Why are Liberals lying so much about the HL Ruling?

You seem to refuse to acknowledge the information that you yourself have provided. If & When the FDA removes the May Prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus get back to us. Until then you have proven yourself to be a fool...Over & Over & Over again.

Once the FDA label get's approved it is very difficult to get it changed as it is the responsibility of the drug maker to make the needed changes. Unless the FDA finds a problem it will continue to remain up to the drug co.

Your argument that the FDA makes mistakes falls on deaf ears since your own links and sources prove that hasn't happened since 2009. Give It Up :laugh2:

IF it is removed, and since Hobby Lobby pays for contraception, I would think they would take it off the list of products it doesn't want to pay for.

Especially since they cover birth control that is made from the same hormone in plan B.
You seem to refuse to acknowledge the information that you yourself have provided. If & When the FDA removes the May Prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus get back to us. Until then you have proven yourself to be a fool...Over & Over & Over again.

Once the FDA label get's approved it is very difficult to get it changed as it is the responsibility of the drug maker to make the needed changes. Unless the FDA finds a problem it will continue to remain up to the drug co.

Your argument that the FDA makes mistakes falls on deaf ears since your own links and sources prove that hasn't happened since 2009. Give It Up :laugh2:

IF it is removed, and since Hobby Lobby pays for contraception, I would think they would take it off the list of products it doesn't want to pay for.

Especially since they cover birth control that is made from the same hormone in plan B.

Then go after the FDA, not Hobby Lobby.
Can't Democrats be honest about anything?

The ruling didn't take away anyone's right to contraception. It simply says that certain companies, following very strict rules, can refuse to pay for it.

The woman can still get it if she wants it. She simply has to pay for it herself or use another Government programs, such as Planned Parenthood, to get it.

Hobby Lobby has been offering 16 different forms of contraception for years. They only object to 4 different specific types that caused abortions.

Democrats are such liars.

Planned Parenthood isn't a government program you ignorant fuckwad and

The ruling applies to ALL forms of contraception.

The court clarified this point on Tuesday maybe you weren't paying attention because you were to busy being fucking stupid.

HL is only denying coverage for 4 - but other companies (or HL if they so choose), can deny coverage for any contraception they choose apparently - not even based on scientific reasoning. If a company wants to declare that condoms cause abortions then they do.

BTW - if Corporations are People, why can't I punch one in the fucking face?
I am sorry you can't think for yourself.

I am so sorry you refuse to read what the Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health have said in their research.

You are the one who will not think for yourself and seem to be incapable of thinking outside your lefty box.

"Those labels were developed back in the 1960s, listing all the possible ways birth control pills would work,” said Diana Blithe, who directs contraceptive development at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). “In subsequent years, we’ve learned a lot more about how birth control works.”
Why Can?t the FDA Fix Outdated Birth Control Labels? - The Daily Beast
Notice where he works.

" in 2012, the NIH and the Mayo Clinic updated their websites to remove the implantation clause"

" but it’s worth mentioning that Teva has previously asked the FDA to remove implantation from the label, and the agency declined. Plus, the application process for a label change can be expensive, and this update is unlikely to affect sales from women who need emergency contracept"

I repeat myself once again....Until the FDA finds a problem & pulls the drug from market it will remain As Is. Do You think the FDA studies all these drugs??? No the studies are done by the drug maker and approved by the FDA. The FDA approval is what stands until changed. You can site other studies all day long. It's the FDA approved prescribing information that will continue to stand alone. It's extremely difficult to change the FDA label once approved unless shown to be dangerous and the drug will then be removed from the market. DUH ~
Can't Democrats be honest about anything?

The ruling didn't take away anyone's right to contraception. It simply says that certain companies, following very strict rules, can refuse to pay for it.

The woman can still get it if she wants it. She simply has to pay for it herself or use another Government programs, such as Planned Parenthood, to get it.

Hobby Lobby has been offering 16 different forms of contraception for years. They only object to 4 different specific types that caused abortions.

Democrats are such liars.

Ironic post is ironic...

I will give you a hint, none of the four cause an abortion. You lied in your OP. ;)

You're a pathetic ignorant excuse for a sentient being. You've proved over and over you can't read and understand even a simple sentence. You do so here as well.
You are a liar. And a sorry one at that.
You seem to refuse to acknowledge the information that you yourself have provided. If & When the FDA removes the May Prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus get back to us. Until then you have proven yourself to be a fool...Over & Over & Over again.

