Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Too bad her credentials are a lot more impressive than Obama's before his presidency.

He didnt fucking quit.

I'm pretty sure I know President Obama hasn't quit. Lets stop with the non-sense, and look at the facts for a moment.


Harvard Grad (Attorney)
State Senator for seven years
US Senator for three years


Mayor for six years
Governor for three years
Member of City Council for four years
Chairperson of Alaska Oil and Gas Conservative Commission for one year

And you're bragging? Let's see mayor of some Podunk town in Alaska. Governor of a Podunk State who gets subsidized from the Federal Government more than any other... City Council, and what looks to be a Conservative think-tank.

Yep... she's a winner.
He didnt fucking quit.

I'm pretty sure I know President Obama hasn't quit. Lets stop with the non-sense, and look at the facts for a moment.


Harvard Grad (Attorney)
State Senator for seven years
US Senator for three years


Mayor for six years
Governor for three years
Member of City Council for four years
Chairperson of Alaska Oil and Gas Conservative Commission for one year

And you're bragging? Let's see mayor of some Podunk town in Alaska. Governor of a Podunk State who gets subsidized from the Federal Government more than any other... City Council, and what looks to be a Conservative think-tank.

Yep... she's a winner.

Alright, well I'm going to completely disregard the whole post, because I don't think being Governor of any state is easy, or Mayor, either. My point being is, that she has just as much, or more credentials than President Obama before his presidency.

Now, if you're going to attempt and refute that point, than go ahead.
He didnt fucking quit.

I'm pretty sure I know President Obama hasn't quit. Lets stop with the non-sense, and look at the facts for a moment.


Harvard Grad (Attorney)
State Senator for seven years
US Senator for three years


Mayor for six years
Governor for three years
Member of City Council for four years
Chairperson of Alaska Oil and Gas Conservative Commission for one year

And you're bragging? Let's see mayor of some Podunk town in Alaska. Governor of a Podunk State who gets subsidized from the Federal Government more than any other... City Council, and what looks to be a Conservative think-tank.

Yep... she's a winner.

So you are going to trash Alaska now? The state that ranks second in the nation for crude oil production? I just love you liberal snobs. :cuckoo:
Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

They're terrified of her in the same way George Carlin, Michael Palin or Jerry Seinfeld terrify people.

Nope. They're afraid of her because they have Mommy Issues.

And they are mad at her because she helped McCain give Obama a run for his money. Even with the Media in his back pocket...and a multitude of lawyers trying to bring her down by digging up even the slightest amount of trash. Obama is used to having elections handed to him through lawyers and such. How dare she.
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They are afraid of her popularity with voters and charismatic powers and see it as a threat to Obama's reelection. Very simple, this one. :)
Because shes a threat to their bizarre brand of socialism.

The last thing liberals (er socialists) want is a free society and free market economy. Thats not "fair" to them because those socioeconomic ideas take hard work to be successful in and liberals are fucking lazy and stupid - they cant make it in a libertarian free market environment.
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Alright, well I'm going to completely disregard the whole post, because I don't think being Governor of any state is easy, or Mayor, either. My point being is, that she has just as much, or more credentials than President Obama before his presidency.

Now, if you're going to attempt and refute that point, than go ahead.

Disregard all you want. I would say that 7 years as a state Senator and three years as a US Senator trumps a Governorship that she walked away from. The rest is fluff... City Council? Conservative think tank? Both of them are on par with the "Community Organizer" label you throw on Obama.
Again, no one’s ‘afraid’ of Palin – her ignorance of Constitutional law and consequence arrogance do demonstrate how utterly unqualified she is:

Sarah Palin's 'Christian Nation' Remarks Spark Debate

Is America a Christian nation?

Sarah Palin said on Friday that it's "mind-boggling" to suggest otherwise.

"Lest anyone try to convince you that God should be separated from the state, our founding fathers, they were believers," said Palin. "And George Washington, he saw faith in God as basic to life."

