Why are Illegals given driver licenses?

Who aren't supposed to be here in the first place. Giving them licenses is legitimizing them.

Giving them licenses is ensuring they're not driving around with no license and no insurance. By all means refuse them licenses and stick Americans for the bill for any accident they may have.

Or, better yet, pass immigration reform so that refugees have a better way of making their claims. Doing NOTHING is making things worse.
The Constitution makes it so it's a federal issue. Not sure why you want to call those working tough jobs, lowlifes, but whatever.
They’re lowlifes because they are uneducated, unskilled foreigners who came into our country illegally.
A Drivers License just shows you have the knowledge and skills to drive a car

Why wouldn’t we want an illegal to be qualified to drive?
We don’t want illegals here in the first place. Why legitimize them by allowing the scofflaws to get drivers licenses?
I know 4 people with non-citizen wives, one from Scotland, one from Mexico, one from Japan, and one from the Philippines.

Each was qualified to drive in their home country.
Were they here illegally? Then the law-breakers should not be allowed to drive.
The answer is simple: Liability insurance. You cannot get liability insurance without a driver's license. That is GOOD FOR EVERYBODY!

The State does not control who gets to live there. That is largely controlled (or in Democrats' case, NOT controlled) by the Federal government. States are wise to allow ALL qualified drivers to get a license, in the hope that they will then get liability insurance for their legally-obtained cars.

Of course, this opens up the possibility that the State, if Democrat controlled, will issue voter registrations to anyone with a driver's license, but that is a whole 'nother issue.
They will at some point get the right to vote (it's inevitable) and then you will wish you had demanded something be done about those employing them.
I know that’s the Dems’ plan - get in as many illegal lowlifes who need American taxpayers to support them who will then vote for Dems - but why is it inevitable that these scofflaws get the right to vote?

That’s only if the Dems, so eager to retain rule that they are willing to lower the caliber of the country, win the election.
The answer is simple: Liability insurance. You cannot get liability insurance without a driver's license. That is GOOD FOR EVERYBODY!

The State does not control who gets to live there. That is largely controlled (or in Democrats' case, NOT controlled) by the Federal government. States are wise to allow ALL qualified drivers to get a license, in the hope that they will then get liability insurance for their legally-obtained cars.

Of course, this opens up the possibility that the State, if Democrat controlled, will issue voter registrations to anyone with a driver's license, but that is a whole 'nother issue.
And that is what happened here - a lib state set up a system that would allow legals to vote.

What we SHOULD be doing is deport them. We can start with anyone violating driving laws to be sent home. In order to do that, we need to know whether they are here legally, but the lib states are helping the scofflaws hide it.
They’re lowlifes because they are uneducated, unskilled foreigners who came into our country illegally.

You're a lowlife because you're a racist bigot, filled with fear and hate. How do you know these people are "unskilled" or "uneducated"?? You don't.

I'd take a dozen of them over one like you any day of the week. Arrogant, entitled and stupid is no way to go through life.
MAGA is at war with the American people. Attacking peaceful residents of Springfield.
60,000 people was springfield. Now it has had 15,000 or more ilkegal aliens dumbed there by the Democrats and the RINO governor.

Yes, democrats do want war, that is why you repeat the hate and call to war over and over.

Remember to wave hello when I wave at you on the street
Tell my, "you're welcome" when I thank you for your business

And get to a head doctor to address that clinical paranoia
And that is what happened here - a lib state set up a system that would allow legals to vote.

What we SHOULD be doing is deport them. We can start with anyone violating driving laws to be sent home. In order to do that, we need to know whether they are here legally, but the lib states are helping the scofflaws hide it.

Do you have ANY evidence whatsoever that this is true???? No, of course you don't. You don't have evidence of anything Trump tells you because it's all lies.
60,000 people was springfield. Now it has had 15,000 or more ilkegal aliens dumbed there by the Democrats and the RINO governor.

Yes, democrats do want war, that is why you repeat the hate and call to war over and over.

Remember to wave hello when I wave at you on the street
Tell my, "you're welcome" when I thank you for your business

And get to a head doctor to address that clinical paranoia

Let's dissect your lies:

1. These are LEGAL immigrants who are in the country LEGALLY.

2. No democrats has called for "war" against their fellow Americans, but you liars call for it every day.

3. I doubt you can get into Canada.
I know that’s the Dems’ plan - get in as many illegal lowlifes who need American taxpayers to support them who will then vote for Dems - but why is it inevitable that these scofflaws get the right to vote?

That’s only if the Dems, so eager to retain rule that they are willing to lower the caliber of the country, win the election.
Democrat politicians know thay are losing the vote of the american people so they need tens of millions of ilegals.

Democrats will only have power if they create fear, riits, violence, murder. Then they can claim they are here to protect us from all the chaos
Yes they were legal non-citizens allowed to drive.

Your OP article was about non-citizens, you changed it to "illegals" as the topic.


The point is that the system of automatically registering to vote people who have drivers licenses allows people who should not be voting - non-citizens and illegals alike - to vote.

This would be prevented if the Dems weren’t blocking a bill to ensure voters are actually entitled to vote. They WANT illegals to vote because most of them are lowlifes who need public assistance, and will this vote for the Dems.
Let's dissect your lies:

1. These are LEGAL immigrants who are in the country LEGALLY.

2. No democrats has called for "war" against their fellow Americans, but you liars call for it every day.

3. I doubt you can get into Canada.
You doubt that I have spent years working on CANDUs? You doubt that I know where to by smoked salmon on Queens steet or that I have had a sushi pizza. How about that unground city, I aint been there?

You seriously display pure stupidity.
The point is that the system of automatically registering to vote people who have drivers licenses allows people who should not be voting - non-citizens and illegals alike - to vote.

This would be prevented if the Dems weren’t blocking a bill to ensure voters are actually entitled to vote. They WANT illegals to vote because most of them are lowlifes who need public assistance, and will this vote for the Dems.

It doesn’t.

Many, many foreign citizens are here legally and have drivers licenses
They don’t vote

Conservative Fantasy
They will at some point get the right to vote (it's inevitable) and then you will wish you had demanded something be done about those employing them.
Why is it always someone else’s fault with you Dems? (You’re like that other Dem who said it was the Jews’ own fault that the Muslim terrorist was planning the NYC attack on the Jewish Community Center.)

What has happened is that you Dems have picked your “protected” groups - like Muslims and illegals - and your targeted groups - like businesses and Jews - and any time one of the people in your protected group does something illegal, or downright violent, you blame the targeted group.

Illegals should not be here. Once we re-elected Trump, assuming the Dems don’t assassinate him first, Gd-forbid, we can take the nearly $200 billion these lowlifes are costing honest Americans EVERY YEAR and fortify the border. (You first plug the leak in a boat before bailing out water.) THEN, we can deport every illegal who commits any infraction, including running a red light or speeding, along with his family.

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