Why are Illegals given driver licenses?

I know 4 people with non-citizen wives, one from Scotland, one from Mexico, one from Japan, and one from the Philippines.
They have sponsors here, some skin in the game, and a reason to be productive and are probably here legally and not to be confused with people escaping justice in their country, not here to exploit and take advantage of our stupid non laws. VERY different categories and huge difference in numbers. You can't see the difference between genuine migrants and state sponsored reconquistadors, you like things simple.
The average education level of the illegals is lower than the average education level Americans. Thus, they lower the caliber of our country.

You say you’re not a Dem, but every post of your defends illegals. Thus, you are a Dem.

I'm not sure how advocating removing their jobs is defending illegals but if you say so.
^^^ always someone else’s fault, and never the illegals. (And this guy says he’s not a Dem? Ha.)
well, I've told this story before.

I applied for a purchasing job at a warehouse that imported cheap goods, and most of the people in the warehouse were Hispanic.

The guy who interviewed me told me two things. 1) that the owner was an observant Jew and the company always closed down at sunset on Friday to honor the Sabbath. and 2) He hired warehouse people as long as they had papers that "looked right", he didn't really care if they were illegal or not.

So to summarize, they strictly enforce a religious law based on superstition, but when it came to being able to exploit people for profit, they could care less about a civil law.

Thankfully, I didn't take the job.
You’re blaming the big bad businesses, like libs always do, instead of blaming the ILLEGAL LOWLIFES for skirting our laws.

The businesses hiring illegals are ignoring and skirting the laws. You know it's illegal to employee someone without completing an I-9 Federal Work Authorization, right?

You yourself mentioned parking lots where businesses will pick up illegal aliens to work as day laborers, who are then paid under the table.

So two crimes: (A) using illegal labor, (B) paying them under the table instead of through the proper payroll process to pay taxes.

The businesses hiring illegals are ignoring and skirting the laws. You know it's illegal to employee someone without completing an I-9 Federal Work Authorization, right?

You yourself mentioned parking lots where businesses will pick up illegal aliens to work as day laborers, who are then paid under the table.

So two crimes: (A) using illegal labor, (B) paying them under the table instead of through the proper payroll process to pay taxes.

So let’s just block the illegals from coming in. Nip the problem in the bud.

Why are you blaming the businesses, naming the laws they are breaking, and NOT the illegals who are breaking the law by being here in the first place.

Let’s solve the problem where it starts: the border.
So let’s just block the illegals from coming in. Nip the problem in the bud.

Except you really can't. People who can overcome mountains and deserts and oceans to get here aren't going to be detered by a little old wall.

Why are you blaming the businesses, naming the laws they are breaking, and NOT the illegals who are breaking the law by being here in the first place.

Because rich people exploiting poor people is always a lot more fucking evil than poor people just trying to make a living.
So let’s just block the illegals from coming in. Nip the problem in the bud.

I'm fine with stopping illegals before the come in.

Now tell me how we are supposed to stop illegals along the entire southern border, the entire norther border, the east coast, and the west cost?

Then you have illegals that enter the country legally and over stay, meaning they are coming through border access points and flying into every international airport in the country.

Or is it a certain border you want to seal to stop a certain type of people? Illegal aliens from other parts of the would that come in through Canada or airports, those are OK?

Why are you blaming the businesses, naming the laws they are breaking, and NOT the illegals who are breaking the law by being here in the first place.

I'm blaming the business as being * * PART * * of the problem, the people come here to work, if employers didn't hire them they wouldn't come.

Let’s solve the problem where it starts: the border.

Let's solve the problem where it starts, business hiring them as part of the solution.

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I'm fine with stopping illegals before the come in.

Now tell me how we are supposed to stop illegals along the entire southern border, the entire norther border, the east coast, and the west cost?

Then you have illegals that enter the country legally and over stay, meaning they are coming through border access points and flying into every international airport in the country.

I'm blaming the business as being * * PART * * of the problem, the people come here to work, if employers didn't hire them they wouldn't come.

Let solve the problem where it starts, business hiring them as part of the solution.

You're forgetting another aspect. If the illegals choose not to work, the Democrats just give them free housing and a paycheck anyway (ON OUR DIME).

If we cut the work off, we need to cut the freebies off, too!
You're forgetting another aspect. If the illegals choose not to work, the Democrats just give them free housing and a paycheck anyway (ON OUR DIME).

If we cut the work off, we need to cut the freebies off, too!

Agreed. Cut off the work and the social benefits.

I also support a Constitutional amendment clarifying that those present in the country are excluded from jus soli citizenship. That parents (or mother if alone) must be present legally for a child born here to be considered a US citizen. That a child born to someone illegally present, from the US perspective, is a citizen of the parents country.

Why should people who have already demonstrated they have no regard for our laws be given drivers’ licenses? It’s just another way they can sneak through the system and vote in our elections.

In this instance, Oregon (a lib state of course) allows illegals to get licenses and ALSO automatically registers people with licenses. Did they not realize that of course they would be giving licenses to the illegals who then in turn would be able to vote - or do they simply not care?

It was just a matter of time before the state of Oregon in which we live but are trying to leave, started this. Any way to subvert a law or rule they don't like is what they do. Eastern Oregon ( mostly rural ) is largely conservative but western Oregon is Marxist and that is where the Electoral Votes are and count on a ballot. I forwarded the article to many people yesterday when I read it and am glad you put it up. All blue states will follow because they are all in this together. Sanctuary states run by the liberal citizens who keep voting them in. Grr.
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It was just a matter of time before the state of Oregon in which we live but are trying to leave, started this. Any way to subvert a law or rule they don't like is what they do. Eastern Oregon ( mostly rural ) is largely conservative but western Oregon is Marxist and that is where the Electoral Votes are and count on a ballot. I forwarded the article to many people yesterday when I read it and am glad you put it up. All blue states will follow because they are all in this together. Sanctuary states run by the liberal citizens who keep voting them in. Grr.

Eastern Oregon, agriculture is the main business there IIRC.

Cracking down on illegals worked so well in Florida and Georgia.

Expelling all illegals is a bumper sticker solution that often has consequences that are ignored.

A Drivers License just shows you have the knowledge and skills to drive a car

Why wouldn’t we want an illegal to be qualified to drive?

We need to make it as uncoforable as possible for illegals to be in the US.

No Job,
No Housing,
No Licenses
No benefits of any kind.

I do want them to get emergency health care to make sure they are healthy enough when they are caught up with.

This isn't a Right or a Left problem.

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