Biden's America: Drivers Licenses for Illegals + Noncitizens Voting + Mail-in Ballots + Private Funding of Elections

Fraud needs to be caught and stopped while in progress, which means a strong RNC to take action plus much more. This commenter sums it up:

[America now has Fractual Technologies to identify ineligible voters on the voter registration roll, so voters can put pressure on their SOS to use this blockchain technology to identify voter fraud. Now there is the technology to prove whether a state election was honest or fraudulent Since our federal government is corrupt to the core - it is totally up to the states to police their elections themselves. If a voter is told at their precinct voting site that they have already voted - they need to call the Sheriff's Department and tell them you have a theft that you wish to report. It needs to be official and then you send a copy of your voting theft report to the SOS in your state and ask them for remedial action. The SOS have to be held accountable for making sure only legally registered voters are allowed to vote. If the SOS refuses to enforce the state voting laws then form a class action lawsuit against the SOS with other voters who were denied their vote. If the state requires a state issued photo ID to vote - this should not happen unless it is through mail in voting fraud.]

Gateway Pundit news, right?


  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

Conservative news site Gateway Pundit files for bankruptcy

NEW YORK, April 25 (Reuters) - The Gateway Pundit, a far-right news site, filed for bankruptcy Wednesday, following litigation by election workers and others who faced harassment after the site made false claims that the 2020 U.S. election was stolen.
A fence that was torn down. Did a fence post strike you in the head again?
Did the chatbot programming get confused, that makes less sense than usual, AI.

He thinks these illegals can violate our laws by cutting down razor wire - and then get stopped by a little fence.

Again, if you want to stop illegal immigration, go after the white people who hire them.

I interviewed for a job where the Jewish owner insisted that they would close for the Sabbath, but as long as his Mexican workers had papers that "looked right', he didn't care.
Did the chatbot programming get confused, that makes less sense than usual, AI.

Again, if you want to stop illegal immigration, go after the white people who hire them.

I interviewed for a job where the Jewish owner insisted that they would close for the Sabbath, but as long as his Mexican workers had papers that "looked right', he didn't care.
Typical Chatbot spam. Is it really only white people who hire illegals or is it your fear and ignorance that causes your Chatbot stupidity to lay bare your nonsense claims?
Typical Chatbot spam. Is it really only white people who hire illegals or is it your fear and ignorance that causes your Chatbot stupidity to lay bare your nonsense claims?
Joe is first to accuse someone else of racism, while simultaneously never missing a chance to put down whites and Jews. That’s the New Democrat of today: Anti-white, anti-Jewish, and bigtime hypocrite.
Joe is first to accuse someone else of racism, while simultaneously never missing a chance to put down whites and Jews. That’s the New Democrat of today: Anti-white, anti-Jewish, and bigtime hypocrite.
He never misses a chance to include a “Jew story” in his self-loathing rants.
He never misses a chance to include a “Jew story” in his self-loathing rants.
You noticed that, too? I knew a Catholic School boy named Joe when I was a kid (the poster in question also said he went to Catholic School) who walked into my house uninvited when my parents were out, looked me in the eye as I stood there helplessly and fearing what he would do, blew out the Sabbath candles, and said…. “That’s what I think about your fucking religion.” I sometimes wonder if this is the same antisemite.

I was 13.
So that would probably encourage illegals to vote, if Trump is going to deport them whether they vote or not.

Of course, at the rate Trump is dementing, he's going to lose by double digits. Hell, Florida is in play now.
He has always said he would deport them starting with the criminal aliens and gang members the honest hard working people can remain and go through the system as they were promised under Biden... if they fail to go through the proper channels they will be deported... if they try and vote they will be deported and can never return legally... so if they are smart they would voluntarily show for their asylum hearing because even if they are denied they can re apply for legal entry under a work program...
And lets be real... if Kamala wins and jobs continue to dry up and housing is scarce why would they want to stay?...
Joe is first to accuse someone else of racism, while simultaneously never missing a chance to put down whites and Jews. That’s the New Democrat of today: Anti-white, anti-Jewish, and bigtime hypocrite.
Your religion isn't a race, it's a choice.

You noticed that, too? I knew a Catholic School boy named Joe when I was a kid (the poster in question also said he went to Catholic School) who walked into my house uninvited when my parents were out, looked me in the eye as I stood there helplessly and fearing what he would do, blew out the Sabbath candles, and said…. “That’s what I think about your fucking religion.” I sometimes wonder if this is the same antisemite.

I was 13.

Wow, you should have taken that as a learning experience. He blew out your candles, and God didn't do anything about it.

How did he get into your house, exactly? Did he kick in the door, or were you just being naughty.

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