Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Because anyone can beat the utter failure Obama.

14.7 trillion in debt and rising
Unemployment punishing Black people
Poverty and food stamps at record levels

Illegal wars in Libya for George Soros euro Profits

Gitmo Open

Lobbyists rule Washington
Earmarks never higher

Illegal Drone attacks

Patriot just renewed by Anti-Patriot act Democrats

Stimulus 1 failed
Stumulus 2 Failed

" I saved a job!" .....................Bullshit!

The economy is in the tank

and Obama is to blame

A gerbil could beat Obama

( didnt mean to excite Democrat men by mentioning a gerbil. Sorry )

Obama is the worst President EVER

Simple She's a beautiful Lady who has more ball's than the men do and far more brains and beautify then the liberal females do

She's an average, ordinary, garden-variety pageant-contestant, who figured her "key" to success was her looks......with enough make-up.

She's a brainless-Bimbo.

The only kind o' guy who'd be attracted to her, would be some dude lookin' to baby-sit another adult, the rest o' his life.​

She would take out back, turn you around a couple times, send you off, and you'd be lost in a matter of minutes and dead in a matter of a few days at the most.

Her husband is a man. Not some retarded pretend biker on the internet in his mom's basement.
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I have no idea if she is a good person or not.

I dont care.

I do know she is of normal inteliigence and has a need to be the center of attention and wants money.

She in no manner or way is comparable to the intelligence of say Nixon or OBama.

To pretend she is isnt being honest.

Obama is not intelligent... Obama of average intelligence.. If hes intelligent then hes nefarious. If hes intelligent then hes pulling a Cloward-Piven on us.

Obama's talent is manipulation. He can say one thing, contradict what he just said and still manage to get people to believe him time and time again.

He would make a fantastic snake oil salesmen... Maybe when he gets booted he can go into used car sales. Hes already familiar with autos considering UAW played a large role in getting him elected and he took over GM like a socialist dictator while leaving shareholders high and dry.
The ruling class in Washington (and a good portion of the democratic party) are afraid of her because she connects with regular people,and is genuinely liked by them. They don't understand why she has that ability or draw... which just goes to show that they are just really out of touch with regular folks and what goes on in normal everyday life with most of them.

REGULAR PEOPLE?????? If this is the US of A's "regular, then we are truly and irrevocably in the crapper!

Sorry...I can't help it if you are a total snob. Most regular folks can relate to Sarah because she can talk to and relate to them on a personal level and she seems genuine.
That was the same sales-"pitch" they used for Lil' Dumbya.....and, most people KNOW how much of a fuck-up HE turned-out to be!!!!



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBzYSUI5_GM]YouTube - ‪Bill Maher on elites‬‏[/ame]​
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I used to think President Obama was a smart guy. But he's been proving me wrong more often than not.

During his recent trip to England, he actually thought it is 2008. Now that is a trip! He must be back on the wacky tobaccy.
I used to think President Obama was a smart guy. But he's been proving me wrong more often than not.

During his recent trip to England, he actually thought it is 2008. Now that is a trip! He must be back on the wacky tobaccy.

We all need to learn how this works. When a lefty protests government policy it's called "speaking truth to power". When a righty protests government policy it's called "a racist angry mob".

When Bush makes a mistake it's because he's a dumb cowboy. When Obama makes a mistake it's because he's so damn smart that he has a hard time getting all his facts straight.

Get the idea?
Obama is not intelligent... Obama of average intelligence.. If hes intelligent then hes nefarious. If hes intelligent then hes pulling a Cloward-Piven on us.

Obama's talent is manipulation. He can say one thing, contradict what he just said and still manage to get people to believe him time and time again.

He would make a fantastic snake oil salesmen... Maybe when he gets booted he can go into used car sales. Hes already familiar with autos considering UAW played a large role in getting him elected and he took over GM like a socialist dictator while leaving shareholders high and dry.

Aren't you being a bit hard on him? I think he's trying his best but his best just isn't good enough.
If Obama is so darn smart why doesn't he release his scholastic records? Bush did.

Because then people will realize hes a product of affirmative action, an average student with an IQ of about 100.

Not only that - but they will see the real Obama - a straight up socialist with a fondness for authoritarian government.

I would highly recommend reading the shit he wrote before he was elected into public office.

The guy is a straight up communist.

Read his fathers essay "Problems facing our socialism"


Then Obamy writes a book entitled; "Dreams from my father."
I used to think President Obama was a smart guy. But he's been proving me wrong more often than not.

During his recent trip to England, he actually thought it is 2008. Now that is a trip! He must be back on the wacky tobaccy.

We all need to learn how this works. When a lefty protests government policy it's called "speaking truth to power". When a righty protests government policy it's called "a racist angry mob".

When Bush makes a mistake it's because he's a dumb cowboy. When Obama makes a mistake it's because he's so damn smart that he has a hard time getting all his facts straight.

Get the idea?

Yeah, they're full of shit. But we knew that.
Hate to tell you....But McDonalds sucks

So what.

I think you suck, can we put you in a blender?

Its not your fucking position to be telling others what they can and cant like. Banning a symbol of something you don't like is tyrannical Orwellian nonsense.

If only.


Sadly, this is what the left does.. they attack symbols and french fries.

Actually, their fries are not too bad

The rest of their menu is McFood- Bland food designed not to challenge the masses
If Obama is so darn smart why doesn't he release his scholastic records? Bush did.