Once the FDA label get's approved it is very difficult to get it changed as it is the responsibility of the drug maker to make the needed changes. Unless the FDA finds a problem it will continue to remain up to the drug co.

Your argument that the FDA makes mistakes falls on deaf ears since your own links and sources prove that hasn't happened since 2009. Give It Up :laugh2:

Yeah, I am the fool. Keep listing to religious leaders not doctors on how birth control works, sheep.

I'm far from a sheep!
I have ZERO doubt your degree is any higher than my own :D
I am more than familiar with drug laws and FDA prescribing information.
Now your just making yourself look not only foolish but very stupid.
Can't Democrats be honest about anything?

The ruling didn't take away anyone's right to contraception. It simply says that certain companies, following very strict rules, can refuse to pay for it.

The woman can still get it if she wants it. She simply has to pay for it herself or use another Government programs, such as Planned Parenthood, to get it.

Hobby Lobby has been offering 16 different forms of contraception for years. They only object to 4 different specific types that caused abortions.

Democrats are such liars.

Planned Parenthood isn't a government program you ignorant fuckwad and

The ruling applies to ALL forms of contraception.

The court clarified this point on Tuesday maybe you weren't paying attention because you were to busy being fucking stupid.

HL is only denying coverage for 4 - but other companies (or HL if they so choose), can deny coverage for any contraception they choose apparently - not even based on scientific reasoning. If a company wants to declare that condoms cause abortions then they do.

BTW - if Corporations are People, why can't I punch one in the fucking face?

Butt hurt much?
Catholic orgs do not support contraception. The administration's fix was to make insurers provide that crap at no cost anyway. Why doesnt the adminsitration do the same thing here?
Can't Democrats be honest about anything?

The ruling didn't take away anyone's right to contraception. It simply says that certain companies, following very strict rules, can refuse to pay for it.

The woman can still get it if she wants it. She simply has to pay for it herself or use another Government programs, such as Planned Parenthood, to get it.

Hobby Lobby has been offering 16 different forms of contraception for years. They only object to 4 different specific types that caused abortions.

Democrats are such liars.

Ironic post is ironic...

I will give you a hint, none of the four cause an abortion. You lied in your OP. ;)

You're a pathetic ignorant excuse for a sentient being. You've proved over and over you can't read and understand even a simple sentence. You do so here as well.

You are a liar. And a sorry one at that.

If you think they cause an abortion, you are the moron, troll.
You seem to refuse to acknowledge the information that you yourself have provided. If & When the FDA removes the May Prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus get back to us. Until then you have proven yourself to be a fool...Over & Over & Over again.

Once the FDA label get's approved it is very difficult to get it changed as it is the responsibility of the drug maker to make the needed changes. Unless the FDA finds a problem it will continue to remain up to the drug co.

Your argument that the FDA makes mistakes falls on deaf ears since your own links and sources prove that hasn't happened since 2009. Give It Up :laugh2:

Yeah, I am the fool. Keep listing to religious leaders not doctors on how birth control works, sheep.

I'm far from a sheep!

I have ZERO doubt your degree is any higher than my own :D

I am more than familiar with drug laws and FDA prescribing information.

Now your just making yourself look not only foolish but very stupid.

Are you an OBGYN or a scientist?
If you weren't a sheep you would realize it doesn't prevent implantation and they just haven't changed the label. You would also never make the argument it causes an abortion.
I am so sorry you refuse to read what the Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health have said in their research.

You are the one who will not think for yourself and seem to be incapable of thinking outside your lefty box.

"Those labels were developed back in the 1960s, listing all the possible ways birth control pills would work,” said Diana Blithe, who directs contraceptive development at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). “In subsequent years, we’ve learned a lot more about how birth control works.”

Why Can?t the FDA Fix Outdated Birth Control Labels? - The Daily Beast

Notice where he works.

" in 2012, the NIH and the Mayo Clinic updated their websites to remove the implantation clause"

" but it’s worth mentioning that Teva has previously asked the FDA to remove implantation from the label, and the agency declined. Plus, the application process for a label change can be expensive, and this update is unlikely to affect sales from women who need emergency contracept"

I repeat myself once again....Until the FDA finds a problem & pulls the drug from market it will remain As Is. Do You think the FDA studies all these drugs??? No the studies are done by the drug maker and approved by the FDA. The FDA approval is what stands until changed. You can site other studies all day long. It's the FDA approved prescribing information that will continue to stand alone. It's extremely difficult to change the FDA label once approved unless shown to be dangerous and the drug will then be removed from the market. DUH ~

I get that. It doesn't mean it prevents implantation. Do you get that? Or are you too much of a sheep?
Yeah, I am the fool. Keep listing to religious leaders not doctors on how birth control works, sheep.

