Why are Illegals given driver licenses?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Why should people who have already demonstrated they have no regard for our laws be given drivers’ licenses? It’s just another way they can sneak through the system and vote in our elections.

In this instance, Oregon (a lib state of course) allows illegals to get licenses and ALSO automatically registers people with licenses. Did they not realize that of course they would be giving licenses to the illegals who then in turn would be able to vote - or do they simply not care?

Why should people who have already demonstrated they have no regard for our laws be given drivers’ licenses? It’s just another way they can sneak through the system and vote in our elections.

In this instance, Oregon (a lib state of course) allows illegals to get licenses and ALSO automatically registers people with licenses. Did they not realize that of course they would be giving licenses to the illegals who then in turn would be able to vote - or do they simply not care?

Getting a license doesn't automatically confer the ability to vote.

To register to vote in Oregon, you must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • A resident of Oregon
  • At least 16 years old
If you are not yet 18 years of age, you will not receive a ballot until an election occurs on or after your 18th birthday.
Illegal =/= non-citizen.

You know you can be in the country as a non-citizen, for example the foreign born spouse of a military member, someone here attending school, someone here on an H-1B visa for work purposes, and yes even those legally present seeking asylum that have been issued temporary status while they wait for a court date.

Many have to drive in their line of work or to get to work.

Yeah, right. The illegals near me all congregate in designated parking lots by the hundreds in the neighborhoods they’ve turned into San Salvadore - and people pick them up for day labor. They don’t have regular jobs.

For those who might drive, we just won’t give them drivers licenses and then they won’t be able to. If they break the law (again) and are pulled over by a cop, then they get deported for being illegal.

Oh wait. The lib states don’t allow cops to ask if the lowlife is here legally. They are protecting them so they CAN vote.
Yeah, right. The illegals near me all congregate in designated parking lots by the hundreds in the neighborhoods they’ve turned into San Salvadore - and people pick them up for day labor. They don’t have regular jobs.

For those who might drive, we just won’t give them drivers licenses and then they won’t be able to. If they break the law (again) and are pulled over by a cop, then they get deported for being illegal.

Oh wait. The lib states don’t allow cops to ask if the lowlife is here legally. They are protecting them so they CAN vote.

Or they are just following that pesky constitution that you can't questions someone without a lawyer present.
Yeah, right. The illegals near me all congregate in designated parking lots by the hundreds in the neighborhoods they’ve turned into San Salvadore - and people pick them up for day labor. They don’t have regular jobs.

For those who might drive, we just won’t give them drivers licenses and then they won’t be able to. If they break the law (again) and are pulled over by a cop, then they get deported for being illegal.

Oh wait. The lib states don’t allow cops to ask if the lowlife is here legally. They are protecting them so they CAN vote.

The Constitution makes it so it's a federal issue. Not sure why you want to call those working tough jobs, lowlifes, but whatever.
To get to that job they were able to take because we now subsidize Mericans to not work. You know" they take jobs that Mericans won't do". How long do you think that will hold up after they're pronounced Mericans? We will need more intruders. Sweet

Yes, we will grant citizenship at some point just like Reagan did. At that point they get a legal wage where the employers will call for new workers that do not qualify for a legal wage.
Why should people who have already demonstrated they have no regard for our laws be given drivers’ licenses? It’s just another way they can sneak through the system and vote in our elections.

In this instance, Oregon (a lib state of course) allows illegals to get licenses and ALSO automatically registers people with licenses. Did they not realize that of course they would be giving licenses to the illegals who then in turn would be able to vote - or do they simply not care?

A Drivers License just shows you have the knowledge and skills to drive a car

Why wouldn’t we want an illegal to be qualified to drive?

Why don't the Illegals just get a license from their own nations? or an International Driving Permit?

Considering America's "Motor Voter" atrocity, foreigners can be given the option of registering to vote as part of the process, and since they are foreigners, they may not know that this is a crime.
The neo-Marxist demented LEFT are at WAR with the American People.
Not hyperbole. They are FLOODING the country with illegal aliens and their ultimate goal is to have the VOTE FOR THEM.
Civil War 2.0 is happening now.

They will at some point get the right to vote (it's inevitable) and then you will wish you had demanded something be done about those employing them.

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