Why are Liberals lying so much about the HL Ruling?

Plan B needs more detailed and extended research and that is why the drug was included with the other 3 which are definitely abortifacent's.

Definitely abortifacients? Lol

So you are saying the other forms of birth control they cover causes an abortion?

Plus there is the whole fact preventing implantation isn't an abortion, but we won't get into that.

Preventing implantation isn't contraception either, as conception has occurred. Prevention of a fertilized egg from implanting is closer to abortion than contraception.

The other 3 include IUD's, which have implantation prevention as one of their mechanisms. Considering this is done to a fertilized egg, it isn't contraception, that's for sure.

Really? No shit.
Plan B doesn't prevent a fertilized egg from implanting. Never claimed IUDs don't. ;)
This Graphic Sums Up Just How Messed Up The Hobby Lobby Ruling Is | Alternet

“When close-minded people representing themselves as Christians use millions of dollars and an army of lawyers to make international headlines in a backwards, anti-science fight, as a Christian it drives me to use the tools at my disposal—however meager they may be in comparison—to speak out,” Baker said. “Although the Hobby Lobby case catalyzed me to make this graphic, in general I'm just really sick and tired of old white men on the government payroll trying to politicize my uterus.”


Still not getting it. Who is preventing anyone from going out and buying the EC themselves?

No one.
Definitely abortifacients? Lol

So you are saying the other forms of birth control they cover causes an abortion?

Plus there is the whole fact preventing implantation isn't an abortion, but we won't get into that.

Preventing implantation isn't contraception either, as conception has occurred. Prevention of a fertilized egg from implanting is closer to abortion than contraception.

The other 3 include IUD's, which have implantation prevention as one of their mechanisms. Considering this is done to a fertilized egg, it isn't contraception, that's for sure.

Really? No shit.
Plan B doesn't prevent a fertilized egg from implanting. Never claimed IUDs don't. ;)

Again, blame the FDA for saying it does, not Hobby Lobby for objecting to it.
Well actually that's not true... How many Christian conservative want Plan B off the market?
I am trying to understand what your argument with me was over. I have listed the issue with the label. I never argued your point on how hard it is change the label. I actually made the same point.
At this point, you are arguing with yourself and can't admit that just because the label hasn't changed it doesn't prevent implantation.

FACT ~ Until the FDA makes PlanB change their label NOT a Thing Changes even if you scream it from the rooftop.
There are Many drugs that have very old FDA labels but the FDA label is still the Standard unless the drug is pulled or the drug co changes that label and goes through the FDA approval all over again. What part of that do you Not understand???
OMG ~ Clueless beyond belief...
I am so sorry you refuse to read what the Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health have said in their research.

You are the one who will not think for yourself and seem to be incapable of thinking outside your lefty box.

I quoted an OBGYN who works at the Mayo Clinic who said the very same thing.

I can think for myself? Honey, you have no clue. It is quite obvious that the drug doesn't cause an abortion or prevent egg implantation. You just can't admit it.

From the mayo clinic website:

"orning-after pills do not end a pregnancy that has implanted. Depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, morning-after pills may act by one or more of the following actions: delaying or preventing ovulation, blocking fertilization, or keeping a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. However, recent evidence strongly suggests that Plan B One-Step and Next Choice do not inhibit implantation"

Morning-after pill Why it's done - Tests and Procedures - Mayo Clinic

Try including the important part next time, little dishonest are we?

"“These medications are there to prevent or delay ovulation,” said Dr. Petra M. Casey, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Mayo. “They don’t act after fertilization.”


I agree that it does not end a pregnancy that has implanted.

We are talking about Plan B being embryocidal and more research that needs to be done. 2 Studies are not enough information on it.

Plan B needs more detailed and extended research and that is why the drug was included with the other 3 which are definitely abortifacent's.

That isn't why it was included. hobby lobby didn't probably bother to do their research, they didn't need to.
I really don't care that they don't cover it. My problem is morons like you deciding the effects of a drug.
When you have the MAyo Clinic, NIH, and IFGO all agree it doesn't prevent implantation, along with OBGYNs and scientists. I am going to go with it not preventing implantation.
And it sure as hell doesn't cause an abortion.
I am trying to understand what your argument with me was over. I have listed the issue with the label. I never argued your point on how hard it is change the label. I actually made the same point.

At this point, you are arguing with yourself and can't admit that just because the label hasn't changed it doesn't prevent implantation.