Because then people will realize hes a product of affirmative action, an average student with an IQ of about 100.

Not only that - but they will see the real Obama - a straight up socialist with a fondness for authoritarian government.

I would highly recommend reading the shit he wrote before he was elected into public office.

The guy is a straight up communist.

Read his fathers essay "Problems facing our socialism"


Then Obamy writes a book entitled; "Dreams from my father."

I read it. Seems he was fond of hanging with Marxist professors and Palestinian sympathizers. It shows.
I used to think President Obama was a smart guy. But he's been proving me wrong more often than not.

During his recent trip to England, he actually thought it is 2008. Now that is a trip! He must be back on the wacky tobaccy.

We all need to learn how this works. When a lefty protests government policy it's called "speaking truth to power". When a righty protests government policy it's called "a racist angry mob".

When Bush makes a mistake it's because he's a dumb cowboy. When Obama makes a mistake it's because he's so damn smart that he has a hard time getting all his facts straight.

Get the idea?

It's just words. Don't let it get you worked up.
So what.

I think you suck, can we put you in a blender?

Its not your fucking position to be telling others what they can and cant like. Banning a symbol of something you don't like is tyrannical Orwellian nonsense.

If only.


Sadly, this is what the left does.. they attack symbols and french fries.

Actually, their fries are not too bad

The rest of their menu is McFood- Bland food designed not to challenge the masses

Every now and again, I gotta have me a Quarter Pounder with cheese.
Obama is not intelligent... Obama of average intelligence.. If hes intelligent then hes nefarious. If hes intelligent then hes pulling a Cloward-Piven on us.

Obama's talent is manipulation. He can say one thing, contradict what he just said and still manage to get people to believe him time and time again.

He would make a fantastic snake oil salesmen... Maybe when he gets booted he can go into used car sales. Hes already familiar with autos considering UAW played a large role in getting him elected and he took over GM like a socialist dictator while leaving shareholders high and dry.

Aren't you being a bit hard on him? I think he's trying his best but his best just isn't good enough.

Altering a persons post so you can pretend they said something else is dishonest.

I know you cant truely rebutt what is really said but being dishonest doesnt change that it just adds dishonesty to your list of failings.
If Obama is so darn smart why doesn't he release his scholastic records? Bush did.

Because then people will realize hes a product of affirmative action, an average student with an IQ of about 100.

Not only that - but they will see the real Obama - a straight up socialist with a fondness for authoritarian government.

I would highly recommend reading the shit he wrote before he was elected into public office.

The guy is a straight up communist.

Read his fathers essay "Problems facing our socialism"


Then Obamy writes a book entitled; "Dreams from my father."

I read it. Seems he was fond of hanging with Marxist professors and Palestinian sympathizers. It shows.

And racist preachers and unrepentant terrorists and sleazy land dealers and communist green cultists too.
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We're really, REALLY afraid of Sarah Palin. PLU-LEEEZE don't run her for President. Please, please, please, please, please, please....I'm begging you....please, please, please, please......puuuuuuh-leeeeeze don't run her for president. She SCARES us!!!!!
So what.

I think you suck, can we put you in a blender?

Its not your fucking position to be telling others what they can and cant like. Banning a symbol of something you don't like is tyrannical Orwellian nonsense.

If only.


Sadly, this is what the left does.. they attack symbols and french fries.

Actually, their fries are not too bad

The rest of their menu is McFood- Bland food designed not to challenge the masses

If you don't like it then don't eat it but don't ban a clown because you don't like the food or believe McDonalds is unhealthy.

Its a fact liberals are trying to ban Ronald McDonald and its a fact some want to ban fast food entirely....

How the hell can you support a party that does nothing but tax people and ban shit???

What do you not like individual liberty?? Because the democrats want to take that from you..
REGULAR PEOPLE?????? If this is the US of A's "regular, then we are truly and irrevocably in the crapper!

Sorry...I can't help it if you are a total snob. Most regular folks can relate to Sarah because she can talk to and relate to them on a personal level and she seems genuine. This is something most politicians can't do because they see themselves as "above it all...and everyone".

They aren't interested in peoples everyday plight...they just want to lecture the public about what they supposedly "need" from them.

Exactly... and they marvel at elitists like Obama, who wouldn't take a moment out of his not-so-busy life to spend a moment with an "ordinary" man. He's made it clear, the average Joe is just some nutter "clinging to his God and his guns".
....After which, the Teabaggers popped-outta their holes, in the ground.

(....Like a dog, to another dog's ass....or, Snooki Palin, to the next pageant.)


Probably, not.​
I have no idea if she is a good person or not.

I dont care.

I do know she is of normal inteliigence and has a need to be the center of attention and wants money.

She in no manner or way is comparable to the intelligence of say Nixon or OBama.

To pretend she is isnt being honest.

Obama is not intelligent... Obama of average intelligence.. If hes intelligent then hes nefarious. If hes intelligent then hes pulling a Cloward-Piven on us.

Obama's talent is manipulation. He can say one thing, contradict what he just said and still manage to get people to believe him time and time again.

He would make a fantastic snake oil salesmen... Maybe when he gets booted he can go into used car sales. Hes already familiar with autos considering UAW played a large role in getting him elected and he took over GM like a socialist dictator while leaving shareholders high and dry.

Some people will act dishonestly at the drop of a hat.

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