Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Somewhere Ronald McDonald is crying and it's all the fault of the left. Sad. "The children". It's all for "the children" and then they ban happy meal toys. Fucking liars.

Actually the liberal fucks are trying to ban Ronald McDonald as well..

Yeah they think Ronald McDonald is "bad" because he promotes unhealthy food, so of course the liberals want to ban him.

Liberals are a bunch of authoritarian dickheads...

Our country is falling apart and they're running around trying to ban a fucking clown.

Hate to tell you....But McDonalds sucks

So what.

I think you suck, can we put you in a blender?

Its not your fucking position to be telling others what they can and cant like. Banning a symbol of something you don't like is tyrannical Orwellian nonsense.
Most Dems thzt I know would welcome Palin as the GOP nominee. It would be a gift from God. I am sure theat FOX would give her a leave of absence. I mean, they have all the other Republican candidates they have nurtured into adutlhood.

Yeah, you keep on believing that fucking nonsense.

This is why the US is fucked. Because people like you don't pay any fucking attention.

I'm from Illinois jackass and the democrats have had control of this state since forever. The democrats fucked this state up so bad that businesses and individuals are voting with their feet and leaving this tyrannical state.

This state is so oppressive to businesses that they have to pay corporations to stay here.. Why???? Because this is a welfare state where democrats steal from those with money to pay their liberal voting base off with social welfare and other incentives.

The same shit goes on in Michigan and pretty much every state controlled by democrats.

How horribly horribly oppressive......:doubt:

Motorola Mobility gets $100M from Illinois to stay - chicagotribune.com

The corporate taxes are so high in Illinois that Motorola was actually paid 100 million in incentives to stay in Illinois..

The cost of doing business in this oppressive state is astronomical..

We have the highest corporate tax in the country and were top 5 in pretty much every tax.

The Tax Foundation - State Corporate Income Tax Rates, 2000-2011

Nope not the highest corp taxes
Stupid people can be quite scary.... what party they belong to is of no consequence. We need to stop electing idiots.

Your biggest mistake is falling into the trap the liberals have set for you in thinking Mrs. Palin is stupid. She isn't.

I don't think she's any less intelligent than most of the fools we elect. I consider her to be valuable only for PR. She is in no way qualified to be President. But then, nor is Obama, nor was Bush. We really do need far smarter people in politics.
How horribly horribly oppressive......:doubt:

Motorola Mobility gets $100M from Illinois to stay - chicagotribune.com

The corporate taxes are so high in Illinois that Motorola was actually paid 100 million in incentives to stay in Illinois..

The cost of doing business in this oppressive state is astronomical..

We have the highest corporate tax in the country and were top 5 in pretty much every tax.

The Tax Foundation - State Corporate Income Tax Rates, 2000-2011

Nope not the highest corp taxes

Did you even read the content at the link? 9.5% with no brackets is excessive. The highest rate listed is 12%, but that is in a bracketed state. There are only a few above 9%. So if you think that it's okay to have a 9.5% tax rate just because a few others are a tiny bit higher, you're nuts.

Well, you're nuts for a PLETHORA of reasons in addition to this.
Actually the liberal fucks are trying to ban Ronald McDonald as well..

Yeah they think Ronald McDonald is "bad" because he promotes unhealthy food, so of course the liberals want to ban him.

Liberals are a bunch of authoritarian dickheads...

Our country is falling apart and they're running around trying to ban a fucking clown.

Hate to tell you....But McDonalds sucks

So what.

I think you suck, can we put you in a blender?

Its not your fucking position to be telling others what they can and cant like. Banning a symbol of something you don't like is tyrannical Orwellian nonsense.

If only.


Sadly, this is what the left does.. they attack symbols and french fries.
How horribly horribly oppressive......:doubt:

Motorola Mobility gets $100M from Illinois to stay - chicagotribune.com

The corporate taxes are so high in Illinois that Motorola was actually paid 100 million in incentives to stay in Illinois..

The cost of doing business in this oppressive state is astronomical..

We have the highest corporate tax in the country and were top 5 in pretty much every tax.

The Tax Foundation - State Corporate Income Tax Rates, 2000-2011

Nope not the highest corp taxes

Um yeah it is. Illinois is a flat 9.5, the only other "district" thats higher is Washington DC.
I don't see what the fuss is about Palin. Why does so many people give her such a hard time?

I personally think most of the terrible stuff I hear/read about her are very unfair.

