Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

And I brought up Obama just to hi-light the lunacy of decrying Palin as stupid, and then supporting the idiocy that is Obama/Biden.
Who brought up Obama? This is a Palin thread.

What makes Palin so dumb? I guess it's a matter of having this mix:

Educated to a modest degree
Common sense
can point out a phony pretty easily

While observing her body of work every time she opens her yap. Hitchens actually nailed it right on the head. She's a shameful opportunist and I do feel sorry for anyone who can't see that.

Now mock me again, cuz you sooo clever

Wow. That's you're answer? That being a modestly educated person with some common sense who can spot a phony makes Sarah Palin dumb?

What's not to mock? That's fucking borderline retarded!


The list was in regard to the observer, not palin herself. ill edit to make it more clear.
Who brought up Obama? This is a Palin thread.

What makes Palin so dumb? I guess it's a matter of having this mix:

Educated to a modest degree
Common sense
can point out a phony pretty easily

While observing her body of work every time she opens her yap. Hitchens actually nailed it right on the head. She's a shameful opportunist and I do feel sorry for anyone who can't see that.

Now mock me again, cuz you sooo clever

and you're so intelligent, you quote some hateful idiot like Hitchens..you fit right up there with him from your snobby postings.:lol:
Who brought up Obama? This is a Palin thread.

What makes Palin so dumb? I guess it's a matter of having this mix:

Educated to a modest degree
Common sense
can point out a phony pretty easily

While observing her body of work every time she opens her yap. Hitchens actually nailed it right on the head. She's a shameful opportunist and I do feel sorry for anyone who can't see that.

Now mock me again, cuz you sooo clever

The only reason the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil can spot a phony, is because she's such a phony herself. You can spot easiest what you know the most about.

As far as Hitchens? He's absolutely correct. And did you hear about her showing up at Rolling Thunder? They're not gonna let her speak on the podium, so she's gonna be just another tourist.

Only 2 outcomes I can see........either she's gonna bull her way onto the stage and everyone's gonna be pissed (and rednecks pissing off veteran bikers is no way to go).

Or, she's gonna be snubbed for the entire thing, and she's gonna leave DC all butt hurt and start tweeting and Facebooking bad things about the bikers, because she got snubbed.

Either way, this is gonna do serious damage to her brand.


GT was referring to himself you dummy... not Palin.

Yeah, Sarah Palin is an idiot.

Who brought up Obama? This is a Palin thread.

What makes Palin so dumb? I guess it's a matter of having this mix:

Educated to a modest degree
Common sense
can point out a phony pretty easily

While observing her body of work every time she opens her yap. Hitchens actually nailed it right on the head. She's a shameful opportunist and I do feel sorry for anyone who can't see that.

Now mock me again, cuz you sooo clever

Wow. That's you're answer? That being a modestly educated person with some common sense who can spot a phony makes Sarah Palin dumb?

What's not to mock? That's fucking borderline retarded!


The list was in regard to the observer, not palin herself. ill edit to make it more clear.

I got it.... but you'd better clear it up for Biker Sailer.
Laugh your ass off all you'd like. I think it is a fascination that a person so blatantly phony, and blatantly stoooopit, has as many followers as she does. She's the butt of a lot of jokes around where I'm at but....that's just because it's become common-sense that she's dumb.

No go ahead and mock me, I'll enjoy it.

Really? wow.

Yeah, she has a funny accent and makes mistakes and has follies like all other politicians have but she has great ideas.

Its funny how you give her shit while Obama doesn't even know what fucking year it is.

Why are you so forgiving of Obama's dumb ass yet you label Palin a moron??

Palin doesn't need a teleprompter to have a discussion.

I'm sure Barry would fuck up quite frequently if he didn't have his teleprompter giving him all the fucking answers.

Obama wont even answer fucking questions - are you aware of this???

If an answer is not already programmed into his fucking brain he wont answer the fucking question.

So what makes Obama any better than Palin??

I'm sorry I insulted your Messiah
Another reason why the leftists hate Palin is because shes a female republican.

Liberals believe they own everyone thats not a white male Christian conservative.

They hate all minority (or groups that are allegedly oppressed) republicans more than they hate white male Christian republicans.

They view it as being a traitor......

Progressive nuts believe everyone is supposed to destroy the white male Christian and white males who promote individual liberties..... They're the enemy of the progressive liberal, because allegedly they're all racist bigots...
Laugh your ass off all you'd like. I think it is a fascination that a person so blatantly phony, and blatantly stoooopit, has as many followers as she does. She's the butt of a lot of jokes around where I'm at but....that's just because it's become common-sense that she's dumb.

No go ahead and mock me, I'll enjoy it.

Really? wow.

Yeah, she has a funny accent and makes mistakes and has follies like all other politicians have but she has great ideas.

Its funny how you give her shit while Obama doesn't even know what fucking year it is.

Why are you so forgiving of Obama's dumb ass yet you label Palin a moron??

Palin doesn't need a teleprompter to have a discussion.

I'm sure Barry would fuck up quite frequently if he didn't have his teleprompter giving him all the fucking answers.

Obama wont even answer fucking questions - are you aware of this???

If an answer is not already programmed into his fucking brain he wont answer the fucking question.