But two groups dedicated to the separation of church and state are now speaking out against her, arguing that she is misreading the founders' intent.

"It's incredibly hypocritical that Sarah Palin, who disapproves of government involvement in just about anything, now suddenly wants the government to help people be religious," Barry Lynn, the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, told ABC News.

"It is wildly inconsistent with her views on limited government to get the government involved in matters of faith." 2010).

Sarah Palin Christian Nation Remarks Spark Church and State Separation Debate - ABC News

Indeed, very hypocritical.

Now, what is frightening is that there are many on the radical Christian right who, like Palin, want to conjoin church and State in violation of the First Amendment.
Alright, well I'm going to completely disregard the whole post, because I don't think being Governor of any state is easy, or Mayor, either. My point being is, that she has just as much, or more credentials than President Obama before his presidency.

Now, if you're going to attempt and refute that point, than go ahead.

Disregard all you want. I would say that 7 years as a state Senator and three years as a US Senator trumps a Governorship that she walked away from. The rest is fluff... City Council? Conservative think tank? Both of them are on par with the "Community Organizer" label you throw on Obama.

Since you seem unable to compare the resumes, I'll take on the issue.

Senator for three years vs. Governor for three years? I'll say they're pretty similar, can we agree?

Seven years as State Senator is compareable to her record of mayor, city council, and chairperson.

I think it goes without saying, because we're actually comparing these two people's (Obama/Palin) credentials, when you believe this woman is not prepared to take on a position of such as the President.

I'm glad you disregard
So you are going to trash Alaska now? The state that ranks second in the nation for crude oil production? I just love you liberal snobs. :cuckoo:

second in Crude Oil production... First in Federal Pork Spending

Alaska 1st, Ariz. last in pork spending - USATODAY.com

Yeah... I'm a snob. Screw you, Corporate bootlicker.

What Alaskan projects do you disagree with? Looks like the money was used for research into halibut harvesting (one of Alaska's main resources...fish/seafood). And lighting for runways to enable pilots to land planes in the village airports in the Alaska bush...their major link to the outside world.

At any rate...Sarah Palin was one of the only governors to turn down federal stimulus money.
They're terrified of her in the same way George Carlin, Michael Palin or Jerry Seinfeld terrify people.

Nope. They're afraid of her because they have Mommy Issues.

I suppose those who don't like Hilary Clinton must have 'mommy issues' as well.

They must... it was the same band of Obama supporters who attacked Hillary Clinton during the primaries...that go after Sarah Palin with a vengence now. Y'all are consistantly against women.
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Well, it's kind of easy when your state gets so much money in revenue from Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills.

Imagine that... a state with one of the lowest populations(less people oriented services), where it's mostly wilderness(less roads and utilities) and get billions upon billions of dollars in revenue from big oil DIDN'T take money from the Stimulus. Wow... go figure.
Well, it's kind of easy when your state gets so much money in revenue from Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills.

Imagine that... a state with one of the lowest populations(less people oriented services), where it's mostly wilderness(less roads and utilities) and get billions upon billions of dollars in revenue from big oil DIDN'T take money from the Stimulus. Wow... go figure.

Many refused...

As a matter of fact - your stupid libfucks in state senates had the fucking audacity to attempt to say "since they're refusing the money we'll take what they refuse to spend."

Fucking vultures.

Of course those sick twisted thieves don't get it because they're fucking retarded.

Stealing is wrong... Democrats are fucking thieves....
Well, it's kind of easy when your state gets so much money in revenue from Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills.

Imagine that... a state with one of the lowest populations(less people oriented services), where it's mostly wilderness(less roads and utilities) and get billions upon billions of dollars in revenue from big oil DIDN'T take money from the Stimulus. Wow... go figure.

Why are you poo pooing a windfall tax on big oil? Obama actually supports this. Oh I know...cuz you don't get any. :lol:

Don't talk to me about wasting money...Obama is the KING in that area.

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