After Covid I Can Work From Home, It’s Wonderful!

Let me help your feeble brain:

“Outsourcing has become a popular business tool for companies across the U.S. looking for ways to increase profit margins and cut costs. According to Zippia, about 300,000 U.S. jobs are outsourcedyearly, and 66% of businesses in America outsource at least one department. Moreover, roughly 30 million jobs are vulnerable to outsourcing.

Highly industrialized countries, like the U.S., offshore to developing countries to curtail operational costs, receive tax benefits and access cheap raw materials.

Information technology is the most outsourced industry and business division. The average IT department allocates 13.6% of its budget to offshored roles, and roughly 37% of IT tasks are outsourced. The top five jobs most vulnerable to offshoring include computer programmers, data entry keyers and other computer and information personnel.“

300,000 jobs a year. Out of 63,644,000 white collar jobs. Or 0.5%

And of course, the number of white collar jobs aren't static. They're increasing. Both in real numbers and as a percentage of the total job market.....have been INCREASING for the last 40 years.

How does the comparatively minute losses compared to the historic gains in white collar jobs demonstrate that "Employers think white collar jobs are a waste of money"

Remember, even your own example of Google, only 0.1% of their 180,000 workforce had been shifted.

Explain it to us. With evidence. Or keep with MAGA panty shitting.
300,000 jobs a year. Out of 63,644,000 white collar jobs. Or 0.5%

And of course, the number of white collar jobs aren't static. They're increasing. Both in real numbers and as a percentage of the total job market.....have been INCREASING for the last 40 years.

How does the comparatively minute losses compared to the historic gains in white collar jobs demonstrate that "Employers think white collar jobs are a waste of money"

Remember, even your own example of Google, only 0.1% of their 180,000 workforce had been shifted.

Explain it to us. With evidence. Or keep with MAGA panty shitting.
300,000 jobs a year.

“Employers anticipate 69 million new jobs to be created and 83 million eliminated - a net decrease of 14 million jobs, or 2% of current employment.”

Let’s go Brandon!
300,000 jobs a year.

“Employers anticipate 69 million new jobs to be created and 83 million eliminated - a net decrease of 14 million jobs, or 2% of current employment.”

Let’s go Brandon!
Yee haw. So what's the alternative? Workers hired for a massive less. Good idea.
300,000 jobs a year.

“Employers anticipate 69 million new jobs to be created and 83 million eliminated - a net decrease of 14 million jobs, or 2% of current employment.”

Let’s go Brandon!

Where did you just get that quote. Its not in the article you just linked to. "Employers anticipate" according who? And a net decrease of 14 million jobs over the what time period? The next 50 years?

And again, even by your source free 'quote', we're talking about 2% of total employment.

If White Collar jobs are a 'waste of money' per employers, why only 2%?
Where did you just get that quote. Its not in the article you just linked to. "Employers anticipate" according who? And a net decrease of 14 million jobs over the what time period? The next 50 years?

And again, even by your source free 'quote', we're talking about 2% of total employment.

If White Collar jobs are a 'waste of money' per employers, why only 2%?
Tick … tick….tick….
Tick … tick….tick…. no source on the "quote" that is the backbone of your entire argument, huh?

No time period for that supposed loss of white collar jobs.

And no explanation for why only 2% of total employment would be lost in white collar jobs if 'Employers see white collar jobs as a waste of money"

You're not very good at this, are you?
300,000 jobs a year.

“Employers anticipate 69 million new jobs to be created and 83 million eliminated - a net decrease of 14 million jobs, or 2% of current employment.”

Let’s go Brandon!

So I sources your 'quote'.

That's a WORLD number. Not a US number. From the World Economic Forum.

No wonder you offered that quote stripped of any context, and refused to give us the source. You knew it didn't refer to the United States specifically.
AI is overrated. Midjourney is fun and all. Chat GPT is pleasant to play with. But using either as the basis of a career is like using wikipedia for scientific papers.

Its not going to hold up.
Yes because that is as far as the technology will ever go.
Yes because that is as far as the technology will ever go.

I work with both daily. You get a firm sense of their profound limitations and the overwhelming hand holding necessary to operate them.

Remember when Amazon used 'AI' to allow you to shop using RDIF and 'cashier free' in their new stores. It turns out 'AI' was a huge data center in India where very human people scrambled to fill the gap between what AI could actually do and what Amazon promised it could.

They're closing those stores because they cost too much to operate.

I'm not saying that AI won't get better. But its nebulous 'future capabilities' are a bit of a boogeyman we use to project our fears upon.

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