Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Palin does not want to be president, she didnt even want to be govenor so she quit.

Palin is about money and fame, shes the Paris Hilton on politics.

Famous for being famous is what she wants for her life.

Presidenting is just too much hard work and doesnt pay as well.

In that case I've misjudged her.
Good for her!

And that is why we do not FEAR Palin.

She could not get elected anyway and she doesnt want to be president, She just wants to suck the air out of the room for any viable candidate on the right and split the party.

She will walk away with donations that might have gone to a serious candidate and will up her ability to sell books and increase lecture tour procedes.
Now, it's a matter (for Teabaggers) o' deciding who's less-crazy.....​

"Right now, many in the chattering classes still see Bachmann as a back-bench House member who might do well in Iowa but won’t be able to sustain a real presidential campaign. And if Palin actually runs, she will undoubtedly steal some — if not most — of the votes that Bachmann would have gotten in Iowa and beyond."
Not a democrat, but here is what scares the hell out of me. Her view of smaller governemtn does not apply to her morality. Smaller governement only applies when it benefits corporations and all political donors. When it comes to resticting peoples moral freedom she is all for it, you can be free all you want as long as it doesn't conflict with her morality. But this is the same problem I have with all republicans and conservatives, I'm with them and all of their ideas and concepts and then they bring out their morality and their ideas of how they will enforce it, and they lose me.

Can you provide an example of Palin legislating morality?

. . . . .

I didn't think so.
Maybe you could explain why the "locals" (in Alaska) felt she needed an Exorcism.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esSAVnn2ye0]YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin's pastor exorcises witches, condemns Jew Bankers‬‏[/ame]​
Poor Palin is doing what Trump did ... gaining free publicity.

Correct..........and that is what this is about. She's not running. But shes going to spend the next 18 months touring America and drawing mega-crowds like George Wallace did in 1972.......and she's going to be spending every single day whacking Obama upside of the head.

Gonna be like a self-financed Decimation Tour..........exposing the fraud.:lol:
I can't wait for Palin to enter the fray..

For god sake, this crop of potential GOP candidates is the most boring in history. At least Palin will raise the excitement level and make the other Republicans bring their A Game

Plus Palin is always good for a gaffe that keeps the board alive during dull periods. The board cannot exist without a good Palin thread. Another plus is that after two years of hiding on FoxNews and her Facebook page, Palin will have to answer questions that are not softballs.

If she thinks Katie Couric was tough, wait until she has to answer for everything she has been spouting for the last two years.
....And, accomplish that, before..... the Second Coming.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB24_jrh8Us]YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin being healed by Jesus on Bill Maher‬‏[/ame]​
Anyone who doesnt realise Palin in intellectually incapable of being a decent president is intellectually incapable of making an adult decision.

Too true, but you have to understand that so many of them (as here on this MB) cannot remain on point long enough to follow a thread topic, so they really cannot be expected to do more than exactly what they are doing. It's their nature, LOL.

I believe in (d)evolution, just look how they have devolved!
....And, in such a (relatively) short-period-of-time!!!

A dead carp would make a better president than Obama.

If you do not recognise that Palin is not smart enough to be a decent president then you are not capable of living in reality.

Palin is of average intelligence and has GREAT ambition.

She will be wealthy and famous for quite some time but will NEVER be elected president in this country even if she really wanted to be.

Anyone who pretends to themselves she will ever be president has no idea of who the people of this country are.
You speak to dead-carps, on a fairly-regular basis??


Are they...like...magical-carps....you know....grant wishes, and all that?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXC66yMe3ao&playnext=1&list=PL51D4987EF3640EE1]YouTube - ‪fractured fairy tales 1961 the frog prince‬‏[/ame]​
Anyone who doesnt realise Palin in intellectually incapable of being a decent president is intellectually incapable of making an adult decision.

Too true, but you have to understand that so many of them (as here on this MB) cannot remain on point long enough to follow a thread topic, so they really cannot be expected to do more than exactly what they are doing. It's their nature, LOL.

I believe in (d)evolution, just look how they have devolved!

You know, I know this is beyond your mental capacity, but we marvel at Obama/Biden voters attempting to make the case that Palin is not all that bright.
No doubt....especially when it's much-less-time-consuming pointing-out her Disciples.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKKKgua7wQk]YouTube - ‪SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters‬‏[/ame]​
Because she's a straight-shooter and connects with your average, everyday American.
Remarkable – there are those defending Palin for purely partisan reasons although she’s wholly unqualified to be president, abandoned her elected office for no good reason, and betrayed the people of Alaska.

Again: remarkable.

She's born on American soil and over the age of 35 and a resident for 14 years... she's qualified.

Get over it.
Because anyone can beat the utter failure Obama.

