Why are Liberals lying so much about the HL Ruling?

The mechanism of Plan B has yet to be definitively determined:

Research also suggests that the progestin (levonorgestrel) in Plan B may help avoid pregnancy by altering the movement of sperm. Some studies report that this progestin can cause cervical mucus to thicken, making it harder for sperm to reach an egg. Additional data reports that the presence of this progestin can cause sperm to become hyperactive or “confused,” thereby affecting the direction in which they swim.

How Plan B Works

The labeling as an abortificient was an error, though some types of "birth control" pills DO prevent implantation.

The final way that the pill works to prevent pregnancy has to do with the uterine lining. Hormonal contraceptives may cause changes to the lining of the uterus. The hormones in these methods can thin out or prevent the growth of uterine tissue. This may reduce the likelihood of implantation.
From that link:
"Data from recent studies continues to provide strong evidence that Plan B does not prevent implantation (this also seems to be true for Ella, another emergency contraceptive option). The majority of research claims that the primary way that Plan B works is by preventing or delaying ovulation--if Plan B is taken before ovulation occurs. By not allowing the egg to release, there is nothing available for sperm to fertilize, thus preventing a pregnancy from occurring."

QW you should pay attention to this, when a egg does not release that is preventing ovulation.

Damn, is that how it works?

Back to the fact that all the links you posted described the various ways that Plan B might prevent fertilization?

All I am saying here is that, despite your assertion that you know the answer, science doesn't agree. That, like it or not, makes your opinion unsupported by actual evidence. The studies do show that Plan B is more effective if taken before ovulation, but no study yet exist to who the actual mechanism of how it works. Everything is guess work, the truth is we don't know what happens, and claiming otherwise is silly.

The truth is, they do know what happens as I have linked many many times.
Do you understand how ovulation works and when it starts? Please explain to me what ovulation is.
I will give you a hint the process starts before the egg is released. You nothing about women's reproductive help. Which is the whole problem with the issue.
I don't care if they don't want to cover plan b, but morons who can't even understand basic reproduction in a female should not be trying to debate how Plan B works. You have no clue.
This is information on Progestin.....which is what Plan B is.

Progesterone | Progestin | HealthyWomen


Progestin-Only Oral Contraceptives: MedlinePlus Drug Information

Estrogen and Progestin (Oral Contraceptives): MedlinePlus Drug Information

SO let me put it in terms so a moron would get it........The overwhelming majority( I say that because there could be one without it) of oral contraceptives have progestin in it. Plan B is a Progestin Only oral contraceptive.

Do you get it now?

Wrong again.

Comparing Plan B to the Pill is like comparing OTC pain relievers to prescription versions of the same meds. Plan B contains a much higher dose, which mean its effects are a lot different. If you don't believe that, feel free to take OTC meds after your doctor prescribes a pain pill.

Actually no it isn't. It's like comparing 325mg apap to 650mapap. Yes, it's a stronger drug, but it doesn't make it a prescription or narcotic drug. It would be like comparing Plan B to the Abortion pill. Lol
If you don't believe me, ask the many OBGYNs stating the same thing. I am guessing they are more knowledgable than you are.

Doubling the dose makes a difference, otherwise you could use the Pill after you have sex instead of taking it on a schedule.

If you don't believe me, feel free to ask those OBGYNs.
Do you think you know more than OBGYNs?
Probably knows more then idiot libtards. And just because they are obgyn's doesn't mean they don't make conclusions for political reasons.

So a whole bunch of OBGYNs and scientists from different hospitals, even years got together and came up with a master plan?
:lol: F'ing right wingers. Get a clue.
From that link:
"Data from recent studies continues to provide strong evidence that Plan B does not prevent implantation (this also seems to be true for Ella, another emergency contraceptive option). The majority of research claims that the primary way that Plan B works is by preventing or delaying ovulation--if Plan B is taken before ovulation occurs. By not allowing the egg to release, there is nothing available for sperm to fertilize, thus preventing a pregnancy from occurring."