So what makes Obama any better than Palin??

I'm sorry I insulted your Messiah

You insulted rationality...
Another reason why the leftists hate Palin is because shes a female republican.

Liberals believe they own everyone thats not a white male Christian conservative.

They hate all minority (or groups that are allegedly oppressed) republicans more than they hate white male Christian republicans.

They view it as being a traitor......

Progressive nuts believe everyone is supposed to destroy the white male Christian and white males who promote individual liberties..... They're the enemy of the progressive liberal, because allegedly they're all racist bigots...

Then there's the guys who sit on computers all day telling people what they believe.

Is this Life?
Another reason why the leftists hate Palin is because shes a female republican.

Liberals believe they own everyone thats not a white male Christian conservative.

They hate all minority (or groups that are allegedly oppressed) republicans more than they hate white male Christian republicans.

They view it as being a traitor......

Progressive nuts believe everyone is supposed to destroy the white male Christian and white males who promote individual liberties..... They're the enemy of the progressive liberal, because allegedly they're all racist bigots...

Then there's the guys who sit on computers all day telling people what they believe.

Is this Life?

Coming from the guy who spends all day on a computer telling people Sarah Palin is dumb and he knows so because he's modestly educated and can spot a phony?

Another reason why the leftists hate Palin is because shes a female republican.

Liberals believe they own everyone thats not a white male Christian conservative.

They hate all minority (or groups that are allegedly oppressed) republicans more than they hate white male Christian republicans.

They view it as being a traitor......

Progressive nuts believe everyone is supposed to destroy the white male Christian and white males who promote individual liberties..... They're the enemy of the progressive liberal, because allegedly they're all racist bigots...

Then there's the guys who sit on computers all day telling people what they believe.

Is this Life?


How do you want me to interpret blunt language from the left?

The AFL union dickheads spew that shit all the time.

They're either liars or they literally hate guys like me....

Which one is it??

Your fucking democrat base is pretty vocal about what they believe. So you're either stupid for subscribing to that bullshit or you agree with that bullshit.

I wouldn't take sides with crazy racist assholes but apparently you do.

Go to Think Progress, those who post there are fucking insane - and thats the liberal voting base right there. A bunch of racist assholes who call others racists.

So if you're not one of them then why are you defending them???
Another reason why the leftists hate Palin is because shes a female republican.

Liberals believe they own everyone thats not a white male Christian conservative.

They hate all minority (or groups that are allegedly oppressed) republicans more than they hate white male Christian republicans.

They view it as being a traitor......

Progressive nuts believe everyone is supposed to destroy the white male Christian and white males who promote individual liberties..... They're the enemy of the progressive liberal, because allegedly they're all racist bigots...

Then there's the guys who sit on computers all day telling people what they believe.

Is this Life?


How do you want me to interpret blunt language from the left?

The AFL union dickheads spew that shit all the time.

They're either liars or they literally hate guys like me....

Which one is it??

Your fucking democrat base is pretty vocal about what they believe. So you're either stupid for subscribing to that bullshit or you agree with that bullshit.

I wouldn't take sides with crazy racist assholes but apparently you do.

Go to Think Progress, those who post there are fucking insane - and thats the liberal voting base right there. A bunch of racist assholes who call others racists.

So if you're not one of them then why are you defending them???

Because G.T. IS one of them.
Non Ivy college, if I had to put a finger on it.

Then again, my lil' nephew and his friends even goof on the bitch.

If you really don't think she's stupid, I'm not hating on you. I'm just saying, it doesn't seem that hard to figure out if you observe her.

You can add in all of the defectors out of her camp if it makes you feel better to have something to put a finger on. The ones who said they had to give her training wheels for her debate, or the one who's about to release a book.....not that I needed them to tell me. It was always obvious.
Then there's the guys who sit on computers all day telling people what they believe.

Is this Life?


How do you want me to interpret blunt language from the left?

The AFL union dickheads spew that shit all the time.

They're either liars or they literally hate guys like me....

Which one is it??

Your fucking democrat base is pretty vocal about what they believe. So you're either stupid for subscribing to that bullshit or you agree with that bullshit.

I wouldn't take sides with crazy racist assholes but apparently you do.

Go to Think Progress, those who post there are fucking insane - and thats the liberal voting base right there. A bunch of racist assholes who call others racists.

So if you're not one of them then why are you defending them???

Because G.T. IS one of them.

You don't know dick about me, and calling me a racist out the blue is about the level I'd expect when insulting your messiah I guess.

How do you want me to interpret blunt language from the left?

The AFL union dickheads spew that shit all the time.

They're either liars or they literally hate guys like me....

Which one is it??

Your fucking democrat base is pretty vocal about what they believe. So you're either stupid for subscribing to that bullshit or you agree with that bullshit.

I wouldn't take sides with crazy racist assholes but apparently you do.

Go to Think Progress, those who post there are fucking insane - and thats the liberal voting base right there. A bunch of racist assholes who call others racists.

So if you're not one of them then why are you defending them???

Because G.T. IS one of them.

You don't know dick about me, and calling me a racist out the blue is about the level I'd expect when insulting your messiah I guess.

Ok... I should clarify.. I've NEVER read anything racist from you. But as for the rest...

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