Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Well, it's kind of easy when your state gets so much money in revenue from Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills.

Imagine that... a state with one of the lowest populations(less people oriented services), where it's mostly wilderness(less roads and utilities) and get billions upon billions of dollars in revenue from big oil DIDN'T take money from the Stimulus. Wow... go figure.

Gads .. I wonder why that hasn't caught on in the other States...:eusa_whistle:

Lets see..

"Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills."

I tend to go with Big Oil on this one...:lol:

So would he...he is just jealous. ;)

Not jealous at all. Just pointing out the fact that her state is well Compensated from big oil, underpopulated and underdeveloped. The point is so over your head that it resembles a satellite.

My point was, she could afford to turn down stimulus money. Most states couldn't. She isn't a Saint... she was just in a good position. Make her the Governor of Michigan or some other place in the rust belt that has REAL problems and see if she turns it down.
Again, you don’t get it: they aren’t ‘terrified,’ they’re fascinated. It’s like finding some sort of political missing link.

Palin represents the remarkable phenomenon of ‘neo-anti-intellectualism’ in America.

Too bad her credentials are a lot more impressive than Obama's before his presidency.

I hope you are kidding. She did not even finish her term as governor. She's a quitter. You can have her, "credentials".

The Alaskan taxpayers understood her reasons for resigning and were fine with it. A bunch of liberal activists were going after her with frivolous lawsuit after frivolous lawsuit (they love those). She resigned because she was wasting too much time with THAT bs...and couldn't concentrate on state business. Nice try... I see you got your liberal cue cards and scripts handy today. :lol:
Nope. They're afraid of her because they have Mommy Issues.

And they are mad at her because she helped McCain give Obama a run for his money. Even with the Media in his back pocket...and a multitude of lawyers trying to bring her down by digging up even the slightest amount of trash. Obama is used to having elections handed to him through lawyers and such. How dare she.

OMG!!! Another lunatic!!! Nobody handed Obama anything. If you can't tell the truth then maybe you have nothing to debate.

Right...using lawyers to get rid of the competetion so he doesn't have to even compete against anyone is so very challenging. Oh yeah... and how about stealing Hillary's delegates...well they did have to be talked into it...I guess that could have been considered a challenge.
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Gads .. I wonder why that hasn't caught on in the other States...:eusa_whistle:

Lets see..

"Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills."

I tend to go with Big Oil on this one...:lol:

So would he...he is just jealous. ;)

Not jealous at all. Just pointing out the fact that her state is well Compensated from big oil, underpopulated and underdeveloped. The point is so over your head that it resembles a satellite.

My point was, she could afford to turn down stimulus money. Most states couldn't. She isn't a Saint... she was just in a good position. Make her the Governor of Michigan or some other place in the rust belt that has REAL problems and see if she turns it down.

Maybe alot of the other states had incompetent Governors...Unlike Alaska apparently.
Again, you don’t get it: they aren’t ‘terrified,’ they’re fascinated. It’s like finding some sort of political missing link.

Palin represents the remarkable phenomenon of ‘neo-anti-intellectualism’ in America.

Too bad her credentials are a lot more impressive than Obama's before his presidency.

I hope you are kidding. She did not even finish her term as governor. She's a quitter. You can have her, "credentials".

Well her credentials are on par with Obama's, are they not?
second in Crude Oil production... First in Federal Pork Spending

Alaska 1st, Ariz. last in pork spending - USATODAY.com

Yeah... I'm a snob. Screw you, Corporate bootlicker.

What Alaskan projects do you disagree with? Looks like the money was used for research into halibut harvesting (one of Alaska's main resources...fish/seafood). And lighting for runways to enable pilots to land planes in the village airports in the Alaska bush...their major link to the outside world.

At any rate...Sarah Palin was one of the only governors to turn down federal stimulus money.

She did not turn down all of it. She accepted around $900 million and turned down $28.6 million that was to be used for energy efficiency. And that was not too bright, considering Alaska has one of the highest energy costs in the country.

Obviously they didn't need it. Quit yer bitching...I'm sure Obama found other ways to waste that 28.6 million dollars... don't worry about that.
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Gads .. I wonder why that hasn't caught on in the other States...:eusa_whistle:

Lets see..

"Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills."

I tend to go with Big Oil on this one...:lol:

So would he...he is just jealous. ;)

Big Oil Corporation... I Get the Money

Government.. I get the Bill..

Ah.. seems like an easy decision...

