Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Becuase she is the antichrist?

Progressive liberals are the antichrist to true classical liberals.

You're fucking evil, greedy and stupid.

Go find your rock and wear it as a hat.
Because anyone can beat the utter failure Obama.

14.7 trillion in debt and rising
Unemployment punishing Black people
Poverty and food stamps at record levels

Illegal wars in Libya for George Soros euro Profits

Gitmo Open

Lobbyists rule Washington
Earmarks never higher

Illegal Drone attacks

Patriot just renewed by Anti-Patriot act Democrats

Stimulus 1 failed
Stumulus 2 Failed

" I saved a job!" .....................Bullshit!

The economy is in the tank

and Obama is to blame

A gerbil could beat Obama

( didnt mean to excite Democrat men by mentioning a gerbil. Sorry )

Obama is the worst President EVER

LOL!!!!!!!!! Well, you might say that we will be disappointed if she does not get the nomination.
Well, it's kind of easy when your state gets so much money in revenue from Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills.

Imagine that... a state with one of the lowest populations(less people oriented services), where it's mostly wilderness(less roads and utilities) and get billions upon billions of dollars in revenue from big oil DIDN'T take money from the Stimulus. Wow... go figure.

Many refused...

As a matter of fact - your stupid libfucks in state senates had the fucking audacity to attempt to say "since they're refusing the money we'll take what they refuse to spend."

Fucking vultures.

Of course those sick twisted thieves don't get it because they're fucking retarded.

Stealing is wrong... Democrats are fucking thieves....

Damn, just when you think they can't get any stupider, Nickels shows up.
Well, it's kind of easy when your state gets so much money in revenue from Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills.

Imagine that... a state with one of the lowest populations(less people oriented services), where it's mostly wilderness(less roads and utilities) and get billions upon billions of dollars in revenue from big oil DIDN'T take money from the Stimulus. Wow... go figure.

Gads .. I wonder why that hasn't caught on in the other States...:eusa_whistle:

Lets see..

"Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills."

I tend to go with Big Oil on this one...:lol:
Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Becuase she is the antichrist?

Can't be Libs don't believe in that religion/bible stuff.

Just a right wing myth. Jesus was a liberal after all.

Doubtful. Y'all attack him at every turn and then want to "claim" him...funny stuff that. One of Oblah blah's very own Czars hosted a pornographic anti-christian art show at Harvard in 2009. Yep...Mr "safe schools" Czar trashed Jesus. Right under Mr. fake christian (Obama)'s nose even. :eusa_hand:
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Well, it's kind of easy when your state gets so much money in revenue from Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills.

Imagine that... a state with one of the lowest populations(less people oriented services), where it's mostly wilderness(less roads and utilities) and get billions upon billions of dollars in revenue from big oil DIDN'T take money from the Stimulus. Wow... go figure.

Gads .. I wonder why that hasn't caught on in the other States...:eusa_whistle:

Lets see..

"Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills."

I tend to go with Big Oil on this one...:lol:

So would he...he is just jealous. ;)
Because anyone can beat the utter failure Obama.

14.7 trillion in debt and rising
Unemployment punishing Black people
Poverty and food stamps at record levels

Illegal wars in Libya for George Soros euro Profits

Gitmo Open

Lobbyists rule Washington
Earmarks never higher

Illegal Drone attacks

Patriot just renewed by Anti-Patriot act Democrats

Stimulus 1 failed
Stumulus 2 Failed

" I saved a job!" .....................Bullshit!

The economy is in the tank

and Obama is to blame

A gerbil could beat Obama

( didnt mean to excite Democrat men by mentioning a gerbil. Sorry )

Obama is the worst President EVER

LOL!!!!!!!!! Well, you might say that we will be disappointed if she does not get the nomination.

Yeah because Ron Paul is my dude and I'm not even nominating Palin (if she runs)..

Of course that still doesn't mean you're absolutely wrong.


You're just a typical partisan asshat..
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Well, it's kind of easy when your state gets so much money in revenue from Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills.

Imagine that... a state with one of the lowest populations(less people oriented services), where it's mostly wilderness(less roads and utilities) and get billions upon billions of dollars in revenue from big oil DIDN'T take money from the Stimulus. Wow... go figure.

