Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

If only.


Sadly, this is what the left does.. they attack symbols and french fries.

Actually, their fries are not too bad

The rest of their menu is McFood- Bland food designed not to challenge the masses

If you don't like it then don't eat it but don't ban a clown because you don't like the food or believe McDonalds is unhealthy.

Its a fact liberals are trying to ban Ronald McDonald and its a fact some want to ban fast food entirely....

How the hell can you support a party that does nothing but tax people and ban shit???

What do you not like individual liberty?? Because the democrats want to take that from you..

News to THIS liberal. :eusa_whistle:
I have no idea if she is a good person or not.

I dont care.

I do know she is of normal inteliigence and has a need to be the center of attention and wants money.

She in no manner or way is comparable to the intelligence of say Nixon or OBama.

To pretend she is isnt being honest.

Obama is not intelligent... Obama of average intelligence.. If hes intelligent then hes nefarious. If hes intelligent then hes pulling a Cloward-Piven on us.

Obama's talent is manipulation. He can say one thing, contradict what he just said and still manage to get people to believe him time and time again.

He would make a fantastic snake oil salesmen... Maybe when he gets booted he can go into used car sales. Hes already familiar with autos considering UAW played a large role in getting him elected and he took over GM like a socialist dictator while leaving shareholders high and dry.

Percy why did you alter this quote to pretend I said it?
Actually, their fries are not too bad

The rest of their menu is McFood- Bland food designed not to challenge the masses

If you don't like it then don't eat it but don't ban a clown because you don't like the food or believe McDonalds is unhealthy.

Its a fact liberals are trying to ban Ronald McDonald and its a fact some want to ban fast food entirely....

How the hell can you support a party that does nothing but tax people and ban shit???

What do you not like individual liberty?? Because the democrats want to take that from you..

News to THIS liberal. :eusa_whistle:

I doubt that seriously... for you are.. a liberal.
Obama is not intelligent... Obama of average intelligence.. If hes intelligent then hes nefarious. If hes intelligent then hes pulling a Cloward-Piven on us.

Obama's talent is manipulation. He can say one thing, contradict what he just said and still manage to get people to believe him time and time again.

He would make a fantastic snake oil salesmen... Maybe when he gets booted he can go into used car sales. Hes already familiar with autos considering UAW played a large role in getting him elected and he took over GM like a socialist dictator while leaving shareholders high and dry.

Aren't you being a bit hard on him? I think he's trying his best but his best just isn't good enough.

why are you so dishonest?
Well if I felt the opposition party had a real pushover that my party's incumbent president could easily beat, the last thing in the world I'd do is constantly denigrate the pushover. Why say things that might put enough doubt in the minds of some members of the pushover's party to deny him/her the nomination and end up with a candidate that's harder to beat?

It's totally illogical and...oops, wait a sec. They're Dimocrats! Never mind.

They're scared to death of Palin... she embodies everything Obama's supposed to be... but isn't.
wow.....what an endorsement.

I used to think President Obama was a smart guy. But he's been proving me wrong more often than not.

During his recent trip to England, he actually thought it is 2008. Now that is a trip! He must be back on the wacky tobaccy.

We all need to learn how this works. When a lefty protests government policy it's called "speaking truth to power". When a righty protests government policy it's called "a racist angry mob".

When Bush makes a mistake it's because he's a dumb cowboy. When Obama makes a mistake it's because he's so damn smart that he has a hard time getting all his facts straight.

Get the idea?

It's just words. Don't let it get you worked up.

Thanks for proving my point.
Aren't you being a bit hard on him? I think he's trying his best but his best just isn't good enough.

Altering a persons post so you can pretend they said something else is dishonest.

I know you cant truely rebutt what is really said but being dishonest doesnt change that it just adds dishonesty to your list of failings.

I wrote every word of that..

unless what I wrote was changed and I'm not seeing it.

Yes, I believe Obama is not the brightest crayon in the box. Hes done several things economically that someone who was intelligent would not do.

Now, I can forgive him if hes just a fucking idiot, however if hes intelligent that makes those actions nefarious, meaning he knew the ramifications and continued on with the plan anyways.

Look, tanking a private sector economy and then getting people dependent on government is wrong...

I would like to believe that was never Obama's intent... However if he is intelligent then this was all nefariously planned...

If you wanted socialism and authoritarian government how would you achieve that? by destroying an individuals life line - a job - that allows an individual to support his or herself... You take that away from them, they'll be looking to government to feed them. When that happens the people reliant on the government are at the mercy of the government. They'll do what they're told if they want to eat..

Is that what Barack Obama wants? an entire society reliant on government? or is this ever growing crowd of government dependents just a byproduct of a dumb man who made stupid economic moves?
Obama is not intelligent... Obama of average intelligence.. If hes intelligent then hes nefarious. If hes intelligent then hes pulling a Cloward-Piven on us.

Obama's talent is manipulation. He can say one thing, contradict what he just said and still manage to get people to believe him time and time again.

He would make a fantastic snake oil salesmen... Maybe when he gets booted he can go into used car sales. Hes already familiar with autos considering UAW played a large role in getting him elected and he took over GM like a socialist dictator while leaving shareholders high and dry.

Aren't you being a bit hard on him? I think he's trying his best but his best just isn't good enough.

He made it look like I said it.
Again, you don’t get it: they aren’t ‘terrified,’ they’re fascinated. It’s like finding some sort of political missing link.

Palin represents the remarkable phenomenon of ‘neo-anti-intellectualism’ in America. For Palin and her supporters, one need only know his job and the Bible – noting else. One need not know about Supreme Court decisions, books and newspapers, or about other peoples in other parts of the world.

Ignorance is indeed bliss for Palin and her followers – myths and fallacies about the Constitution and governance can flourish unhindered by fact or reality – a kind of ‘American Cult’ has developed around her.

Predicated on her ignorance of the Constitution and law she and the Palin faithful work to conjoin church and state, undermine privacy rights, and eliminate equal protection.

Wow... does it take a lot of effort to be this woefully ignorant?

No...rightly or wrongly she does come across as rather dumb.
Much like Lil' Dumbya....no....exactly like Lil' Dumbya......the longer they let her talk, the funnier it gets!!!!

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Aren't you being a bit hard on him? I think he's trying his best but his best just isn't good enough.

He made it look like I said it.

I didn't write that...

Somehow the quote box got broken and now replied posts are showing up under different user names.

It can be fixed... I know where it started..

The author or a mod will have to correctly wrap the original post and and it will go back to normal.

I'll find the post that started all this confusion..
Stupid people can be quite scary.... what party they belong to is of no consequence. We need to stop electing idiots.

Your biggest mistake is falling into the trap the liberals have set for you in thinking Mrs. Palin is stupid. She isn't.
Yeah.....she's really quick, on her feet.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9go38MgZ4w8]YouTube - ‪Palin: I Read All the News‬‏[/ame]

Wow... does it take a lot of effort to be this woefully ignorant?

No...rightly or wrongly she does come across as rather dumb.

No, no she doesn't.
....Then, it's gotta be a comedy-routine she's developing, for her next pageant....
(...'cause everyone laughed at her cross-eyed flute-tootin'!!)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrzXLYA_e6E]YouTube - ‪Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits‬‏[/ame]​
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws]YouTube - ‪Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States‬‏[/ame]

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