QW you should pay attention to this, when a egg does not release that is preventing ovulation.

Damn, is that how it works?

Back to the fact that all the links you posted described the various ways that Plan B might prevent fertilization?

All I am saying here is that, despite your assertion that you know the answer, science doesn't agree. That, like it or not, makes your opinion unsupported by actual evidence. The studies do show that Plan B is more effective if taken before ovulation, but no study yet exist to who the actual mechanism of how it works. Everything is guess work, the truth is we don't know what happens, and claiming otherwise is silly.

The truth is, they do know what happens as I have linked many many times.
Do you understand how ovulation works and when it starts? Please explain to me what ovulation is.
I will give you a hint the process starts before the egg is released. You nothing about women's reproductive help. Which is the whole problem with the issue.
I don't care if they don't want to cover plan b, but morons who can't even understand basic reproduction in a female should not be trying to debate how Plan B works. You have no clue.

I am not debating how it works, I am sticking with the fact that the science isn't clear. You, for some obscure reason, insist on claiming that I don't know how ovulation works when I point this out.
Damn, is that how it works?

Back to the fact that all the links you posted described the various ways that Plan B might prevent fertilization?

All I am saying here is that, despite your assertion that you know the answer, science doesn't agree. That, like it or not, makes your opinion unsupported by actual evidence. The studies do show that Plan B is more effective if taken before ovulation, but no study yet exist to who the actual mechanism of how it works. Everything is guess work, the truth is we don't know what happens, and claiming otherwise is silly.

The truth is, they do know what happens as I have linked many many times.
Do you understand how ovulation works and when it starts? Please explain to me what ovulation is.
I will give you a hint the process starts before the egg is released. You nothing about women's reproductive help. Which is the whole problem with the issue.
I don't care if they don't want to cover plan b, but morons who can't even understand basic reproduction in a female should not be trying to debate how Plan B works. You have no clue.

I am not debating how it works, I am sticking with the fact that the science isn't clear. You, for some obscure reason, insist on claiming that I don't know how ovulation works when I point this out.

The science is pretty clear. ;)
You just choose to believe people who know nothing about women's reproductive help over OBGYNs. You choose to believe the FDA, the government over doctors who work for non government hospitals. Pretty funny consider you usually never believe the government. Yet today you do.
The Science Research Studies are still up for interpretation and studies about whether Plan B prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.

The Mayo Clinic and the National Instistures of Health have them on their web sites.


Labels inside every box of morning-after pills, drugs widely used to prevent pregnancy after sex, say they may work by blocking fertilized eggs from implanting in a woman’s uterus. Respected medical authorities, including the National Institutes of Health and the Mayo Clinic, have said the same thing on their Web sites.

Luissa's site says that the FDA is working on changing this information.

They have had their site since 2009 and it still says it.




in addition if may inhibit implantation by altering the endometrium (mucous membrane of the uterus).

Let's see here - the FDA site since 2009 till today 2014 has not been changed yet and people of this country want the government to run our health care.

I am sorry you can't think for yourself.
Libtards are the idiots who can't think for themselves. Hooray for Hobby Lobby winning the correct scotus decision.

:lol: so dumb.
Can't Democrats be honest about anything?

The ruling didn't take away anyone's right to contraception. It simply says that certain companies, following very strict rules, can refuse to pay for it.

The woman can still get it if she wants it. She simply has to pay for it herself or use another Government programs, such as Planned Parenthood, to get it.

Hobby Lobby has been offering 16 different forms of contraception for years. They only object to 4 different specific types that caused abortions.

Democrats are such liars.

Ironic post is ironic...

I will give you a hint, none of the four cause an abortion. You lied in your OP. ;)

you said it now prove it. the OP can prove you liarberals are the liars......... :fu:
They only object to 4 different specific types that caused abortions.

Democrats are such liars.

I was going to agree with you until I caught you in a lie at the end of your post.

Abortion is a medical procedure.

A pill does not "cause" an abortion.

IUD and Plan-B should be offered for free at every public high school and Jr. College.