I agree....Libs usually love sticking it to big oil. They are just mad because Sarah made the decision to do it, and then Alaskan's benefitted. If the libs could have thought of good ways to rip off the Alaskan tax payers...then they might have been a little happier...but not much I'm sure.

Anything that makes Sarah look good is not liberal friendly. ;)
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Too bad her credentials are a lot more impressive than Obama's before his presidency.

I hope you are kidding. She did not even finish her term as governor. She's a quitter. You can have her, "credentials".

The Alaskan taxpayers understood her reasons for resigning and were fine with it. A bunch of liberal activists were going after her with frivolous lawsuit after frivolous lawsuit (they love those). She resigned because she was wasting too much time with THAT bs...and couldn't concentrate on state business. Nice try... I see you got your liberal cue cards and scripts handy today. :lol:

Truer words were NEVER spoken....:lol::lol:
Gads .. I wonder why that hasn't caught on in the other States...:eusa_whistle:

Lets see..

"Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills."

I tend to go with Big Oil on this one...:lol:

So would he...he is just jealous. ;)

Big Oil Corporation... I Get the Money

Government.. I get the Bill..

Ah.. seems like an easy decision...

No one here remembers the fight to get the alaska pipeline built and haw many concessions big oil had to give to get the liberals to agree?
Once again the right is taking credit for something the mostly the left fought for.
I hope you are kidding. She did not even finish her term as governor. She's a quitter. You can have her, "credentials".

The Alaskan taxpayers understood her reasons for resigning and were fine with it. A bunch of liberal activists were going after her with frivolous lawsuit after frivolous lawsuit (they love those). She resigned because she was wasting too much time with THAT bs...and couldn't concentrate on state business. Nice try... I see you got your liberal cue cards and scripts handy today. :lol:

Truer words were NEVER spoken....:lol::lol:

Right... because they felt it showed she had integrity...something most politicians don't have.

I know it's a foreign concept to democrats, but maybe we will run across one someday that has it.:eusa_pray:
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Maybe alot of the other states had incompetent Governors...Unlike Alaska apparently.

You can't walk away from partisanship, can you? either that, or you are truly an idiot... or perhaps a "true believer"... which is actually worse... to be a true believer is when your critical thinking skills have eroded to the point where you can't see you're being played by one side against the other.

For all you conservatives out there... the term that either Beck or Limbaugh uses quite often "Critical Thinking" goes both ways.... turn those skills on your own side too.

Look at facts, like the ones I explained to our boy Shadow here... and still he can't see the point of reason and truth. He just does a one-liner and backs away.
The Alaskan taxpayers understood her reasons for resigning and were fine with it. A bunch of liberal activists were going after her with frivolous lawsuit after frivolous lawsuit (they love those). She resigned because she was wasting too much time with THAT bs...and couldn't concentrate on state business. Nice try... I see you got your liberal cue cards and scripts handy today. :lol:

Truer words were NEVER spoken....:lol::lol:

Right... because they felt it showed she had integrity...something most politicians don't have.

I know it's a foreign concept to democrats, but maybe we will run across one someday that has it.:eusa_pray:

:lol::lol: You run with that....:lol::lol::lol:
Maybe alot of the other states had incompetent Governors...Unlike Alaska apparently.

You can't walk away from partisanship, can you? either that, or you are truly an idiot... or perhaps a "true believer"... which is actually worse... to be a true believer is when your critical thinking skills have eroded to the point where you can't see you're being played by one side against the other.

For all you conservatives out there... the term that either Beck or Limbaugh uses quite often "Critical Thinking" goes both ways.... turn those skills on your own side too.

Look at facts, like the ones I explained to our boy Shadow here... and still he can't see the point of reason and truth. He just does a one-liner and backs away.

Actually I supported Hillary Clinton...which was very enlightening in that I learned then that Obama supporters will do ANYTHING to win and showed they have absolutely no integrity or shame. Can't say Hillary's were any better though. Even after all of the slander,theft of delegates and overall harrassment and dishonest crap they went through bitched about (and documented)....they flocked to Obama's side like good little sheep.

I love how you are lecturing me about towing a partisan line though...with a bunch of made up BS to boot...very predictable. :)
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Actually I supported Hillary Clinton...which was very enlightening in that I learned then that Obama supporters will do ANYTHING to win and showed they have absolutely no integrity or shame. Can't say Hillary's were any better though. Even after all of the slander,theft of delegates and overall harrassment dishonest crap they went through....they flocked to Obama's side like good little sheep.

I love how you are lecturing me about towing a partisan line though...with a bunch of made up BS to boot...very predictable. :)

Ummm what made up BS? enlighten me.
Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?
The Obvious....


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