Why Are Liberals Opposed To Trump ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I really donā€™t get why liberals have a problem with President Trump. They have always claimed to be for the workingman, and Trump is helping the workingman ā€“ AMERICAN workingman that is ā€“ as much or more than any other president. After 24 years of globalist presidents, we finally have a president who cares about jobs being located in the USA, so that AMERICANS can have access to them. Trump showed his support for the American worker even before he took office. When it was Obamaā€™s job to do it, Trump saved hundreds of jobs in Carrier Air Conditioning from going to Mexico.

Likewise, he convinced the CEO of Ford to keep many of his jobs here. Same with Boeing. And in February 2017, 235,00 jobs were created in the US, reducing the unemployment rate. In addition to all this protection of American workers from international outsourcing, Trump is also opening up thousands more jobs for Americans by stopping domestic outsourcing (ie. immigration & visas). Most illegal aliens being deported, held jobs, and thereby represent more jobs made available to American workers.

Then thereā€™s the subject of national security. Do liberals think that they somehow are immune to Islamic terrorism ? My greatest fear is the arrival of large numbers of ISIS maniacs, immersed with Syrian refuges (the ISIS Trojan Horse), and the carrying out of the ā€œAmerican Hiroshimaā€ (nuclear bombs in multiple American cities) threatened by al Qaeda, a few years ago.They could also set off massive biological attacks with contagious pathogens that spread like wildfire. Speaking of wildfire, that is another things that ISIS goons could impose on us (if they arenā€™t already doing it).

I really canā€™t understand how liberals donā€™t see these simple truths. Trump is doing a good job of PROTECTING the American people, and liberals hate him. Doesnā€™t make a bit of sense.

I guess liberals just donā€™t have a nationalistic bone in their bodies. They seem to be GLOBALISTS (like Obama and the Clintons), who look at a map, and donā€™t see national borderlines. They donā€™t see an American language and culture. They do see themselves as citizens of the world, as a whole. A very senseless, treasonous, and dangerous perspective.
MSM tells them what to think. It's that simple.
Not everyone is easy to be tricked and fooled like typical trump supporters. His habitual serial and pathological lying, lack of integrity, obscene greed, arrogant narcissism and so many other faults and negative traits stand out to those not easily influenced by propaganda and plain bull shyt.
Why are Trumpster's opposed to LIberal's who are opposed to Trump?

And which came first? The chicken or the egg?
Politics Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

What they claim to be to their fathers' media means nothing. They are born-rich snobs like Princess Hillary, or brownnosing wannabes like Biden (that goes for Bush and Cheney, too).

They despise, hate, and fear those who were born in the working class. No one has a right to a dime from his Daddy; that's for children. If they get set up halfway to the finish line, we should break their legs and make them crawl from there. Whether the spoiled putrid pukes pretend to be Liberals or Conservative, if their unearned-privileges class has a future, the rest of America doesn't.

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