I'm far from a sheep!

I have ZERO doubt your degree is any higher than my own :D

I am more than familiar with drug laws and FDA prescribing information.

Now your just making yourself look not only foolish but very stupid.

Are you an OBGYN or a scientist?
If you weren't a sheep you would realize it doesn't prevent implantation and they just haven't changed the label. You would also never make the argument it causes an abortion.

Yes I have a degree in both Physics and Science so go to hell...Dummmy!!!
I'm Very well aware of Drug laws and how the FDA works ~ I NEVER once said it causes an abortion. I have continued to provide the FDA prescribing information that states plan B may prevent a fertilized egg from inmplanting in the uterus. Still killing a fertilized egg.
Now that we've straightened that out I will NO longer engage you as I have repeatedly proven your theory to be FALSE ~ You fail miserably:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: go away troll
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I'm far from a sheep!

I have ZERO doubt your degree is any higher than my own :D

I am more than familiar with drug laws and FDA prescribing information.

Now your just making yourself look not only foolish but very stupid.

Are you an OBGYN or a scientist?

If you weren't a sheep you would realize it doesn't prevent implantation and they just haven't changed the label. You would also never make the argument it causes an abortion.

Yes I have a degree in both Physics and Science so go to hell...Dummmy!!!

I'm Very well aware of Drug laws and how the FDA works ~

Now that we've straightened that out I will NO longer engage you as I have repeatedly proven your theory to be FALSE ~ You fail miserably:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: go away troll

All you have proven is the FDA hasn't changed the label. Which I already listed a few times.
You have not proven Plan B does prevent implantation. Go ahead and declare yourself a winner, sheep.
As for your degree, sure, and I am a unicorn. Lol
I am sorry you can't think for yourself.

I am so sorry you refuse to read what the Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health have said in their research.

You are the one who will not think for yourself and seem to be incapable of thinking outside your lefty box.

I quoted an OBGYN who works at the Mayo Clinic who said the very same thing.
I can think for myself? Honey, you have no clue. It is quite obvious that the drug doesn't cause an abortion or prevent egg implantation. You just can't admit it.

From the mayo clinic website:
"orning-after pills do not end a pregnancy that has implanted. Depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, morning-after pills may act by one or more of the following actions: delaying or preventing ovulation, blocking fertilization, or keeping a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. However, recent evidence strongly suggests that Plan B One-Step and Next Choice do not inhibit implantation"
Morning-after pill Why it's done - Tests and Procedures - Mayo Clinic
Try including the important part next time, little dishonest are we?

"“These medications are there to prevent or delay ovulation,” said Dr. Petra M. Casey, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Mayo. “They don’t act after fertilization.”

I agree that it does not end a pregnancy that has implanted.
We are talking about Plan B being embryocidal and more research that needs to be done. 2 Studies are not enough information on it.
Plan B needs more detailed and extended research and that is why the drug was included with the other 3 which are definitely abortifacent's.
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I am trying to understand what your argument with me was over. I have listed the issue with the label. I never argued your point on how hard it is change the label. I actually made the same point.
At this point, you are arguing with yourself and can't admit that just because the label hasn't changed it doesn't prevent implantation.
I am so sorry you refuse to read what the Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health have said in their research.

You are the one who will not think for yourself and seem to be incapable of thinking outside your lefty box.

I quoted an OBGYN who works at the Mayo Clinic who said the very same thing.

I can think for myself? Honey, you have no clue. It is quite obvious that the drug doesn't cause an abortion or prevent egg implantation. You just can't admit it.

From the mayo clinic website:

"orning-after pills do not end a pregnancy that has implanted. Depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, morning-after pills may act by one or more of the following actions: delaying or preventing ovulation, blocking fertilization, or keeping a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. However, recent evidence strongly suggests that Plan B One-Step and Next Choice do not inhibit implantation"

Morning-after pill Why it's done - Tests and Procedures - Mayo Clinic

Try including the important part next time, little dishonest are we?

"“These medications are there to prevent or delay ovulation,” said Dr. Petra M. Casey, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Mayo. “They don’t act after fertilization.”


