Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Arguing to the person instead of the argument is not a tactic restricted to the left. They just have larger means to do so. There is not a conservative version of Hustler, Saturday Night Live or Meet the Depressed. Which may be a good thing, as they all seem to back fire horribly.

Essentially the tactic means the side that is doing it has nothing to argue. There are no facts that fit reality, there are no theories that make sense, there are no plans anyone wants any part of. Attacking the person is a form of surrender.

The more of a threat that the left considers a GOP candidate to be it's pretty clear the more nasty the attacks against them are.

Let's look at what has happened to Sarah Palin. She's been called stupid, Bill Maher called her the C-word on the air and didn't get fired. Hustler did a full spread on a Sarah Palin lookalike getting her brains screwed out. Obama essentially called her a pig. Saturday Night Live made plenty of hay off of Tina Fey's spoof of Sarah Palin. The left attempted to blame the Gabby Gifford shooting on her. It's just plain ridiculous.

She's essentially Public Enemy number one, but nobody seems to remember why. If you ask people on the left what she did wrong they respond with "She's a quitter".

It seems Newt got it with both barrels. He's been getting it from both sides, but the latest attack is about his Tiffany account. CBS's Face The Nation Bob Schieffer asked him about an account that had a balance 4 years ago of half a million. He response was "What business is my personal finances to CBS?"

Let's face it. Obama's act is wearing thin. People are tired of flowery speeches and do nothing policies. We've got problems that need solving, not just talked about. Obama has become the Campaigner In Chief instead of the great problem-solver he claimed to be. So the only way to fight that is make fun of everyone else. And it seems the folks that threaten him the most get the most fire.

every president campaigns during his first term, which is why, if we're going to have term limits, let them serve one six-year term and be done.
if you really think the Left is scared of Palin, you must think she would have a great shot at winning???
Poor Palin is doing what Trump did ... gaining free publicity.

Correct..........and that is what this is about. She's not running. But shes going to spend the next 18 months touring America and drawing mega-crowds like George Wallace did in 1972.......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIU5c24hEr4]YouTube - ‪George Wallace Assassination Attempt.‬‏[/ame]

Because she's a straight-shooter and connects with your average, everyday American.
Remarkable – there are those defending Palin for purely partisan reasons although she’s wholly unqualified to be president, abandoned her elected office for no good reason, and betrayed the people of Alaska.

Again: remarkable.

She's born on American soil.....

Yeah.....we know......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qB9e_BPrNQ]YouTube - ‪Aryan Nations attempting return to North Idaho‬‏[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06nhnXtGSb8]YouTube - ‪Families in Idaho find racist fliers in their neighborhood‬‏[/ame]​
Terrified? We are hoping and praying she's the Republican nominee. The debates alone will be worth the price of admission.

Face it deany? She's a strong WOMAN that doesn't tow the NOW Gang line...You fear her because she is the antithesis of what you Statists represent...and that is being responsible for yourself instead of being a fucking leftist whiner that blames everything in their lives on someone, or something else other than where the blame squarely rests...

Deany? You and your pals are getting really boring by being predictable.

Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate= Deany and the Statist LEFT...
Personally, I look forward to seeing how the GOP establishment handles Palin, Bachmann, and the tea Party. It should be an interesting juggling act.

I think it will be interesting to see how Fox News treats them this go round. With so much on the line, I don't think Fox will give them the hands off treatment again

Roger Ailes looks like he is running scared and doesn't want the lunatic fringe to run away with his party again
Personally, I look forward to seeing how the GOP establishment handles Palin, Bachmann, and the tea Party. It should be an interesting juggling act.

I think it will be interesting to see how Fox News treats them this go round. With so much on the line, I don't think Fox will give them the hands off treatment again

Roger Ailes looks like he is running scared and doesn't want the lunatic fringe to run away with his party again

The relationship between the GOP, FOX, and the Tea Party is very fragile. FOX, as the marketing arm of the GOP has always viewed the hard core Tea Baggers with cautious distain. Eventually, the establishment GOP will have to take a pro or con stance on Tea Party antics. FOX may be the vehicle they use.
Personally, I look forward to seeing how the GOP establishment handles Palin, Bachmann, and the tea Party. It should be an interesting juggling act.

I think it will be interesting to see how Fox News treats them this go round. With so much on the line, I don't think Fox will give them the hands off treatment again

Roger Ailes looks like he is running scared and doesn't want the lunatic fringe to run away with his party again

The relationship between the GOP, FOX, and the Tea Party is very fragile. FOX, as the marketing arm of the GOP has always viewed the hard core Tea Baggers with cautious distain. Eventually, the establishment GOP will have to take a pro or con stance on Tea Party antics. FOX may be the vehicle they use.

Fox holds the key to Palin running. If she is thinking of running, she has to hand back the Fox paycheck. Right now, it seems she is just whoring for SarahPac. She needs to suck up GOP funds before it goes to serious candidates
There is no other name that can mobilize the Democrats, as the name Palin can. Romney, Ron Paul, Gingrich.... None of them will get out the Democratic vote more than Palin. The close second is Bachmann who is a 1000 to 1 shot at getting the nomination.

Best of both worlds....

Bachmann runs as a TeaBagger and we have a year and a half worth of gaffes to post threads about

As if Obama didn't gaffe his way through the last week.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9DC39A3jXs]YouTube - ‪Obama's Toast to Queen Turns Awkward‬‏[/ame]
I think it will be interesting to see how Fox News treats them this go round. With so much on the line, I don't think Fox will give them the hands off treatment again

Roger Ailes looks like he is running scared and doesn't want the lunatic fringe to run away with his party again

The relationship between the GOP, FOX, and the Tea Party is very fragile. FOX, as the marketing arm of the GOP has always viewed the hard core Tea Baggers with cautious distain. Eventually, the establishment GOP will have to take a pro or con stance on Tea Party antics. FOX may be the vehicle they use.

Fox holds the key to Palin running. If she is thinking of running, she has to hand back the Fox paycheck. Right now, it seems she is just whoring for SarahPac. She needs to suck up GOP funds before it goes to serious candidates

Sarah probably isn't going to run.

Maybe you can start talking shit about one of the other candidates now.
The relationship between the GOP, FOX, and the Tea Party is very fragile. FOX, as the marketing arm of the GOP has always viewed the hard core Tea Baggers with cautious distain. Eventually, the establishment GOP will have to take a pro or con stance on Tea Party antics. FOX may be the vehicle they use.

Fox holds the key to Palin running. If she is thinking of running, she has to hand back the Fox paycheck. Right now, it seems she is just whoring for SarahPac. She needs to suck up GOP funds before it goes to serious candidates

Sarah probably isn't going to run.

Maybe you can start talking shit about one of the other candidates now.

The others are boring as all shit

I'd rather talk about your messiah.....Moosalini

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