CDZ Why are detailed Covid-19 mortality stats not being released?

Be safe out there folks. Even if the media is attempting to create a hysteria this thing is no joke. I'm 33 years old, in good shape (work out nearly daily lifting weights and doing cardio), not high risk whatsoever and Corona kicked my ass for a good 4 days (2 of them were REALLY bad). Not severe to where I was hospitalized or anything but I can easily see it killing someone high risk, older, or not in good physical condition. Stay safe.
Thanks, but most severe strain's of these flu's/corona viruses kick some serious butt, and yes the vulnerable must protect themselves as best they can.

I've had my share of flus...this was MUCH more intense for me.
Might be getting older, and less adapt to beating them as easy. Who knows.

I'm 33, work out daily, in great shape, and have zero medical history that makes me high risk (that I know of). Not looking to make this political whatsoever just wanted to give a friendly warning is all. This thing can be serious and trust me when I tell you that you don't want to get it.
Thanks, but whenever I had any flu in the past, it was like death lurked around the corner just waiting to pounce. Luckily I've only had the flu a few times in life, and you are right that it ain't nothing a person wants ever.

Political ??? Well we will know this soon enough, otherwise if Trump is somehow defeated by the left, and Covid somehow just magically disappears quickly after that.

Watching the leftist media setting timelines now, and it seems mighty strange that alot of it's bright projections are right after the election. But for now it's doom and gloom while the nation battles the virus and Trump as if they are one in the same.

It's amazing.

Funny how people are testing positive, yet they aren't exhibiting any symptoms of the thing. What's up with that ? Are we approaching herd immunity by most people sort of getting a natural flu shot so to speak, otherwise that is basically alerting the immune system of it, and this might be why we are finding so many with it, yet they are mostly A-symptomatic now ?? Hmmm.

I wish that the leftist battle to defeat Trump at any cost wasn't involved in this thing, but sadly it is, especially after all the bullcrap the left has tried since 2016 and/or before that date, so it's very hard to trust anything that goes on now.

The war of attrition goes on, and the death by a thousand cuts continues against our current administration.

It's to obvious.

The same media that has been complicit in the attempts to get Trump at all cost, is the same one sounding the Alarm bells, yet touting positive timelines that can't be ignored in relation to the election cycle. Just pay attention to it all, and watch the Hysteria created by the leftist media as the election draws nearer and nearer.

Funny how all we hear now is spikes, spikes, spikes, spikes, mask, mask, mask, and shut down, shut down, shut down, but nothing about the promising drugs and progress on whooping the thing is being talked about in the leftist media lately. What happened to that part of it ???? Shouldn't that be still running hand in hand with the thing ???

Glad you got better.
I'm 33, work out daily, in great shape, and have zero medical history that makes me high risk (that I know of). Not looking to make this political whatsoever just wanted to give a friendly warning is all.
Thanks for the friendly warning, but a person in your demographic stands a much greater risk of dying from any number of other causes. At 99 years old and living in an assisted care facility, my mother is in a much higher risk category. As a result, I do not visit her in person but use video calls. But I do not wear a mask around my children and grandchildren. Am I a bad person?

P.S. Do you wear a mask when working out?
We have multiple wars taking place in this country right now.

We have the Covid-19 war running in conjunction with a seemingly out of hand race war either building up or actively going on. Tsk Tsk America, better get control of this stuff, before it causes total chaos to finally reach all communities, otherwise that once honored law and order, safety, decency, and family in regards to decent and good human beings of all colours.
, my mother is in a much higher risk category. As a result, I do not visit her in person but use video calls. But I do not wear a mask around my children and grandchildren. Am I a bad person?

Of course I'm much more likely to die driving to the grocery store than I am of Corona. I was simply sharing my first hand experience and for people not to take it lightly. I'm not worried about it for myself...but if I was 35-40 years old I have no doubt I'd be 6 feet in the ground right now. If my parents in their mid-60's got it I'd be terrified.

I wasn't intending to judge anybody if that's what you're getting at toward the end of your post, can't tell since I'm bad at picking up tones online sometimes lol. Hard for me to know exactly where I got it from by I suspect I got it from work (I teach high school) around mid/end of March since a student of mine tested positive a day or two before I came down with the severe symptoms.

Also, I have a home gym in my garage so I don't wear a mask. I actually starting building it back in October and figured I'd take it slowly so as not to pay an arm and a leg...what a blunder I wound up paying more than I would have due to Corona lol.
We now have over 100,000 reported deaths from the Covid-19 virus. This is a huge data base from which to create detailed statistics about who is most at risk (and who is least at risk) of dying from this pandemic. Instead, all we are being given is vague generalities about age and preexisting medical conditions.

I want to know more precisely who in the U.S. has died from this virus and under what circumstances. This would provide valuable information as to which particular combinations of factors are the most serious (as well as the validity of the number of deaths reported).

Wouldn't you like to know whether you or those you associate with are seriously at risk so that you or they could take appropriate precautions? Doesn't that make more sense than imposing strict controls on the 99.9% of our population that is not at risk?

If you looking for facts on the virus, why are you putting forth falsehoods regarding it?
ONLY 43% ARE ASYMPTOMATIC = ~ 4% death rate if infected
On the 21st of February 2020 a resident of the municipality of Vo’, a small town near Padua, died of pneumonia due to SARS-CoV-2 infection1. This was the first COVID-19 death detected in Italy since the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in the Chinese city of Wuhan, Hubei province2. In response, the regional authorities imposed the lockdown of the whole municipality for 14 days3. We collected information on the demography, clinical presentation, hospitalization, contact network and presence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in nasopharyngeal swabs for 85.9% and 71.5% of the population of Vo’ at two consecutive time points. On the first survey, which was conducted around the time the town lockdown started, we found a prevalence of infection of 2.6% (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.1-3.3%). On the second survey, which was conducted at the end of the lockdown, we found a prevalence of 1.2% (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.8-1.8%). Notably, 42.5% (95% CI 31.5-54.6%) of the confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections detected across the two surveys were asymptomatic (i.e. did not have symptoms at the time of swab testing and did not develop symptoms afterwards). The mean serial interval was 7.2 days (95% CI 5.9-9.6). We found no statistically significant difference in the viral load of symptomatic versus asymptomatic infections (p-values 0.62 and 0.74 for E and RdRp genes, respectively, Exact Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test). This study sheds new light on the frequency of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, their infectivity (as measured by the viral load) and provides new insights into its transmission dynamics and the efficacy of the implemented control measures.
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We could lose 9 million US citizens in 3 years without serious mitigation.

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