Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Why do rightwingnut idiots think democrats are "terrified"/"afraid"/ or otherwise intimidated by the tweeting twit?

holding someone in contempt is not the same as being "terrified".

but it's funny to watch the spew.

Seriously Jillian

Do you want to spend the next 18 months posting about what Mitt Romney said last night?
Palin is a lot of fun and will keep the board in business

honest? i'd rather the election be a serious endeavor. palin isn't a serious candidate. but does she help obama get re-elected? most likely. mitt would actually have a shot if the "base" could forgive him being the wrong brand of christian and actually being sane on health care.

Palin is sort of a Trump with Breasts, don't you think? She is in it to get rich. I don't think she has enough staying power to go the distance.
FDR was loved by the American people.

calling them numbskulls means that he is calling the very people who won the war and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps to end a depression and win a world war.

It that who you want to be?
FDR was loved by the American people.

calling them numbskulls means that he is calling the very people who won the war and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps to end a depression and win a world war.

It that who you want to be?

You're a perfect example of your President. Enjoy.

Think I'll find me a social program that will feed me since I can't afford it on my own what with all the taxes and fees I have to pay.
The reason the Dems are afraid of Palin and demonize her and Bachmann is because they are just ordinary people. Elitists are always afraid of the people.

You gotta be kidding. Flalin Palin and Batcrazy Bachmann are ANYTHING but normal people.
Democrats are terrified of anyone who is of the opinion that people/society need less government.

Democrats want government to play a role in every waking moment of your life. If you're against that then democrats will be against you.

This is why democrats cant stand Ron and Rand Paul as well.
The reason the Dems are afraid of Palin and demonize her and Bachmann is because they are just ordinary people. Elitists are always afraid of the people.

You gotta be kidding. Flalin Palin and Batcrazy Bachmann are ANYTHING but normal people.

You keep telling yourself that. Nov 2, 2010 was your wake up call. You obviously were taking a nap.
That's right...just keep thinking that Democrats, liberals and progressives are ascairt of Sarah Palin...

Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby


Amazing that you would use a racist story that is banned in public schools to make your point. Priceless.

It's an analogy, get over it. "Please don't throw me in that brier patch"...

We're so scared of Sarah Palin...please don't nominate her for the Presidency...

Can someone explain to me why the OP thinks we are afraid of Palin?

Well, because whoever the left is afraid of is who they routinely trash the most. When's the last time you saw a Mitch Daniels thread?

So, that's the key...who the other side trashes the most?

Well then, you guys are absolutely terrified of Obama, aren't you?

Ya from all the damage he's doing to our Nation along with alienating all of our Allies. Most Normal people do fear that sort of thing
Yep, he was the scumbag demagogue par-excelance. No one can beat FDR when it comes to fooling all the numbskulls in this country.

This is what the rewriting of hisotry results in.

The most beloved president in the history of this nation gets called the worst and all of the people who faught and won WWII are called numbskulls.

The American people LOVED FDR because he returned their country to them. They saw the effects of his policy in their every day lives. FDRs numbers prove his ideas worked and the country recoved from our worst economic disastor. That disastor was presided over by republican politicians.

The people this guy and his like "thinking" cohorts trash this countrys most sacraficing generation and their accomplishments to hang onto historically failed political ideas.

How can any American trash the generation who won our most threatening war?

He calls them names and he owes his very life to them.

Let me guess ... you bought YOUR "stupid" at Dollar General ....

How true

The consensus of historians who rate FDR as our second greatest president are just stupid. They need to spend more time listening to Glenn Beck and reading revisionist rightwing history
Democrats are terrified of anyone who is of the opinion that people/society need less government.

Democrats want government to play a role in every waking moment of your life. If you're against that then democrats will be against you.

This is why democrats cant stand Ron and Rand Paul as well.

repeteing insane lies does your country or party no good
Debatable? lol Then let's debate it.

you know facts are irrelevant to them. they get confused. but there actually is an interesting dichotomy here. no president with over a 47% approval rating has not been re-elected. but, by the same token, no president who had an unemployment rate over 8% has ever *been* re-elected. One of those things will most likely no longer be true after the next presidential election.

i never take anything as a given.

FDR had an unemployment rate of almost 20% and he got re-elected. Why?
Because everyone knew it was the republicans who fucked things up. Just like today

Yeah, you keep on believing that fucking nonsense.

This is why the US is fucked. Because people like you don't pay any fucking attention.

I'm from Illinois jackass and the democrats have had control of this state since forever. The democrats fucked this state up so bad that businesses and individuals are voting with their feet and leaving this tyrannical state.

This state is so oppressive to businesses that they have to pay corporations to stay here.. Why???? Because this is a welfare state where democrats steal from those with money to pay their liberal voting base off with social welfare and other incentives.

The same shit goes on in Michigan and pretty much every state controlled by democrats.
They simply are not terrified of her at all.

Why do Republicans claim that?
Democrats are terrified of anyone who is of the opinion that people/society need less government.

Democrats want government to play a role in every waking moment of your life. If you're against that then democrats will be against you.

This is why democrats cant stand Ron and Rand Paul as well.

Actually, I am terrified of politicians who believe there are sections of the country that are "Real Americans"
I am terrified of politicians who have a beauty queens view of the world
I am terrified of politicians who never read a newspaper until challenged by Katie Couric
I am terrified of politicians who will only answer pre-screened questions on friendly media sources
Democrats are terrified of anyone who is of the opinion that people/society need less government.

Democrats want government to play a role in every waking moment of your life. If you're against that then democrats will be against you.

This is why democrats cant stand Ron and Rand Paul as well.

Actually, I am terrified of politicians who believe there are sections of the country that are "Real Americans"
I am terrified of politicians who have a beauty queens view of the world
I am terrified of politicians who never read a newspaper until challenged by Katie Couric
I am terrified of politicians who will only answer pre-screened questions on friendly media sources

I would advise you to cease reading those left wing nut sites and you'll be a lot less terrified. The idea is to scare you and it looks like they've done a very good job.
Democrats are terrified of anyone who is of the opinion that people/society need less government.

Democrats want government to play a role in every waking moment of your life. If you're against that then democrats will be against you.

This is why democrats cant stand Ron and Rand Paul as well.

repeteing insane lies does your country or party no good

Are you telling me you're not pro government??

Are you trying to assert that liberals don't go gaga over the notion of the nanny state?

You don't support bans on happy meal toys and business regulations??

You don't support restricted first amendment rights and second amendment bans?

I'm going to tell you what - liberals are all over the place lobbying government to take a hatchet to individual liberties.. Libertarians most certainly aren't and most republicans aren't...

I'm not telling you how to live your life - you liberals ARE telling me how to live mine and you're using our government as a tool to do it.

Only a narcissistic authoritarian asshole would ban happy meal toys....

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