Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?


I mention Palin and we get 5 pages of panic.

To recap:

The economy is obama's
The debt is obama's

The failure is Obama's

Nice try

Democrats create ghettos
Obama Bombed Libya for Oil!!!

Illegal War!!!


Democrats are idiots
I miss Palin

I hope she comes back soon

The board is so dull without her
Obama steals wealth from the productive, which destroys ecomonies.

after three years, and trillions in Obama lost US wealth?

Any sane person would fear a radical socialist democrat

Did you know they kill their own babies?

That is scary......
I LUUUUUUV Sarah Palin. Please run, please run, please run.

I thought it was hilarious that the first time she understood that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 was when they were preparing her for debate with Joe Biden. She actually believed the Republican leadership. Boy, that debate preparation must have been a real mascara lined eye opener.

I look forward to her debating Obama. What's a "drone"? A "bee"?
Predator? I love that movie. But I think the President has more to do than watch movies.

I'm hoping and praying she becomes the Republican nominee.

I'm filled


I wonder if Sarah can create trillions and trillions in debt without creating a job, bankrupting the USA like President Community Oprah?

Big shoes to fill

I wonder if Sarah can create trillions and trillions in debt without creating a job, bankrupting the USA like President Community Oprah?

Big shoes to fill


Republicans take credit for Bin Laden. They should take credit for the economy and the two wars they left Obama. Just sayin'.
At least we know Sarah Palin is "smart". She wrote a book all by herself. It's called, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent". I wonder if she's read it?
I wonder if Sarah can create trillions and trillions in debt without creating a job, bankrupting the USA like President Community Oprah?

Big shoes to fill


Republicans take credit for Bin Laden. They should take credit for the economy and the two wars they left Obama. Just sayin'.

Oh Imagine my surprise another RDean post bashing Republicans while offering nothing of value.
Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Because she's a straight-shooter and connects with your average, everyday American.

She's attacked relentlessly because she represents a threat to the Democrats. It happens with every politician who becomes a potential threat. Almost no one knew who she was before McCain announced her as his VP pick. THEN the attacks rained in. You didn't hear those amount of attacks before that. But when she became a VP candidate she was a threat and the left went after her.

Look at Trump. When he became known as a potential candidate the left went after him mercilessly. Now that he announced he's not running the attacks have all but ceased. Wonder why that is?

If I was Obama I wouldn't want to face Palin.
I wonder if Sarah can create trillions and trillions in debt without creating a job, bankrupting the USA like President Community Oprah?

Big shoes to fill


Republicans take credit for Bin Laden. They should take credit for the economy and the two wars they left Obama. Just sayin'.

Oh Imagine my surprise another RDean post bashing Republicans while offering nothing of value.

Nothing of value? I was attacking a lie. But then, lies are all you have. Pity.
Because anyone can beat the utter failure Obama.

14.7 trillion in debt and rising
Unemployment punishing Black people
Poverty and food stamps at record levels

Illegal wars in Libya for George Soros euro Profits

Gitmo Open

Lobbyists rule Washington
Earmarks never higher

Illegal Drone attacks

Patriot just renewed by Anti-Patriot act Democrats

Stimulus 1 failed
Stumulus 2 Failed

" I saved a job!" .....................Bullshit!

The economy is in the tank

and Obama is to blame

A gerbil could beat Obama

( didnt mean to excite Democrat men by mentioning a gerbil. Sorry )

Obama is the worst President EVER

Simple She's a beautiful Lady who has more ball's than the men do and far more brains and beautify then the liberal females do
WOW!!!!! Thanks for an example of your intelligence level. Would you like some ice cream, little boy?:lol:
I LUUUUUUV Sarah Palin. Please run, please run, please run.

I thought it was hilarious that the first time she understood that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 was when they were preparing her for debate with Joe Biden. She actually believed the Republican leadership. Boy, that debate preparation must have been a real mascara lined eye opener.

I look forward to her debating Obama. What's a "drone"? A "bee"?
Predator? I love that movie. But I think the President has more to do than watch movies.

I'm hoping and praying she becomes the Republican nominee.

I'm filled



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws]YouTube - ‪Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States‬‏[/ame]

But he knows American holidays

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh6Gx1KrvTw]YouTube - ‪Barack Obama Sees Dead People‬‏[/ame]
I LUUUUUUV Sarah Palin. Please run, please run, please run.

I thought it was hilarious that the first time she understood that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 was when they were preparing her for debate with Joe Biden. She actually believed the Republican leadership. Boy, that debate preparation must have been a real mascara lined eye opener.

I look forward to her debating Obama. What's a "drone"? A "bee"?
Predator? I love that movie. But I think the President has more to do than watch movies.

I'm hoping and praying she becomes the Republican nominee.

I'm filled



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws]YouTube - ‪Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States‬‏[/ame]

But he knows American holidays

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh6Gx1KrvTw]YouTube - ‪Barack Obama Sees Dead People‬‏[/ame]

You sure you want to do a "Youtube" vids "war" with Sarah Palin? Don't even get me started. The one where she is rolling her eyes after a women told her she was a "teacher" is my favorite, followed only by the "turkey killing" in the background of another. Or the duel screen with the Sarah impersonator who one a Tony saying one of Sarah's speeches verbatim.
Because she's a straight-shooter and connects with your average, everyday American.
Remarkable – there are those defending Palin for purely partisan reasons although she’s wholly unqualified to be president, abandoned her elected office for no good reason, and betrayed the people of Alaska.

Again: remarkable.
Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Because she's a straight-shooter and connects with your average, everyday American.

She's attacked relentlessly because she represents a threat to the Democrats. It happens with every politician who becomes a potential threat. Almost no one knew who she was before McCain announced her as his VP pick. THEN the attacks rained in. You didn't hear those amount of attacks before that. But when she became a VP candidate she was a threat and the left went after her.

Look at Trump. When he became known as a potential candidate the left went after him mercilessly. Now that he announced he's not running the attacks have all but ceased. Wonder why that is?

If I was Obama I wouldn't want to face Palin.

You're delusional.

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