Why are Dems clinging to the "does not exonerate" quote? That's just stupid.


Feb 3, 2019
This statement has been quoted millions of times now, and it's absolutely meaningless:

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

The same statement could be said by any investigator in any circumstance where no evidence has been found of a crime. For instance:

Judge: "You have been found innocent of the crime you were accused of here, but that does not exonerate you of any and all crimes you may or may not have committed throughout your life."

No duh!

Is this the best you can do, Dems? Grasp at an utterly meaningless quote?

So.. Mueller did not find exculpatory evidence?

How does that change the fact the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice?

And, when did Democrats change their minds on obstruction rising to the level of an impeachable offense?
That statement about "does not exonerate" only applies only to obstruction.
That statement about "does not exonerate" only applies only to obstruction.

And that's because there can be no obstruction when a sitting President fires an Executive Appointee. For ANY reason at ANY time.

Only stupid bitch dimocrap scum don't get that.

And the entire dimocrap scum party is full of stupid bitches
This statement has been quoted millions of times now, and it's absolutely meaningless:

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

The same statement could be said by any investigator in any circumstance where no evidence has been found of a crime. For instance:

Judge: "You have been found innocent of the crime you were accused of here, but that does not exonerate you of any and all crimes you may or may not have committed throughout your life."

No duh!

Is this the best you can do, Dems? Grasp at an utterly meaningless quote?
Snowflakes have LIVED for the Mueller Report followed by Trump's Impeachment.... For them, this weekend was like waking up Christmas morning, and plunging your hand into your stocking to find it is filled with $HIT!


You're talking about the snowflakes who never really moved on from the 'Al Gore-Hanging Chad' loss.

You're talking about the snowflakes who never really accepted the 2016 election results.

This will haunt them for decades.

This statement has been quoted millions of times now, and it's absolutely meaningless:

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

The same statement could be said by any investigator in any circumstance where no evidence has been found of a crime. For instance:

Judge: "You have been found innocent of the crime you were accused of here, but that does not exonerate you of any and all crimes you may or may not have committed throughout your life."

No duh!

Is this the best you can do, Dems? Grasp at an utterly meaningless quote?

because they've spent 2 years emotionally investing themselves into this being their salvation for losing. hard to give up a dream.
because they've spent 2 years emotionally investing themselves into this being their salvation for losing. hard to give up a dream.

The rank and file? Yes. The stupid, useless, apartment-dwelling prols who get their news from Comedy Central? Yes.

To the criminal elite in the dimocrap scum party it was a smoke screen. One that, no matter how it turned out, was going to be successful. And it has been successful.

Our duty now is to hunt down and imprison those responsible for this farce.

No mercy. Hunt them down like the Nazis they are.

It will be difficult with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM running inteerference for them, but it has to be done. Without mercy, without remorse and without fail.

It MUST be done or it's all over for the Country. Something like this can not go unpunished
because they've spent 2 years emotionally investing themselves into this being their salvation for losing. hard to give up a dream.

The rank and file? Yes. The stupid, useless, apartment-dwelling prols who get their news from Comedy Central? Yes.

To the criminal elite in the dimocrap scum party it was a smoke screen. One that, no matter how it turned out, was going to be successful. And it has been successful.

Our duty now is to hunt down and imprison those responsible for this farce.

No mercy. Hunt them down like the Nazis they are.

It will be difficult with the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM running inteerference for them, but it has to be done. Without mercy, without remorse and without fail.

It MUST be done or it's all over for the Country. Something like this can not go unpunished

“We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged”― Heinrich Heine

Ravel's ode to the gallows:

This statement has been quoted millions of times now, and it's absolutely meaningless:

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

The same statement could be said by any investigator in any circumstance where no evidence has been found of a crime. For instance:

Judge: "You have been found innocent of the crime you were accused of here, but that does not exonerate you of any and all crimes you may or may not have committed throughout your life."

No duh!

Is this the best you can do, Dems? Grasp at an utterly meaningless quote?

It other words , "I wanted to prosecute Trump on collusion but I couldn't find the evidence, so I'm disappointed."
That's what mueller is really saying.
Seems that's the only thing the Dems have to hang their hats on.

If it were an issue the AG would have pursued it. Since he didn't then the Dems are out of luck.