14.7 trillion in debt and rising
Unemployment punishing Black people
Poverty and food stamps at record levels

Illegal wars in Libya for George Soros euro Profits

Gitmo Open

Lobbyists rule Washington
Earmarks never higher

Illegal Drone attacks

Patriot just renewed by Anti-Patriot act Democrats

Stimulus 1 failed
Stumulus 2 Failed

" I saved a job!" .....................Bullshit!

The economy is in the tank

and Obama is to blame

A gerbil could beat Obama

( didnt mean to excite Democrat men by mentioning a gerbil. Sorry )

Obama is the worst President EVER

Actually, its because of this the Democrats would love Palin to run.

It's better to run against someone easy to beat than someone hard to beat when you don't have a strong record.

The more of a threat that the left considers a GOP candidate to be it's pretty clear the more nasty the attacks against them are.

Let's look at what has happened to Sarah Palin. She's been called stupid, Bill Maher called her the C-word on the air and didn't get fired. Hustler did a full spread on a Sarah Palin lookalike getting her brains screwed out. Obama essentially called her a pig. Saturday Night Live made plenty of hay off of Tina Fey's spoof of Sarah Palin. The left attempted to blame the Gabby Gifford shooting on her. It's just plain ridiculous.

She's essentially Public Enemy number one, but nobody seems to remember why. If you ask people on the left what she did wrong they respond with "She's a quitter".

It seems Newt got it with both barrels. He's been getting it from both sides, but the latest attack is about his Tiffany account. CBS's Face The Nation Bob Schieffer asked him about an account that had a balance 4 years ago of half a million. He response was "What business is my personal finances to CBS?"

Let's face it. Obama's act is wearing thin. People are tired of flowery speeches and do nothing policies. We've got problems that need solving, not just talked about. Obama has become the Campaigner In Chief instead of the great problem-solver he claimed to be. So the only way to fight that is make fun of everyone else. And it seems the folks that threaten him the most get the most fire.

It seems Newt got it with both barrels. He's been getting it from both sides, but the latest attack is about his Tiffany account. CBS's Face The Nation Bob Schieffer asked him about an account that had a balance 4 years ago of half a million. He response was "What business is my personal finances to CBS?"
It's none of CBS's business. But then again, this is the "news" outlet that gave Obama a free pass during the election and ever since.

Hey CBS! Newt made a lot of money on the books he wrote, maybe had you done just a little research you'd have found that out. But, that's why you are in the group of media outlets know as "The Dinosaur Media".
It seems Newt got it with both barrels. He's been getting it from both sides, but the latest attack is about his Tiffany account. CBS's Face The Nation Bob Schieffer asked him about an account that had a balance 4 years ago of half a million. He response was "What business is my personal finances to CBS?"
It's none of CBS's business. But then again, this is the "news" outlet that gave Obama a free pass during the election and ever since.

Hey CBS! Newt made a lot of money on the books he wrote, maybe had you done just a little research you'd have found that out. But, that's why you are in the group of media outlets know as "The Dinosaur Media".

Why would anyone listen to CBS news? Hell...aren't they the organization that resorts to forgery when they can't prove something? Is anyone now suprised that they don't even bother to hide their bias?? Not me.:eusa_hand:
As they become more popular they come under fire.

The latest is Herman Cain. He's being accused of being racist. Can you believe it???

He was asked a leading question the other day. It centered around would he hire a Muslim judge. The answer to this is obvious. Not if he plans on instituting Shara Law from the bench. However the left expanded on this by saying "Herman Cain would never hire a Muslim".

Honesty is not an issue with the left.
Because anyone can beat the utter failure Obama.

14.7 trillion in debt and rising
Unemployment punishing Black people
Poverty and food stamps at record levels

Illegal wars in Libya for George Soros euro Profits

Gitmo Open

Lobbyists rule Washington
Earmarks never higher

Illegal Drone attacks

Patriot just renewed by Anti-Patriot act Democrats

Stimulus 1 failed
Stumulus 2 Failed

" I saved a job!" .....................Bullshit!

The economy is in the tank

and Obama is to blame

A gerbil could beat Obama

( didnt mean to excite Democrat men by mentioning a gerbil. Sorry )

Obama is the worst President EVER

Actually, its because of this the Democrats would love Palin to run.

It's better to run against someone easy to beat than someone hard to beat when you don't have a strong record.

He he he....

It's best to run against an air-head quitter who never accomplished anything on top of what you said.

Because she's a straight-shooter and connects with your average, everyday American.
Remarkable – there are those defending Palin for purely partisan reasons although she’s wholly unqualified to be president, abandoned her elected office for no good reason, and betrayed the people of Alaska.

Again: remarkable.

Why is it remarkable? These are the same followers who want to turn the country over to corporations and drop grandma off at the nearest cliff.
I see the lefties are at their usual occupation....spreading the lie.

Sarah Palin was a victim of lefty harrassment. Alaska has a unique state law that requires all government officials to defend ethics charges with their own finances. After many frivilous ethics lawsuits, Palin took herself out of the line of fire.

Once again, we see deranged nincompoops shiting their diapers and spreading it all over the place.

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