Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

I pray she gets in the race. It will turn the Repub primaries upsidedown LOL

Agreed. The GOP establishment have all be awarded the nomination to Romney. If Palin joins the race, the Tea Party comes out for her and all bets are off. I also hope she does join the race. McConnell will swallow his tongue! It was make great Theater! :clap2:
Palins worst attribute is she has a "Mean Girl" side which she can't control. When challenged or criticized, the mean girl comes out

If it were a guy or a Democrat Lady getting backed in a corner and punching their way out it would be considered being scrappy.When it's Sarah she's something other.

Palin gives Liberal "men" a bad case of penis envy.

They prefer their women like Janet Reno, or Lez Warren
I see the lefties are at their usual occupation....spreading the lie.

Sarah Palin was a victim of lefty harrassment. Alaska has a unique state law that requires all government officials to defend ethics charges with their own finances. After many frivilous ethics lawsuits, Palin took herself out of the line of fire.

Once again, we see deranged nincompoops shiting their diapers and spreading it all over the place.

Are you saying an "ethics" investigation rattled her so much she ran away screaming?
I really hope Palin runs. It would be fun to watch her debate Obama and get shredded.

I'm telling you now

Obama will make one or two stupid "lipstick on as pig" joke

Palin will DEMOLISH Obama on his record debt, deficits and fundamental misunderstanding of what makes America great.

When Palin's done debating Obama he's going to look like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.

You think Russert turned him into a stuttering boob, wait until his has to defend his record.

"But but but but but I killed Osama!!"
I really hope Palin runs. It would be fun to watch her debate Obama and get shredded.

I'm telling you now

Obama will make one or two stupid "lipstick on as pig" joke

Palin will DEMOLISH Obama on his record debt, deficits and fundamental misunderstanding of what makes America great.

When Palin's done debating Obama he's going to look like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.

You think Russert turned him into a stuttering boob, wait until his has to defend his record.

"But but but but but I killed Osama!!"

All Obama has going for him is rhetoric, and the Unions...that's it.
I really hope Palin runs. It would be fun to watch her debate Obama and get shredded.

I'm telling you now

Obama will make one or two stupid "lipstick on as pig" joke

Palin will DEMOLISH Obama on his record debt, deficits and fundamental misunderstanding of what makes America great.

When Palin's done debating Obama he's going to look like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.

You think Russert turned him into a stuttering boob, wait until his has to defend his record.

"But but but but but I killed Osama!!"

All Obama has going for him is rhetoric, and the Unions...that's it.

And he busted a cap in Osama's ass

And he's going to march Israel back to its 1967 borders
I'm telling you now

Obama will make one or two stupid "lipstick on as pig" joke

Palin will DEMOLISH Obama on his record debt, deficits and fundamental misunderstanding of what makes America great.

When Palin's done debating Obama he's going to look like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.

You think Russert turned him into a stuttering boob, wait until his has to defend his record.

"But but but but but I killed Osama!!"

All Obama has going for him is rhetoric, and the Unions...that's it.

And he busted a cap in Osama's ass

And he's going to march Israel back to its 1967 borders

Those are good examples. Obama has nothing. He gets an A+ for taking vacations and pretending he's something that he really isn't...Irish,Reagan, Lincoln, FDR, Zeus, A Warrior...Clean/Articulate...chinese Puppet?






In any case? Pick one...for eventually? he will end up being defeated in 2012 as the clown that he is...

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The Obamarrhoids fear Palin the most because she doesn't mince any words and exposes the semi-black MONUMENTAL FRAUD using language that precisely exposes the POS.

The ENORMITY of the onslaught of the Obamarrhoids against Palin was to a large extent successful and has intimidated the American Public to wonder if that much BULLSHIT may not have a kernel of truth in the Obamarrhoidal BULLSHIT....and so it's prudent not to take a chance.....as say with a person like TRUMP.

But, there are enough anti-obamarrhoids who are voting for Palin (if she runs) that STILL make these Obamarrhoidal arseholes scared shitless.

The Obamarrhoidal idiots are fairly certain that they can beat a MODERATE Republican like Romney....know for certain (and they were correct) that they can whip a milquetoast Republican like the WUSS McCain (who was, justly, an American Hero re his service in Nam)......they CANNOT beat someone like Sarah Palin, Herman Cain (who would satisfy any bogus Racial component) and Gingrich.

Personally, my dream ticket is Herman Cain/Gingrich, or vs versa. Or, any permutation or combination of all of them with Sarah Palin thrown in.

