Why are Illegals given driver licenses?

We need to make it as uncoforable as possible for illegals to be in the US.

No Job,
No Housing,
No Licenses
No benefits of any kind.

I do want them to get emergency health care to make sure they are healthy enough when they are caught up with.

This isn't a Right or a Left problem.
Good idea

Lets start by locking up those who employ them at substandard wages and make huge profits off of them
Good idea

Lets start by locking up those who employ them at substandard wages and make huge profits off of them

On that I agree. But that's apples to oranges. Going after corrupt employers should be just limited to illegal aliens. The corruption goes much deeper than that and it affects food, housing, gas, fuels, clothing and every aspect of our lives. The quickest way to get a corrupt company is to have one corrupt company absorb a not corporate company. Never does the good win in capitalism.
It was just a matter of time before the state of Oregon in which we live but are trying to leave, started this. Any way to subvert a law or rule they don't like is what they do. Eastern Oregon ( mostly rural ) is largely conservative but western Oregon is Marxist and that is where the Electoral Votes are and count on a ballot. I forwarded the article to many people yesterday when I read it and am glad you put it up. All blue states will follow because they are all in this together. Sanctuary states run by the liberal citizens who keep voting them in. Grr.
What you say is so true. The blue states are trying to get the illegals a way to vote, and that is why they want all these illegals in the first place.

Glad you made good use of the article to educate people as to what is going on.
What you say is so true. The blue states are trying to get the illegals a way to vote, and that is why they want all these illegals in the first place.

Glad you made good use of the article to educate people as to what is going on.
Illegals don’t vote

No quicker way to get yourself deported
Illegals don’t vote

No quicker way to get yourself deported
They sure are getting automatically registered to vote in Oregon!

And who says they get deported? We have violent illegals in prison here. We don’t even deport scumbags like that.
They sure are getting automatically registered to vote in Oregon!

And who says they get deported? We have violent illegals in prison here. We don’t even deport scumbags like that.

Show any illegals who have voted in Oregon
Doesn’t happen
Why should people who have already demonstrated they have no regard for our laws be given drivers’ licenses? It’s just another way they can sneak through the system and vote in our elections.

In this instance, Oregon (a lib state of course) allows illegals to get licenses and ALSO automatically registers people with licenses. Did they not realize that of course they would be giving licenses to the illegals who then in turn would be able to vote - or do they simply not care?

I think New Mexico was one of the first states to issue licenses to illegals on the theory that this somehow makes all of us safer. (I so far haven't been able to understand that rationale.)

Of course it required all of us citizens to produce a lot of documentation including certified birth certificate, marriage licenses, proof of residency etc. to get a driver's license considered 'real ID" that allowed us access to commercial airliners.

They said the illegals can just drive with their licenses and don't get 'real ID' that would allow them to fly which is absurd since the Biden administration requires little or no identification for illegals to go anywhere they want in this country and pretty much utilizing any form of transportation.
Show any illegals who have voted in Oregon
Doesn’t happen
". . .An initial analysis by the Oregon Department of Transportation, which oversees the state’s Driver and Motor Vehicle Services, revealed that 306 non-citizens were registered to vote, said Kevin Glenn, a department spokesperson. Of those, two voted in elections since 2021. . ."

I think New Mexico was one of the first states to issue licenses to illegals on the theory that this somehow makes all of us safer. (I so far haven't been able to understand that rationale.)

Well, that's easy. A driver license means you've been identified and you proved to a bureaucrat you can drive a car without crashing it into something.

Of course it required all of us citizens to produce a lot of documentation including certified birth certificate, marriage licenses, proof of residency etc. to get a driver's license considered 'real ID" that allowed us access to commercial airliners.

They said the illegals can just drive with their licenses and don't get 'real ID' that would allow them to fly which is absurd since the Biden administration requires little or no identification for illegals to go anywhere they want in this country and pretty much utilizing any form of transportation.

Well, here's the problem. The airlines haven't instituted "Real ID" yet. I don't have a "Real ID" yet, but I had absolutely no problem flying to Florida in January. They keep pushing it out because people aren't bothering to comply. Just renew my ID.

". . .An initial analysis by the Oregon Department of Transportation, which oversees the state’s Driver and Motor Vehicle Services, revealed that 306 non-citizens were registered to vote, said Kevin Glenn, a department spokesperson. Of those, two voted in elections since 2021. . ."
So out of 3 million registered voters in Oregon, only 305 are undocumented immigrants who were accidentally added to the roles. So 0.01%. Of those, only TWO VOTED.

Sounds like you are going through hysterics over nothing.

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