Hope they hold investigation after investigation. 2020 is right around the corner and the shit show the Dem lead House has going on sure isn't covering them with glory.

Trump will win in 2020 and I'd have serious doubts about the Dems holding the House.

Go Dems.
So much for Tlaib's, 'We're going to Impeach the M*er F*er'..... Now that there is no chance, there's no more need for Tlaib in Congress....

This statement has been quoted millions of times now, and it's absolutely meaningless:

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

The same statement could be said by any investigator in any circumstance where no evidence has been found of a crime. For instance:

Judge: "You have been found innocent of the crime you were accused of here, but that does not exonerate you of any and all crimes you may or may not have committed throughout your life."

No duh!

Is this the best you can do, Dems? Grasp at an utterly meaningless quote?

Problem one: The Media Buildup
After two years of painting Mueller as a messianic figure who would smite the Demonic Donald Trump, the media went into scramble mode yesterday. In a desperate effort to avoid looking like they were over-interpreting the info against Donald's favor, they rushed to over-interpret in Donald's favor. It's basically the same thing liberals do when they are so desperate to prove they aren't racist against black people they become racist against white people.

As a result, they've treated absence of evidence as evidence of absence; Barr's letter states that Mueller has not found sufficient evidence of collusion, and the media are now declaring that as a finding that there was no collusion.

Problem two: Rating Whoring
The modern media industry see news reporting as a form of entertainment. To maintain maximum ratings they attempt to paint an ongoing soap opera drama out of real life. As a result they have a love-hate relationship with Donald. The media love to hate him, and they love how much their audience hates him, because they love the ratings they've achieved by having a captivated audience constantly tuned in to see even more information unfold about how Donald is bad and deserves a spanking. As a result, their inaccurate rush to claim that Donald has been exonerated on collusion cannot be the end of the story. It's great for today, because "No Collusion" is a headline that will sell tens of millions of newspapers today, and generate tens of millions more views online. But in the long run not only is it inconsistent with the appetite of their audience, but any ending of the story is inconsistent with their strategy. So to correct their first failure, they are now trying to squeeze water out of a stone by focusing on the fact that at least part of Mueller's findings are that his investigation does not exonerate Donald on obstruction.

Problem three: Context Matters
It is a fundamentally correct point to note that Mueller explicitly states his report does not exonerate Donald, and that the same is inconsistent with those who are now claiming that it does. But the modern day media have a long history of double failure. The love to inject their analysis and opinion as if it were news, but they consistently fail to do so in any newsworthy way. Modern media are very clumsy in explicitly trying to lead you to a conclusion in a way they hope will make you think you came to the conclusion on your own.

Context matters, and the fact is that many of the initial interpretations flying around are entirely out of context. Proper context would be inclined to lead people to the conclusions the media wants (i.e. that Donald is still a guilty of bad deeds that the public deserves for these matters to continue to be pursued), but the media is too chickenshit to simply lay out the correct context. It would be too much of a risk to let people reach a differing opinion on their own, and they also can't risk allowing people to recognize that their manufactured "no collusion" headlines were engineered.
This isn't going to be over until the FULL Mueller report is released to congress...and most of it is released to the public.

There's no way a summary authored by a Trump appointee is going to be the final say on this.

If there was truly no collusion and no obstruction, neither Trump, the Republicans or Trump's supporters should object to this.
This statement has been quoted millions of times now, and it's absolutely meaningless:

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

The same statement could be said by any investigator in any circumstance where no evidence has been found of a crime. For instance:

Judge: "You have been found innocent of the crime you were accused of here, but that does not exonerate you of any and all crimes you may or may not have committed throughout your life."

No duh!

Is this the best you can do, Dems? Grasp at an utterly meaningless quote?

Mueller did that totally for self protection.

So we're being told that when Barr said "does not exonerate" that actually exonerated?

Welcome to the Upside Down
This isn't going to be over until the FULL Mueller report is released to congress...and most of it is released to the public.

There's no way a summary authored by a Trump appointee is going to be the final say on this.

If there was truly no collusion and no obstruction, neither Trump, the Republicans or Trump's supporters should object to this.

This isn't about finding the truth. This is a blood fued.... You don't give your enemy free ammo..... They can have the full report in Jan


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