Sarah thought we invaded Iraq because it was "Saddam" who was behind 9/11.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7ds-s0-IEY]YouTube - ‪Obama Gaff‬‏[/ame]

The people he's talking about in the audience are those that are honoring the fallen heroes. I guess you could take it either way. Unless you believe that people can literally see dead people. He's honoring soldiers, you're making fun of their "Commander in Chief". No surprise there.
The left is screaming, "We want Sarah to be the Republican nominee!".

The Republicans are hearing, "Democrats are scared of Sarah".

Try to "listen".

Lemmie clue some of you people in to what causes fear.

You fear the most, what you understand the least. Knowledge of facts and truth are essential tools for understanding, which makes fear go away. Want a good example? Look at Steve Erwin, the Crocodile Hunter. He understands that they tip off to stuff like fear and other things, as well as he knows basically where the safe zone is, and where the danger zone is.

As far as "fearing" Palin? Nope. Why? Simple.........she doesn't read, doesn't interview well when she's being asked questions she'd like to forget about.

I understand what Palin is pretty well.........she's a shallow, ego driven maniac, who doesn't take the time to really research the issues. She prefers instead to be spoon fed bumpersticker slogans that she thinks will win over the audience, as well as has flip flopped on a few things.

No. I don't fear Palin, I pity her. Must be a horrible way to live being that miserable to people. What she really reminds me of is the clueless cheerleader in High School who's got big titties and a really nice shape, but dumb as a fencepost who gets elected Senior Prom Queen.

To tell the truth, I'd kinda like to see her run. It would be a hoot to watch her try to debate Obama.
Lemmie clue some of you people in to what causes fear.

You fear the most, what you understand the least. Knowledge of facts and truth are essential tools for understanding, which makes fear go away. Want a good example? Look at Steve Erwin, the Crocodile Hunter. He understands that they tip off to stuff like fear and other things, as well as he knows basically where the safe zone is, and where the danger zone is.

As far as "fearing" Palin? Nope. Why? Simple.........she doesn't read, doesn't interview well when she's being asked questions she'd like to forget about.

I understand what Palin is pretty well.........she's a shallow, ego driven maniac, who doesn't take the time to really research the issues. She prefers instead to be spoon fed bumpersticker slogans that she thinks will win over the audience, as well as has flip flopped on a few things.No. I don't fear Palin, I pity her. Must be a horrible way to live being that miserable to people. What she really reminds me of is the clueless cheerleader in High School who's got big titties and a really nice shape, but dumb as a fencepost who gets elected Senior Prom Queen.

To tell the truth, I'd kinda like to see her run. It would be a hoot to watch her try to debate Obama.

Yep... you just described Obama to a tee. So...really it's not those particular qualities that you don't like in a person. It's that Sarah is #1 a woman (notice the childish anti woman rant you launched into just now)... and #2 doesn't have a D after her name.

Yep you really care about substance....not.
Lemmie clue some of you people in to what causes fear.

You fear the most, what you understand the least. Knowledge of facts and truth are essential tools for understanding, which makes fear go away. Want a good example? Look at Steve Erwin, the Crocodile Hunter. He understands that they tip off to stuff like fear and other things, as well as he knows basically where the safe zone is, and where the danger zone is.

As far as "fearing" Palin? Nope. Why? Simple.........she doesn't read, doesn't interview well when she's being asked questions she'd like to forget about.

I understand what Palin is pretty well.........she's a shallow, ego driven maniac, who doesn't take the time to really research the issues. She prefers instead to be spoon fed bumpersticker slogans that she thinks will win over the audience, as well as has flip flopped on a few things.No. I don't fear Palin, I pity her. Must be a horrible way to live being that miserable to people. What she really reminds me of is the clueless cheerleader in High School who's got big titties and a really nice shape, but dumb as a fencepost who gets elected Senior Prom Queen.

To tell the truth, I'd kinda like to see her run. It would be a hoot to watch her try to debate Obama.

Yep... you just described Obama to a tee. So...really it's not those particular qualities that you don't like in a person. It's that Sarah is #1 a woman (notice the childish anti woman rant you launched into just now)... and #2 doesn't have a D after her name.

Yep you really care about substance....not.

Actually, I do. I don't really care what someone looks like, I'm more concerned about how much they can teach me. Sarah Palin doesn't know that Saddam DID NOT cause the WTC to go down, nor is she able to answer an interview question about what she reads. Oh yeah......she's not even written her own books, they were done by ghost writers.

Oh yeah........I've even listened to some of her speeches and know that she is factually incorrect when it comes to the Constitution.

So no, I don't fear her or even think she's anywhere close to Obama in intellect, I mean, she even writes down answers on her hand IN A FRIENDLY MEDIA to her.