That said, I don't think she would be a good president. But I'm sure she is a good person.
How true

The consensus of historians who rate FDR as our second greatest president are just stupid. They need to spend more time listening to Glenn Beck and reading revisionist rightwing history

They aren't stupid, just fundamentally dishonest. Modern historians are little more than professional propagandists in the employ of the state. Their job is to justify government control of our lives. Hence, they idolize scumbags like Lincoln and FDR and ridicule any politicians who defended our freedoms against government encroachment.

FDR was a great president if you think authoritarian statist scumbag politicians are great.

However, the fact is that he turned a short recession into a 12 year long depression and lied us into a world war that we didn't need to be in. He also invited people he knew to be communists into our government. He sold out half of Europe to the Soviet Union.

Aside from his talent for lying and weaseling, what's great about him?
Why are Democrats so terrified of Sarah Palin?
Maybe a recent Bloomberg Poll explains everything. This is how Sarah Palin fared.
Very Favorable-9%
Mostly Favorable-19%
Mostly Unfavorable-22%
Very Unfavorable-38%
Not Sure-12%


Hmmm. You know this thread's question is extremely interesting. Exactly why are Democrats terrified of Sarah Palin?
Last edited:
I have no idea if she is a good person or not.

I dont care.

I do know she is of normal inteliigence and has a need to be the center of attention and wants money.

She in no manner or way is comparable to the intelligence of say Nixon or OBama.

To pretend she is isnt being honest.
If you think sara Palin is the best mind this country has to ovffer as a leader than you have no ability to make a wise decision and have demonstrated a lack of intelligent assesment of the facts.

No one ever claimed she was "the best mind." However, she does have the right ideas rather than the commie crap that you believe in.

Having the right ideas is more important than how high your I.Q. is. Obama has certainly proved that.

That being said, she is no slug.
Why are Democrats so terrified of Sarah Palin?
Maybe a recent Bloomberg Poll explains everything. This is how Sarah Palin fared.
Very Favorable-9%
Mostly Favorable-19%
Mostly Unfavorable-22%
Very Unfavorable-38%
Not Sure-12%


Hmmm. You know this threads question is extremely interesting. Exactly why are Democrats terrified of Sarah Palin?

Ask anyone suffering from PDS why Palin is so bad... you'll get nonsensical answers.
I have no idea if she is a good person or not.

I dont care.

I do know she is of normal inteliigence and has a need to be the center of attention and wants money.

She in no manner or way is comparable to the intelligence of say Nixon or OBama.

To pretend she is isnt being honest.

I have an idea. You're the dumbest person EVER.
If you think sara Palin is the best mind this country has to ovffer as a leader than you have no ability to make a wise decision and have demonstrated a lack of intelligent assesment of the facts.

No one ever claimed she was "the best mind." However, she does have the right ideas rather than the commie crap that you believe in.

Having the right ideas is more important than how high your I.Q. is. Obama has certainly proved that.

That being said, she is no slug.

Well, we know what the left wing whackaloons cite as the "best" minds. Take Obama... supposedly the smartest guy like EVER.

Look how clueless he is. Palin makes more sense in five minutes than Paddy O'Bama's made in 2 years.
I have no idea if she is a good person or not.

I dont care.

I do know she is of normal inteliigence and has a need to be the center of attention and wants money.

She in no manner or way is comparable to the intelligence of say Nixon or OBama.

To pretend she is isnt being honest.

I have an idea. You're the dumbest person EVER.

That's well established.
Because anyone can beat the utter failure Obama.

14.7 trillion in debt and rising
Unemployment punishing Black people
Poverty and food stamps at record levels

Illegal wars in Libya for George Soros euro Profits

Gitmo Open

Lobbyists rule Washington
Earmarks never higher

Illegal Drone attacks

Patriot just renewed by Anti-Patriot act Democrats

Stimulus 1 failed
Stumulus 2 Failed

" I saved a job!" .....................Bullshit!

The economy is in the tank

and Obama is to blame

A gerbil could beat Obama

( didnt mean to excite Democrat men by mentioning a gerbil. Sorry )

Obama is the worst President EVER

Simple She's a beautiful Lady who has more ball's than the men do and far more brains and beautify then the liberal females do

She's an average, ordinary, garden-variety pageant-contestant, who figured her "key" to success was her looks......with enough make-up.

She's a brainless-Bimbo.

The only kind o' guy who'd be attracted to her, would be some dude lookin' to baby-sit another adult, the rest o' his life.​
I have no idea if she is a good person or not.

I dont care.

I do know she is of normal inteliigence and has a need to be the center of attention and wants money.

She in no manner or way is comparable to the intelligence of say Nixon or OBama.

To pretend she is isnt being honest.

Jonathon Edwards has a need to be the center of attention and wants money. Wouldn't you agree?

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