Blind Loyalty to Sarah Palin" sometime by her former top staffer.

What has Obama done so far for the citizens?

Off the top of my head, gotten rid of DADT.

Off the top of my head, is the 9% UE, 14$$$ in Debt, Mess in ME, 5$ Gas Prices, and inflation.
Not quite sure what she's doing.

My thought - she's not going to run

How about Creed on "The Office" ? Former Grass Roots dude

Would be a cool prez

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