Combine that with all the other things I've seen concerning her? No. She's not really concerned with even running, because of what Trump taught us all with his birth certificate bullshit, and I'm pretty sure she's not gonna run, because if she did decide, she'd lose her seat at FAUX Nooze, and then would have to get a real job.
This guys sums it up pretty well:

If I had to guess, I'd say she's never going to announce a run, she's never going to announce that she's not going to run, she's going to threaten to jump into the race until the last conceivable second, and even then she's going to threaten to declare herself a candidate at a brokered convention as long as the race is in flux. Oh, and she'll also never declare herself a third-party candidate, but she'll never stop floating rumors that she might become one.

No More Mister Nice Blog
Lemmie clue some of you people in to what causes fear.

You fear the most, what you understand the least. Knowledge of facts and truth are essential tools for understanding, which makes fear go away. Want a good example? Look at Steve Erwin, the Crocodile Hunter. He understands that they tip off to stuff like fear and other things, as well as he knows basically where the safe zone is, and where the danger zone is.

As far as "fearing" Palin? Nope. Why? Simple.........she doesn't read, doesn't interview well when she's being asked questions she'd like to forget about.

I understand what Palin is pretty well.........she's a shallow, ego driven maniac, who doesn't take the time to really research the issues. She prefers instead to be spoon fed bumpersticker slogans that she thinks will win over the audience, as well as has flip flopped on a few things.No. I don't fear Palin, I pity her. Must be a horrible way to live being that miserable to people. What she really reminds me of is the clueless cheerleader in High School who's got big titties and a really nice shape, but dumb as a fencepost who gets elected Senior Prom Queen.

To tell the truth, I'd kinda like to see her run. It would be a hoot to watch her try to debate Obama.

Yep... you just described Obama to a tee. So...really it's not those particular qualities that you don't like in a person. It's that Sarah is #1 a woman (notice the childish anti woman rant you launched into just now)... and #2 doesn't have a D after her name.

Yep you really care about substance....not.

Actually, I do. I don't really care what someone looks like, I'm more concerned about how much they can teach me. Sarah Palin doesn't know that Saddam DID NOT cause the WTC to go down, nor is she able to answer an interview question about what she reads. Oh yeah......she's not even written her own books, they were done by ghost writers.

Oh yeah........I've even listened to some of her speeches and know that she is factually incorrect when it comes to the Constitution.

So no, I don't fear her or even think she's anywhere close to Obama in intellect, I mean, she even writes down answers on her hand IN A FRIENDLY MEDIA to her.

Combine that with all the other things I've seen concerning her? No. She's not really concerned with even running, because of what Trump taught us all with his birth certificate bullshit, and I'm pretty sure she's not gonna run, because if she did decide, she'd lose her seat at FAUX Nooze, and then would have to get a real job.

Interesting. Because I have read her webpage on the issues...and nowhere does it say that she believes Sadam brought down the WTC. I'm thinking that is your own bluster.

She did however claim that terrorists were one of the biggest threats to America today though. And that she was all for a focus on actually fighting Al-Qaeda and not reading them their rights. Also interested in building and maintaining a strong military.

Are you tying to claim Obama didn't have ghost writers? Because you would be incorrect...even while talking about his books the NYT and Washington Post both alluded to the fact that he did. So you get the big negative points for that one too.

Sarah writes notes? So... Obama is fed lines through a teleprompter,and only answers pre approved Obama friendly questions during interviews (real brave there)...and even then he studders and stammers.

You think Obama cares about the constitution? If he was trying to be "factually correct" he wouldn't have shoved so many decisions down the American taxpayers throat.

And as for his huge ego...Obama would have a breakdown if he had to endure even a small fraction of the manufactured and visciously negative press Sarah gets everytime she leaves her house. Hell... he get's one snippet of negative press and he melts down into a tantrum. While Sarah marches on through it all and keeps right on doing her thing. She is by far the one with a stonger character and belief system.
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Sarah thought we invaded Iraq because it was "Saddam" who was behind 9/11.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7ds-s0-IEY]YouTube - ‪Obama Gaff‬‏[/ame]

The people he's talking about in the audience are those that are honoring the fallen heroes. I guess you could take it either way. Unless you believe that people can literally see dead people. He's honoring soldiers, you're making fun of their "Commander in Chief". No surprise there.

RdeanieWeanie and the QueerSwabee/biker,

Yours is the usual manufactured ridiculous crap like "Palin can't or doesn't read", "dumb as a fence post"....shit that wouldn't apply to the most retarded followers of any candidate much less morons that clean out toilets......