Gads .. I wonder why that hasn't caught on in the other States...:eusa_whistle:

Lets see..

"Big Oil that you actually give your Constituents Payments instead of tax bills."

I tend to go with Big Oil on this one...:lol:

So would he...he is just jealous. ;)

Big Oil Corporation... I Get the Money

Government.. I get the Bill..

Ah.. seems like an easy decision...
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Why are Democrats so Terrified of Sarah Palin?

Again, you don’t get it: they aren’t ‘terrified,’ they’re fascinated. It’s like finding some sort of political missing link.

Palin represents the remarkable phenomenon of ‘neo-anti-intellectualism’ in America.

Too bad her credentials are a lot more impressive than Obama's before his presidency.

I hope you are kidding. She did not even finish her term as governor. She's a quitter. You can have her, "credentials".
She will not run idiots. She is doing this now to keep her name in the news for her "movie" and you idiots are eating this up.

When fox "suspends" her contract, then she will have intentions on running. Until then, she is just teasing idiots to ask if she will run.

Its so simple. She is banking on rubes and running for president will eat into her money making machine.

Yeah, that's what I keep hearing, Zona. But I just can't accept it. :lol::lol::lol:
They're terrified of her in the same way George Carlin, Michael Palin or Jerry Seinfeld terrify people.

Nope. They're afraid of her because they have Mommy Issues.

And they are mad at her because she helped McCain give Obama a run for his money. Even with the Media in his back pocket...and a multitude of lawyers trying to bring her down by digging up even the slightest amount of trash. Obama is used to having elections handed to him through lawyers and such. How dare she.

OMG!!! Another lunatic!!! Nobody handed Obama anything. If you can't tell the truth then maybe you have nothing to debate.
She will not run idiots. She is doing this now to keep her name in the news for her "movie" and you idiots are eating this up.

When fox "suspends" her contract, then she will have intentions on running. Until then, she is just teasing idiots to ask if she will run.

Its so simple. She is banking on rubes and running for president will eat into her money making machine.

Yeah, that's what I keep hearing, Zona. But I just can't accept it. :lol::lol::lol:

So your letting Zona call you an idiot...:confused:

So you are going to trash Alaska now? The state that ranks second in the nation for crude oil production? I just love you liberal snobs. :cuckoo:

second in Crude Oil production... First in Federal Pork Spending

Alaska 1st, Ariz. last in pork spending - USATODAY.com

Yeah... I'm a snob. Screw you, Corporate bootlicker.

What Alaskan projects do you disagree with? Looks like the money was used for research into halibut harvesting (one of Alaska's main resources...fish/seafood). And lighting for runways to enable pilots to land planes in the village airports in the Alaska bush...their major link to the outside world.

At any rate...Sarah Palin was one of the only governors to turn down federal stimulus money.

She did not turn down all of it. She accepted around $900 million and turned down $28.6 million that was to be used for energy efficiency. And that was not too bright, considering Alaska has one of the highest energy costs in the country.
She will not run idiots. She is doing this now to keep her name in the news for her "movie" and you idiots are eating this up.

When fox "suspends" her contract, then she will have intentions on running. Until then, she is just teasing idiots to ask if she will run.

Its so simple. She is banking on rubes and running for president will eat into her money making machine.

Yeah, that's what I keep hearing, Zona. But I just can't accept it. :lol::lol::lol:

So your letting Zona call you an idiot...:confused:


She didn't mean me!!!! Famous last words, huh??? :lol::lol::lol: You troublemaker, Lumpy dear. :)
Sarah Palin has vowed to get us off the foreign oil tit even more than Bush did. Since 2004 the USA has been using more domestic oil & less foreign oil. We now use 10% less foreign vs domestic than in 2004. President George W. Bush really did reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Our Independence from foreign oil was gaining speed until Barack Obama took office. Now the US oil dependence chart is flattening. Between Obama & Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal they will have the USA back more dependent on foreign oil before we can get Obama out of office. HEY HEY HO HO BARACK OBAMA HAS GOT TO GO!!!

Palin is pretending to run to soak up SarahPac money before it goes to serious candidates. She has seen the polls and knows she couldn't hack it in an open primary

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