Why are Latino's in Florida supporting Trump??????


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Joe Biden struggling with Latino voters in key state Florida, polls show

Incredible as it sounds, as latin babies still live in cages around our southern borders, Latino's, these bean eating, border crossing some of em Castro simps, who worship green money more than Holy Mary Mother of God, find Donald J. Trump the go to guy to keep them swimming in the American Dream.

Never mind, wet back fuck heads, it was democrats that got the Cubans here, that its democrats that struggle to keep you motherfuckers here, that its blacks that keep you safe while you hide in our neighborhoods and take our jobs...never mind all that shit, you want to vote for a guy, simply to keep money flowing in your pockets, than damit go for it....but know this, should he get a second term, Latino's will become his number one target.
Joe Biden struggling with Latino voters in key state Florida, polls show

Incredible as it sounds, as latin babies still live in cages around our southern borders, Latino's, these bean eating, border crossing some of em Castro simps, who worship green money more than Holy Mary Mother of God, find Donald J. Trump the go to guy to keep them swimming in the American Dream.

Never mind, wet back fuck heads, it was democrats that got the Cubans here, that its democrats that struggle to keep you motherfuckers here, that its blacks that keep you safe while you hide in our neighborhoods and take our jobs...never mind all that shit, you want to vote for a guy, simply to keep money flowing in your pockets, than damit go for it....but know this, should he get a second term, Latino's will become his number one target.
Because they know communism when they see it, and know what a shit show it really is, you blithering fucking moron.
Joe Biden struggling with Latino voters in key state Florida, polls show

Incredible as it sounds, as latin babies still live in cages around our southern borders, Latino's, these bean eating, border crossing some of em Castro simps, who worship green money more than Holy Mary Mother of God, find Donald J. Trump the go to guy to keep them swimming in the American Dream.

Never mind, wet back fuck heads, it was democrats that got the Cubans here, that its democrats that struggle to keep you motherfuckers here, that its blacks that keep you safe while you hide in our neighborhoods and take our jobs...never mind all that shit, you want to vote for a guy, simply to keep money flowing in your pockets, than damit go for it....but know this, should he get a second term, Latino's will become his number one target.

As racist a rant as I've ever read.

Besides insulting Hispanics you claim that Blacks are protecting Hispanics while they are stealing jobs from Blacks. Stealing? Really?

You also also seem to claim that Hispanics are stupid for wanting to earn a living: "...you want to vote for a guy, simply to keep money flowing in your pockets.." Welfare isn't the solution, so what is?

Its funny as Castro is like tramp. Both wanted and want destruction of the opposing parties.
Is that why your magical muslim faggot did everything he could to help Castro???

Hell, Obama even hung out with Raul!!!

Obama Castro.jpg
Joe Biden struggling with Latino voters in key state Florida, polls show

Incredible as it sounds, as latin babies still live in cages around our southern borders, Latino's, these bean eating, border crossing some of em Castro simps, who worship green money more than Holy Mary Mother of God, find Donald J. Trump the go to guy to keep them swimming in the American Dream.

Never mind, wet back fuck heads, it was democrats that got the Cubans here, that its democrats that struggle to keep you motherfuckers here, that its blacks that keep you safe while you hide in our neighborhoods and take our jobs...never mind all that shit, you want to vote for a guy, simply to keep money flowing in your pockets, than damit go for it....but know this, should he get a second term, Latino's will become his number one target.
Because they are CUBAN and the demicraps love Castro
Joe Biden struggling with Latino voters in key state Florida, polls show

Incredible as it sounds, as latin babies still live in cages around our southern borders, Latino's, these bean eating, border crossing some of em Castro simps, who worship green money more than Holy Mary Mother of God, find Donald J. Trump the go to guy to keep them swimming in the American Dream.

Never mind, wet back fuck heads, it was democrats that got the Cubans here, that its democrats that struggle to keep you motherfuckers here, that its blacks that keep you safe while you hide in our neighborhoods and take our jobs...never mind all that shit, you want to vote for a guy, simply to keep money flowing in your pockets, than damit go for it....but know this, should he get a second term, Latino's will become his number one target.

Maybe they identify with their fellow Americans more than with fucking illegals who are not them.
Hispanics are not a monolithic block, especially in Florida. Many like what Trump has done towards Venezuela, for instance.
Understand, though, that even though Trump is making small inroads with blacks and Latinos, he's trailing his numbers pretty badly amongst certain white cohorts compared to 2016. Like old people, for instance.

If that’s the case, Casey’s friends wouldn’t be alone. The pandemic has killed some 190,000 Americans, and 8 in 10 of the deaths reported have been among those 65 or over. President Trump’s delayed and fractured response to the outbreak appears to have reshaped the political dynamics for older Americans. Four years ago, he won voters 65 or over by a margin of 13.3 percentage points. But looking at an average of the nine most recent national polls, voters age 65 or over1 favored Biden to Trump by 49.5 percent to 45.7 percent.​

BTW, I would be shocked if Trump loses Florida. If he loses Florida, he's finished. He has no chance.
Joe Biden struggling with Latino voters in key state Florida, polls show

Incredible as it sounds, as latin babies still live in cages around our southern borders, Latino's, these bean eating, border crossing some of em Castro simps, who worship green money more than Holy Mary Mother of God, find Donald J. Trump the go to guy to keep them swimming in the American Dream.

Never mind, wet back fuck heads, it was democrats that got the Cubans here, that its democrats that struggle to keep you motherfuckers here, that its blacks that keep you safe while you hide in our neighborhoods and take our jobs...never mind all that shit, you want to vote for a guy, simply to keep money flowing in your pockets, than damit go for it....but know this, should he get a second term, Latino's will become his number one target.
Latinos (of whom I happen to be one) have been Trump's number one target. Yes, and that targeting has resulted in Latinos having our lowest unemployment rate in US history. See, we prefer work over welfare.

Sleeping until noon isn't quite our bag. Making money selling dope or our bodies is not what we do. And blacks are keeping us safe ? Where/how do you come up with that idea ?

The 2nd Amendment is what keeps me safe. That, and these 2 things >>


Joe Biden struggling with Latino voters in key state Florida, polls show

Incredible as it sounds, as latin babies still live in cages around our southern borders, Latino's, these bean eating, border crossing some of em Castro simps, who worship green money more than Holy Mary Mother of God, find Donald J. Trump the go to guy to keep them swimming in the American Dream.

Never mind, wet back fuck heads, it was democrats that got the Cubans here, that its democrats that struggle to keep you motherfuckers here, that its blacks that keep you safe while you hide in our neighborhoods and take our jobs...never mind all that shit, you want to vote for a guy, simply to keep money flowing in your pockets, than damit go for it....but know this, should he get a second term, Latino's will become his number one target.
obama/Biden caged Latino babies that's why
Its funny as Castro is like tramp. Both wanted and want destruction of the opposing parties.
Is that why your magical muslim faggot did everything he could to help Castro???

Hell, Obama even hung out with Raul!!!

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They don't realize tramp is the same as Castro, opposite ends of the spectrum.
So you're saying the Democrats are pissed because Trump isn't a communist???
Nothing like proving just how racist you really are. I get a kick out of blacks when they say that whites are racist.

first off they probably understand what little the democrats actually do for minorities but claim that they will do all things for them come election time. They understand all to well just how crazy the Democrats have become. They know what power hungry leads to, the escaped it to come hear they don’t want to have to eescape it again.
Latinos in FL are not supporting GOP anymore than they usually do.

In fact, Cuban Americans in Dade County are supporting Dems more than usual.

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