Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM19YOqs7hU]YouTube - ‪Joe Biden's racist slip‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TOcZRK6-ZU]YouTube - ‪THIS IS A BIG FUCKING DEAL! Vice President Biden At Health Care Bill Signing‬‏[/ame]
REGULAR PEOPLE?????? If this is the US of A's "regular, then we are truly and irrevocably in the crapper!

Sorry...I can't help it if you are a total snob. Most regular folks can relate to Sarah because she can talk to and relate to them on a personal level and she seems genuine. This is something most politicians can't do because they see themselves as "above it all...and everyone".

They aren't interested in peoples everyday plight...they just want to lecture the public about what they supposedly "need" from them.

It really will be kind of sad, this is the face we present to the rest of the world....


Would you make THIS person another loan?
Not a democrat, but here is what scares the hell out of me. Her view of smaller governemtn does not apply to her morality. Smaller governement only applies when it benefits corporations and all political donors. When it comes to resticting peoples moral freedom she is all for it, you can be free all you want as long as it doesn't conflict with her morality. But this is the same problem I have with all republicans and conservatives, I'm with them and all of their ideas and concepts and then they bring out their morality and their ideas of how they will enforce it, and they lose me.

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Sorry...I can't help it if you are a total snob. Most regular folks can relate to Sarah because she can talk to and relate to them on a personal level and she seems genuine. This is something most politicians can't do because they see themselves as "above it all...and everyone".

They aren't interested in peoples everyday plight...they just want to lecture the public about what they supposedly "need" from them.

It really will be kind of sad, this is the face we present to the rest of the world....


Would you make THIS person another loan?

I think he was being phonetical.


Now thats just wrong.
I see no reason the Dems would be afraid of Palin based on consistent and a variety of poll numbers.
I think the right winger's see that too, thus the fact they they have turned to Obama bashing on this thread.
Now if Obama is the candidate and Palin is the GOP candidate, I'd have to vote third party,,, THAT terrifies me. A Palin-Obama contest would be a sad commentary of our current two parties.
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Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Again, you don’t get it: they aren’t ‘terrified,’ they’re fascinated. It’s like finding some sort of political missing link.

Palin represents the remarkable phenomenon of ‘neo-anti-intellectualism’ in America. For Palin and her supporters, one need only know his job and the Bible – noting else. One need not know about Supreme Court decisions, books and newspapers, or about other peoples in other parts of the world.

Ignorance is indeed bliss for Palin and her followers – myths and fallacies about the Constitution and governance can flourish unhindered by fact or reality – a kind of ‘American Cult’ has developed around her.

Predicated on her ignorance of the Constitution and law she and the Palin faithful work to conjoin church and state, undermine privacy rights, and eliminate equal protection.

LOl, what a stupid condescending ignorant post. I love it when I read shit like this (neo-anti-intellectualism) WTF

.Now I go laugh my ass off now..:lmao::lmao::lmao::boobies:
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Laugh your ass off all you'd like. I think it is a fascination that a person so blatantly phony, and blatantly stoooopit, has as many followers as she does. She's the butt of a lot of jokes around where I'm at but....that's just because it's become common-sense that she's dumb.

No go ahead and mock me, I'll enjoy it.
Stupid people can be quite scary.... what party they belong to is of no consequence. We need to stop electing idiots.

I would agree with California Girl and add that the problem lies with the voting public. We treat US politics like a sporting event. We buy shirts and flags and wave them when our team goes by. We gather in pubs and homes and public spaces rooting and howling. It is all quite embarassing this blind support for "our team" - the partisan group that couldn't give a rats ass about you nor your family. They are profesional job seekers who will tell you anything you want to hear as long as you keep rooting for the team.
Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Again, you don’t get it: they aren’t ‘terrified,’ they’re fascinated. It’s like finding some sort of political missing link.

Palin represents the remarkable phenomenon of ‘neo-anti-intellectualism’ in America. For Palin and her supporters, one need only know his job and the Bible – noting else. One need not know about Supreme Court decisions, books and newspapers, or about other peoples in other parts of the world.

Ignorance is indeed bliss for Palin and her followers – myths and fallacies about the Constitution and governance can flourish unhindered by fact or reality – a kind of ‘American Cult’ has developed around her.