FACT ~ Until the FDA makes PlanB change their label NOT a Thing Changes even if you scream it from the rooftop.

There are Many drugs that have very old FDA labels but the FDA label is still the Standard unless the drug is pulled or the drug co changes that label and goes through the FDA approval all over again. What part of that do you Not understand???

OMG ~ Clueless beyond belief...

What are you even arguing? I don't think you even know, and I am clueless. Lol
I could care less what the label says, just don't claim it does Something it doesn't.
FYI, as I have stated 20 times in this thread. I don't think they should have to cover it. Now move along, Bill Nye.
Here is the song of your people, before I go back to work.
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I am trying to understand what your argument with me was over. I have listed the issue with the label. I never argued your point on how hard it is change the label. I actually made the same point.

At this point, you are arguing with yourself and can't admit that just because the label hasn't changed it doesn't prevent implantation.

FACT ~ Until the FDA makes PlanB change their label NOT a Thing Changes even if you scream it from the rooftop.

There are Many drugs that have very old FDA labels but the FDA label is still the Standard unless the drug is pulled or the drug co changes that label and goes through the FDA approval all over again. What part of that do you Not understand???

OMG ~ Clueless beyond belief...

I do love how you keep Arguing with yourself, though. It's hilarious.
I am trying to understand what your argument with me was over. I have listed the issue with the label. I never argued your point on how hard it is change the label. I actually made the same point.

At this point, you are arguing with yourself and can't admit that just because the label hasn't changed it doesn't prevent implantation.

FACT ~ Until the FDA makes PlanB change their label NOT a Thing Changes even if you scream it from the rooftop.

There are Many drugs that have very old FDA labels but the FDA label is still the Standard unless the drug is pulled or the drug co changes that label and goes through the FDA approval all over again. What part of that do you Not understand???

OMG ~ Clueless beyond belief...

What are you even arguing? I don't think you even know, and I am clueless. Lol
I could care less what the label says, just don't claim it does Something it doesn't.
FYI, as I have stated 20 times in this thread. I don't think they should have to cover it. Now move along, Bill Nye.
I could care less what the label says...That your problem right there. Until you can get that FDA label changed your argument is worthless ~ useless ~ means nothing to nobody ~ zilch ~ nadda....You seem to refuse to move along or accept facts. You appointed yourself the so called authority on plan B but fail miserably in proving your point...FAIL ~ Now you move along...
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The hilarious thing about the morons on the left who will blindly follow the democrats who always see things like this to rally their mindless base is this.

Obamacare does not mandate eye care or dental care, however contraception (all forms of it) needs to be included. Funny to me the real reason for this is to create opportunities like this. It works too, doesn't it?

In this particular case, the morons on the left see this as an attack on all women cause they think Hobby Lobby will not provide ANY contraception. There are 20 types of contraception and Hobby Lobby will provide 16 of them.

The others, are very low in cost. 9 dollars a month to be exact. There is no war against women and Hillary stating that this is the way countries that brutalize women act. Get that? According to Hillary, this is the way those countries who stone women to death for being raped act.

No woman is being denied contraception. None are being abused. There is nothing to report here.

However, the fucking morons on the left carry on the like the fucking retarded, hypocritical sheep they are. Ironic too, how they never say a fucking word in protest about those countries that actually do brutalize women, isn't it?

They are all fucking losers, and this is yet another indication of how the media on the left drives an agenda, and brainwashes these morons with their exaggerated half baked stories.
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I find this interesting.

"Evangelical bioethicists interviewed by Christianity Today remained critical of Plan B, but not just because of its reputation for blocking implantation.

Dennis Sullivan, director of Cedarville University's Center for Bioethics, reviewed emergency contraceptive research for a peer-reviewed article in Ethics & Medicine last fall. He found "no evidence" that Plan B causes abortions.

"There's no evidence of that effect," he said. "Our claims of conscience should be based on scientific fact, and we should be willing to change our claims if facts change."

Does Plan B Cause Abortion? | Christianity Today

"The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, citing new research, declared last March that Plan B does not inhibit implantation but instead blocks fertilization. Germany's Catholic bishops also cited the research in February, which prompted them to drop their opposition to using morning-after pills in Catholic hospitals for victims of rape."

So the Mayo Clinic, the NIH, the IFGO, and even Catholics have dropped their assertion that prevents implantation. Yet you claim it is defiantly an abortifacients.

