Why Are Hospitals & The CDC So Clueless About Protective Clothing?


Silver Member
Jul 19, 2011
I spent over 20 years working in nuclear power plants throughout the United States.
I have donned and removed PCs (protective clothing) THOUSANDS of times.
I wore protective clothing to prevent radioactive contamination of both myself, the people around me, and the clean environment outside of the contaminated I worked in.
For the life of me, I do not understand how the CDC does not have a CLUE on not only WHAT kind of personal protective clothing the health care workers should be wearing when caring for patients with the Ebola virus, but HOW these workers should be removing their protective clothing when they need to enter a CLEAN area.
I also don't understand how the hospitals don't have a proper protocol for entering and exiting potentially contaminated areas.
I can only shake my head in disgust when I see the ridiculously inadequate protective clothing these health care workers are wearing, and then read about how these people are removing their PC's.
For the CDC to claim that the Ebola virus is NOT transferrable through the air and is only transferrable through contact with body fluids, is absolutely irresponsible and ridiculous.
The Ebola-infected nurse who flew on Frontier Airlines out of Cleveland more than likely contaminated the entire airplane. ONE sneeze. ONE cough. Blowing her nose. Those are just THREE examples of AIRBORNE contamination.
This same airliner flew 4 or 5 more times before it was grounded. How many people sat in this lady's seat? How many people touched her seat or brushed against it? How many people sat in nearby seats?
The CDC calls these Ebola cases "isolated incidents" and that "there is nothing to worry about".
Do you trust the CDC? Do you trust your local hospital?

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