Predicated on her ignorance of the Constitution and law she and the Palin faithful work to conjoin church and state, undermine privacy rights, and eliminate equal protection.

LOl, what a stupid condescending ignorant post. I love it when I read shit like this (neo-anti-intellectualism) WTF

.Now I go laugh my ass off now..:lmao::lmao::lmao::boobies:

C_Clayton is a typical leftist. Dumb a s bag of hammers, yet think they are smarter than everybody else.. all the while posting sheer idiocy like the above.
Laugh your ass off all you'd like. I think it is a fascination that a person so blatantly phony, and blatantly stoooopit, has as many followers as she does. She's the butt of a lot of jokes around where I'm at but....that's just because it's become common-sense that she's dumb.

No go ahead and mock me, I'll enjoy it.

It's become common sense here that you are just another rabid, hateful, left-wing douche bag.. but hey... keep posting!

Laugh your ass off all you'd like. I think it is a fascination that a person so blatantly phony, and blatantly stoooopit, has as many followers as she does. She's the butt of a lot of jokes around where I'm at but....that's just because it's become common-sense that she's dumb.

No go ahead and mock me, I'll enjoy it.

who give a rats ass if she it the butt of the joke where you are at, I'm sure the rest of us who are not in your high and mighty circle are too. You snobby assed Liberals call people who don't think like you all (anti-intellectuals). that's the funniest shit I have ever heard, and nobody cares.
Glad I could help...

Perhaps you could enlighten us as to what makes Palin so dumb and what makes Obama so smart?
Who brought up Obama? This is a Palin thread.

What makes Palin so dumb? I guess (as an observer of Palin), if you have

Education to a modest degree
Common sense
can point out a phony pretty easily

While observing her body of work every time she opens her yap. Hitchens actually nailed it right on the head. She's a shameful opportunist and I do feel sorry for anyone who can't see that.

Now mock me again, cuz you sooo clever
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Who brought up Obama? This is a Palin thread.

What makes Palin so dumb? I guess it's a matter of having this mix:

Educated to a modest degree
Common sense
can point out a phony pretty easily

While observing her body of work every time she opens her yap. Hitchens actually nailed it right on the head. She's a shameful opportunist and I do feel sorry for anyone who can't see that.

Now mock me again, cuz you sooo clever

Wow. That's you're answer? That being a modestly educated person with some common sense who can spot a phony makes Sarah Palin dumb?

What's not to mock? That's fucking borderline retarded!

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Who brought up Obama? This is a Palin thread.

What makes Palin so dumb? I guess it's a matter of having this mix:

Educated to a modest degree
Common sense
can point out a phony pretty easily

While observing her body of work every time she opens her yap. Hitchens actually nailed it right on the head. She's a shameful opportunist and I do feel sorry for anyone who can't see that.

Now mock me again, cuz you sooo clever

The only reason the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil can spot a phony, is because she's such a phony herself. You can spot easiest what you know the most about.

As far as Hitchens? He's absolutely correct. And did you hear about her showing up at Rolling Thunder? They're not gonna let her speak on the podium, so she's gonna be just another tourist.

Only 2 outcomes I can see........either she's gonna bull her way onto the stage and everyone's gonna be pissed (and rednecks pissing off veteran bikers is no way to go).

Or, she's gonna be snubbed for the entire thing, and she's gonna leave DC all butt hurt and start tweeting and Facebooking bad things about the bikers, because she got snubbed.

Either way, this is gonna do serious damage to her brand.
Laugh your ass off all you'd like. I think it is a fascination that a person so blatantly phony, and blatantly stoooopit, has as many followers as she does. She's the butt of a lot of jokes around where I'm at but....that's just because it's become common-sense that she's dumb.

No go ahead and mock me, I'll enjoy it.

Really? wow.

Yeah, she has a funny accent and makes mistakes and has follies like all other politicians have but she has great ideas.

Its funny how you give her shit while Obama doesn't even know what fucking year it is.

Why are you so forgiving of Obama's dumb ass yet you label Palin a moron??

Palin doesn't need a teleprompter to have a discussion.

I'm sure Barry would fuck up quite frequently if he didn't have his teleprompter giving him all the fucking answers.

Obama wont even answer fucking questions - are you aware of this???

If an answer is not already programmed into his fucking brain he wont answer the fucking question.

So what makes Obama any better than Palin??

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