I think Health and Human Services should just make Plan-B and IUDs available for free to anyone working at Hobby Lobby.

Why shouldn't we give them out in junior high, grade school and preschool?

Why do you hate those children?

Have you always hated children?


i do not believe i have read anything this fucking stupid in a few days, liberfools are always posting something stupid or lying their faces off, e.g.,

emergency contraception helps women avoid getting pregnant when they are not ready or able to have children, it can reduce the need for abortion.
if true , they should stay home read a good book.., the Bible would be a good start, rather than going around acting like a 2 dollar whore fucking away what little brain they might have.
The truth is, they do know what happens as I have linked many many times.
Do you understand how ovulation works and when it starts? Please explain to me what ovulation is.
I will give you a hint the process starts before the egg is released. You nothing about women's reproductive help. Which is the whole problem with the issue.
I don't care if they don't want to cover plan b, but morons who can't even understand basic reproduction in a female should not be trying to debate how Plan B works. You have no clue.

I am not debating how it works, I am sticking with the fact that the science isn't clear. You, for some obscure reason, insist on claiming that I don't know how ovulation works when I point this out.

The science is pretty clear. ;)
You just choose to believe people who know nothing about women's reproductive help over OBGYNs. You choose to believe the FDA, the government over doctors who work for non government hospitals. Pretty funny consider you usually never believe the government. Yet today you do.

If the science were clear there would be no mays at all in the description of how the drug works. The fact is that the FDA approval process is all about safety and effectiveness, not how a drug works, which is why the FDA website list Plan B as an abortifacient.
The Science Research Studies are still up for interpretation and studies about whether Plan B prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.

The Mayo Clinic and the National Instistures of Health have them on their web sites.


Labels inside every box of morning-after pills, drugs widely used to prevent pregnancy after sex, say they may work by blocking fertilized eggs from implanting in a woman’s uterus. Respected medical authorities, including the National Institutes of Health and the Mayo Clinic, have said the same thing on their Web sites.

Luissa's site says that the FDA is working on changing this information.

They have had their site since 2009 and it still says it.




in addition if may inhibit implantation by altering the endometrium (mucous membrane of the uterus).

Let's see here - the FDA site since 2009 till today 2014 has not been changed yet and people of this country want the government to run our health care.

I am sorry you can't think for yourself.

I am so sorry you refuse to read what the Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health have said in their research.
You are the one who will not think for yourself and seem to be incapable of thinking outside your lefty box.

Plan B still needs more research thus the court ruled this drug along with the other 3.
While Ella and IUD"S are conclusively embryocidal and abortifacients.
Last edited:
I am not debating how it works, I am sticking with the fact that the science isn't clear. You, for some obscure reason, insist on claiming that I don't know how ovulation works when I point this out.

The science is pretty clear. ;)
You just choose to believe people who know nothing about women's reproductive help over OBGYNs. You choose to believe the FDA, the government over doctors who work for non government hospitals. Pretty funny consider you usually never believe the government. Yet today you do.

If the science were clear there would be no mays at all in the description of how the drug works. The fact is that the FDA approval process is all about safety and effectiveness, not how a drug works, which is why the FDA website list Plan B as an abortifacient.

Yes, because the FDA never gets it wrong. Lol
The Science Research Studies are still up for interpretation and studies about whether Plan B prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.

The Mayo Clinic and the National Instistures of Health have them on their web sites.


Labels inside every box of morning-after pills, drugs widely used to prevent pregnancy after sex, say they may work by blocking fertilized eggs from implanting in a woman’s uterus. Respected medical authorities, including the National Institutes of Health and the Mayo Clinic, have said the same thing on their Web sites.

Luissa's site says that the FDA is working on changing this information.

They have had their site since 2009 and it still says it.




in addition if may inhibit implantation by altering the endometrium (mucous membrane of the uterus).

Let's see here - the FDA site since 2009 till today 2014 has not been changed yet and people of this country want the government to run our health care.

I am sorry you can't think for yourself.