Plan B needs more detailed and extended research and that is why the drug was included with the other 3 which are definitely abortifacent's.

Definitely abortifacients? Lol
So you are saying the other forms of birth control they cover causes an abortion?

Plus there is the whole fact preventing implantation isn't an abortion, but we won't get into that.
Why The Hobby Lobby Decision Actually Hurts People Of Faith | ThinkProgress


But while conservatives would have the American public believe that protecting Hobby Lobby is about protecting all religious people, the reality is that today’s ruling actually hurts people of faith. In fact, a Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) survey conducted in early June found that a substantial majority of almost every major U.S. Christian group support the idea that publicly-held corporations and privately-owned corporations should be required to provide employees with healthcare plans that cover contraception and birth control at no cost. This is likely why so many progressive Christian leaders have vocally opposed Hobby Lobby in the press, why Americans United for the Separation of Church and State submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court opposing Hobby Lobby on behalf of nearly 30 religious organizations, and why both the Jewish Social Policy Action Network and the American Jewish Committee submitted their own amicus briefs decrying the corporation’s position...
This Graphic Sums Up Just How Messed Up The Hobby Lobby Ruling Is | Alternet

“When close-minded people representing themselves as Christians use millions of dollars and an army of lawyers to make international headlines in a backwards, anti-science fight, as a Christian it drives me to use the tools at my disposal—however meager they may be in comparison—to speak out,” Baker said. “Although the Hobby Lobby case catalyzed me to make this graphic, in general I'm just really sick and tired of old white men on the government payroll trying to politicize my uterus.”

I quoted an OBGYN who works at the Mayo Clinic who said the very same thing.

I can think for myself? Honey, you have no clue. It is quite obvious that the drug doesn't cause an abortion or prevent egg implantation. You just can't admit it.

From the mayo clinic website:

"orning-after pills do not end a pregnancy that has implanted. Depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, morning-after pills may act by one or more of the following actions: delaying or preventing ovulation, blocking fertilization, or keeping a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. However, recent evidence strongly suggests that Plan B One-Step and Next Choice do not inhibit implantation"

Morning-after pill Why it's done - Tests and Procedures - Mayo Clinic

Try including the important part next time, little dishonest are we?

"“These medications are there to prevent or delay ovulation,” said Dr. Petra M. Casey, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Mayo. “They don’t act after fertilization.”


Plan B needs more detailed and extended research and that is why the drug was included with the other 3 which are definitely abortifacent's.

Definitely abortifacients? Lol
So you are saying the other forms of birth control they cover causes an abortion?

Plus there is the whole fact preventing implantation isn't an abortion, but we won't get into that.

Preventing implantation isn't contraception either, as conception has occurred. Prevention of a fertilized egg from implanting is closer to abortion than contraception.

The other 3 include IUD's, which have implantation prevention as one of their mechanisms. Considering this is done to a fertilized egg, it isn't contraception, that's for sure.
This Graphic Sums Up Just How Messed Up The Hobby Lobby Ruling Is | Alternet

“When close-minded people representing themselves as Christians use millions of dollars and an army of lawyers to make international headlines in a backwards, anti-science fight, as a Christian it drives me to use the tools at my disposal—however meager they may be in comparison—to speak out,” Baker said. “Although the Hobby Lobby case catalyzed me to make this graphic, in general I'm just really sick and tired of old white men on the government payroll trying to politicize my uterus.”


Still not getting it. Who is preventing anyone from going out and buying the EC themselves?
I find this interesting.

"Evangelical bioethicists interviewed by Christianity Today remained critical of Plan B, but not just because of its reputation for blocking implantation.

Dennis Sullivan, director of Cedarville University's Center for Bioethics, reviewed emergency contraceptive research for a peer-reviewed article in Ethics & Medicine last fall. He found "no evidence" that Plan B causes abortions.

"There's no evidence of that effect," he said. "Our claims of conscience should be based on scientific fact, and we should be willing to change our claims if facts change."


"The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, citing new research, declared last March that Plan B does not inhibit implantation but instead blocks fertilization. Germany's Catholic bishops also cited the research in February, which prompted them to drop their opposition to using morning-after pills in Catholic hospitals for victims of rape."

So the Mayo Clinic, the NIH, the IFGO, and even Catholics have dropped their assertion that prevents implantation. Yet you claim it is defiantly an abortifacients.

Too funny..and I am the who can't think for herself. Hahahahaha

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