Too funny..and I am the who can't think for herself. Hahahahaha

Then you should talk to Justices who have done extensive research on the subject and has included Plan B with the other 3.

If you all on the left are so upset over this ruling on just 4 drugs out of 20 that Sebelius put in as a mandate of the Health Care Act you all are really going to have a melt down if they rule for the Catholic Hospitals to be exempt from all birth control.

It still gives women their rights on using theses drugs they have not been banned.
Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.

"Iraq has WMDs." - Bush Administration.

Oops. That leftists Bush administration.

This is George Bush?:cuckoo:

This is George Bush?

This is George Bush?

This is George Bush?

No? Thought not.

Let us know when the UN files charges against George Bush and let us know why Obama never conducted an independent investigation like you all thought he would.

You losers.
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I quoted an OBGYN who works at the Mayo Clinic who said the very same thing.

I can think for myself? Honey, you have no clue. It is quite obvious that the drug doesn't cause an abortion or prevent egg implantation. You just can't admit it.

From the mayo clinic website:

"orning-after pills do not end a pregnancy that has implanted. Depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, morning-after pills may act by one or more of the following actions: delaying or preventing ovulation, blocking fertilization, or keeping a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. However, recent evidence strongly suggests that Plan B One-Step and Next Choice do not inhibit implantation"

Morning-after pill Why it's done - Tests and Procedures - Mayo Clinic

Try including the important part next time, little dishonest are we?

"“These medications are there to prevent or delay ovulation,” said Dr. Petra M. Casey, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Mayo. “They don’t act after fertilization.”


I agree that it does not end a pregnancy that has implanted.

We are talking about Plan B being embryocidal and more research that needs to be done. 2 Studies are not enough information on it.

Plan B needs more detailed and extended research and that is why the drug was included with the other 3 which are definitely abortifacent's.

That isn't why it was included. hobby lobby didn't probably bother to do their research, they didn't need to.
I really don't care that they don't cover it. My problem is morons like you deciding the effects of a drug.
When you have the MAyo Clinic, NIH, and IFGO all agree it doesn't prevent implantation, along with OBGYNs and scientists. I am going to go with it not preventing implantation.
And it sure as hell doesn't cause an abortion.

We did not make the decision the Supreme Court did. :lol:
I agree that it does not end a pregnancy that has implanted.

We are talking about Plan B being embryocidal and more research that needs to be done. 2 Studies are not enough information on it.

Plan B needs more detailed and extended research and that is why the drug was included with the other 3 which are definitely abortifacent's.

That isn't why it was included. hobby lobby didn't probably bother to do their research, they didn't need to.

I really don't care that they don't cover it. My problem is morons like you deciding the effects of a drug.

When you have the MAyo Clinic, NIH, and IFGO all agree it doesn't prevent implantation, along with OBGYNs and scientists. I am going to go with it not preventing implantation.

And it sure as hell doesn't cause an abortion.

We did not make the decision the Supreme Court did. :lol:

Not what I was referring to. ;)
But thanks for proving my point.
I find this interesting.

"Evangelical bioethicists interviewed by Christianity Today remained critical of Plan B, but not just because of its reputation for blocking implantation.

Dennis Sullivan, director of Cedarville University's Center for Bioethics, reviewed emergency contraceptive research for a peer-reviewed article in Ethics & Medicine last fall. He found "no evidence" that Plan B causes abortions.

"There's no evidence of that effect," he said. "Our claims of conscience should be based on scientific fact, and we should be willing to change our claims if facts change."

Does Plan B Cause Abortion? | Christianity Today

"The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, citing new research, declared last March that Plan B does not inhibit implantation but instead blocks fertilization. Germany's Catholic bishops also cited the research in February, which prompted them to drop their opposition to using morning-after pills in Catholic hospitals for victims of rape."

So the Mayo Clinic, the NIH, the IFGO, and even Catholics have dropped their assertion that prevents implantation. Yet you claim it is defiantly an abortifacients.

Too funny..and I am the who can't think for herself. Hahahahaha

Then you should talk to Justices who have done extensive research on the subject and has included Plan B with the other 3.

If you all on the left are so upset over this ruling on just 4 drugs out of 20 that Sebelius put in as a mandate of the Health Care Act you all are really going to have a melt down if they rule for the Catholic Hospitals to be exempt from all birth control.

It still gives women their rights on using theses drugs they have not been banned.

Do I have to say it 21 times?

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