I am so sorry you refuse to read what the Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health have said in their research.

You are the one who will not think for yourself and seem to be incapable of thinking outside your lefty box.

I quoted an OBGYN who works at the Mayo Clinic who said the very same thing.
I can think for myself? Honey, you have no clue. It is quite obvious that the drug doesn't cause an abortion or prevent egg implantation. You just can't admit it.

From the mayo clinic website:
"orning-after pills do not end a pregnancy that has implanted. Depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, morning-after pills may act by one or more of the following actions: delaying or preventing ovulation, blocking fertilization, or keeping a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. However, recent evidence strongly suggests that Plan B One-Step and Next Choice do not inhibit implantation"
Try including the important part next time, little dishonest are we?

"“These medications are there to prevent or delay ovulation,” said Dr. Petra M. Casey, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Mayo. “They don’t act after fertilization.”
You seem to refuse to acknowledge the information that you yourself have provided. If & When the FDA removes the May Prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus get back to us. Until then you have proven yourself to be a fool...Over & Over & Over again.

Once the FDA label get's approved it is very difficult to get it changed as it is the responsibility of the drug maker to make the needed changes. Unless the FDA finds a problem it will continue to remain up to the drug co.

Your argument that the FDA makes mistakes falls on deaf ears since your own links and sources prove that hasn't happened since 2009. Give It Up :laugh2:
You seem to refuse to acknowledge the information that you yourself have provided. If & When the FDA removes the May Prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus get back to us. Until then you have proven yourself to be a fool...Over & Over & Over again.

Once the FDA label get's approved it is very difficult to get it changed as it is the responsibility of the drug maker to make the needed changes. Unless the FDA finds a problem it will continue to remain up to the drug co.

Your argument that the FDA makes mistakes falls on deaf ears since your own links and sources prove that hasn't happened since 2009. Give It Up :laugh2:

IF it is removed, and since Hobby Lobby pays for contraception, I would think they would take it off the list of products it doesn't want to pay for.
The Science Research Studies are still up for interpretation and studies about whether Plan B prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.

The Mayo Clinic and the National Instistures of Health have them on their web sites.


Labels inside every box of morning-after pills, drugs widely used to prevent pregnancy after sex, say they may work by blocking fertilized eggs from implanting in a woman’s uterus. Respected medical authorities, including the National Institutes of Health and the Mayo Clinic, have said the same thing on their Web sites.

Luissa's site says that the FDA is working on changing this information.

They have had their site since 2009 and it still says it.




in addition if may inhibit implantation by altering the endometrium (mucous membrane of the uterus).

Let's see here - the FDA site since 2009 till today 2014 has not been changed yet and people of this country want the government to run our health care.

I am sorry you can't think for yourself.

I am so sorry you refuse to read what the Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health have said in their research.

You are the one who will not think for yourself and seem to be incapable of thinking outside your lefty box.

"Those labels were developed back in the 1960s, listing all the possible ways birth control pills would work,” said Diana Blithe, who directs contraceptive development at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). “In subsequent years, we’ve learned a lot more about how birth control works.”
Notice where he works.

" in 2012, the NIH and the Mayo Clinic updated their websites to remove the implantation clause"

" but it’s worth mentioning that Teva has previously asked the FDA to remove implantation from the label, and the agency declined. Plus, the application process for a label change can be expensive, and this update is unlikely to affect sales from women who need emergency contracept"
You seem to refuse to acknowledge the information that you yourself have provided. If & When the FDA removes the May Prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus get back to us. Until then you have proven yourself to be a fool...Over & Over & Over again.

Once the FDA label get's approved it is very difficult to get it changed as it is the responsibility of the drug maker to make the needed changes. Unless the FDA finds a problem it will continue to remain up to the drug co.

Your argument that the FDA makes mistakes falls on deaf ears since your own links and sources prove that hasn't happened since 2009. Give It Up :laugh2:

Yeah, I am the fool. Keep listing to religious leaders not doctors on how birth control works, sheep.

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