One can equally bring out Obamarrhoidal gaffes like "57 states in America". Or, for example: the semi-black MONUMENTAL FRAUD's utterance when honouring the Military, i.e. specifically the "CORPSMEN" pronounced "KOR/MEN", say, REPEATEDLY.....one after another 3 or 4 times: "CORPSE MEN", etc.

What is FACT is that Obami Salaami has a family that is steeped in MARXISM: Mother , Father....Marxists. Mother's father: off the wall MARXIST. The same whackjob grandad introduces Obambo to his NOTORIOUS COMMIE MENTOR "FRANK" Marshall Davis (commie poet who tried to convert NAACP into a Commie Front and failed). Obambi the "Community Orgranizing"employee of a criminal enterprise ACORN indicted in 13+ states. Friend and fellow employee of ACORN, the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL , MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers from whose home Obami Salaami kicked off his Senatorial Career. This same Obambo having a cousin known throughout Africa as the "AFRICAN STALIN"....Leader of the Kenyan COMMIE "Orange Democratic Party" that slaughtered THOUSANDS of fellow Kenyans.....who our Obambo visited shortly before his Presidential Campaign....and attended this PSYCHO RAILA's rallies and was photo-oped arm-in-arm smiling at the rally AND the family gathering shortly after the rally with his Kenyan Family (ALL of whom are Commies)in African garb...again with Raila. arm-in-arm with the same shitty smile. And....if this is not enough to describe this POS's character......what about the fact that Obami Salaami catapulted thru the ranks of the MOST NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT POLITICAL MACHINE IN UNITED STATES HISTORY....THE CHICAGO POLITICAL MACHINE laden with COMMIES & the MAFIOSO !!!!! .... where a political post of a dog-catcher would not be possible without the OK of its top crooks ???

And all the above is for starters.....not mentioning the Black Racism and hatred of America with his TWENTY YEARED TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright's Cathedral of Hate...and subsequently with ANOTHER black Racist Pastor Wallace Smith......Michelle with her "Not proud to be an American", etc., etc., etc.

And you arseholes want to malign Sarah Palin, the most popular and righteous Governor of Alaska whose popularity is unequaled in the History of Alaska ( and, comparably, in all the states of our country) ??????

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The people he's talking about in the audience are those that are honoring the fallen heroes. I guess you could take it either way. Unless you believe that people can literally see dead people. He's honoring soldiers, you're making fun of their "Commander in Chief". No surprise there.

RdeanieWeanie and the QueerSwabee/biker,

Yours is the usual manufactured ridiculous crap like "Palin can't or doesn't read", "dumb as a fence post"....shit that wouldn't apply to the most retarded followers of any candidate much less morons that clean out toilets......


One can equally bring out Obamarrhoidal gaffes like "57 states in America". Or, for example: the semi-black MONUMENTAL FRAUD's utterance when honouring the Military, i.e. specifically the "CORPSMEN" pronounced "KOR/MEN", say, REPEATEDLY.....one after another 3 or 4 times: "CORPSE MEN", etc.

What is FACT is that Obami Salaami has a family that is steeped in MARXISM: Mother , Father....Marxists. Mother's father: off the wall MARXIST. The same whackjob grandad introduces Obambo to his NOTORIOUS COMMIE MENTOR "FRANK" Davis (commie poet who tried to convert NAACP into a Commie Front and failed). Obambi the "Community Orgranizing"employee of a criminal enterprise ACORN indicted in 13+ states. Friend and fellow employee of an UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL , MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers from whose home Obami Salaami kicked off his Senatorial Career. This same Obambo having a cousin known throughout Africa as the "AFRICAN STALIN"....Leader of the Kenyan COMMIE "Orange Democratic Party" that slaughtered THOUSANDS of fellow Kenyans.....whjo our Obambo visited shortly before his Presidential Campaign....and attended this PSYCHO RAILA's rallies and was photo-oped arm-in-arm sliling at the rallie AND the family gathering shortly after with his Kenyan Family (ALL of whom are Commies)in African garb...again with Raila. arm-in-arm with the same shitty smile. And....if this is not enough to describe this POS's character......what about the fact that Obami Salaami catapultged thru the ranks of the MOST NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT POLITICAL MACHINE IN UNITED STATES HISTORY....THE CHICAGO POLITICAL MACHINE laden with COMMIES & the MAFIOSO !!!!! .... where a political post of a dog-catcher would not be possible without the OK of its top crooks ???

And all the above is for starters.....

And you arseholes want to malign Sarah Palin, the most popular and righteous Governor of Alaska whose popularity is unequaled in the History of Alaska ( and, comparably, in all the states of our country) ??????


Sorry, I can't get all the way through one of your posts. It meanders around and appears to be written by someone off their meds. That's not an insult. It's an honest observation.

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