Why are liberals so intolerant?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
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posted at 1:16 pm on August 1, 2012 by Rob Bluey

Mike Huckabee, the Family Research Council and others have declared this Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. And while Americans should head to the chicken-sandwich restaurant to show their support, they should also take the opportunity to reflect on the intolerant left.
Watching liberals react to Dan Cathy’s comments on marriage and family over the past two weeks revealed their real agenda: shut down and silence anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

Big-city mayors from Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., vowed to use their political clout to keep Chick-fil-A out of their cities. When the company’s top spokesman died unexpectedly last week, one liberal friend of mine declared on Facebook, “Oh, karma, you crafty bitch.”

I thought liberals were the ones preaching tolerance?

The Chick-fil-A kerfuffle helped clarify a point conservatives have been making for years.

Liberals are interested in debate only when they’re winning. And on the issue of marriage, they’re 0-for-32 in states that have put the question to voters.

That offers some explanation why mayors Tom Menino, Rahm Emanuel, Ed Lee and Vincent Gray promised to punish Cathy because of his differing view on marriage. What’s scary, though, is that individuals with this much clout think it’s appropriate to use that power to exact the punishment.

Never mind that Chick-fil-A takes no position on homosexual marriage, a point the company reiterated during the media firestorm. It didn’t matter. Liberal journalists fanned the flames by deeming Cathy’s comments endorsing the “biblical definition of the family unit“ as anti-gay.
And to make matters worse for the mayors, Chick-fil-A hires employees and serves customers without regard to their sexual orientation. So in this case, the only people discriminating are the mayors.

Sadly, this is a trend that’s played out too frequently of late.

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Why are liberals so intolerant? « Hot Air
When you base everything on how it feels, you can't stand those who don't agree with your feelings.
They don't realize they are intolerant, because in their wee little shitfilled brains, the definition of intolerance is " not supplicating one's self to liberal views".
Intolerance isn't limited to liberals.....

Unless you think Hannity is a lib.
There are times when being "tolerant" is inappropriate, and "intolerance" can be a virtue.

Let's say I am at a social gathering and encounter someone bloviating about how, based on his reading of the Gospels, all Jews are dishonest and he would never hire a Jew or knowingly do business with a Jew.

If I call him out on it, am I being "intolerant"? Certainly I am. But he is just expressing his "religious" views, based on his good faith reading of the Bible. Would it be virtuous of me to remain quiet (to be "tolerant"), or to defend his right to express his views (even if I find them repugnant and erroneous)?

So it is also with the debate about "gay marriage." A large plurality of the people in the U.S. believe, with great moral certitude, that it is an intolerable denial of "civil rights" to refuse official recognition of marriages between people of the same gender. So, from that viewpoint, it is not being "intolerant" to condemn someone who has made a conspicuous. public statement opposing gay marriage, it is the affirmation of a high moral principle.

Bottom line: Everyone is "intolerant" of views with which they disagree. Fretting about the "intolerance" of people on the opposite side of the political spectrum is just silly.
Intolerance isn't limited to liberals.....

True, but they are the ones who put themselves up on a pedestal because of their alleged open minds and tolerance for diversity.

Conservatives are pretty honest about not tolerating ideas they oppose.
Why do both liberals and conservatives maintain that only they are the tolerant side?

This absurdity and absence of simple logic is rather comical. They're 2 sides of the same coin ffs. Both are tolerant of what they "feel" (yeah I said it) is right and are wholly intolerant of what they believe is wrong. Everyone (except libs and cons apparently) knows that right and wrong are relative. The hilarity of liberal-conservative mudslinging/pissing contests is that both sides are too blind to realize how similar they are.
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posted at 1:16 pm on August 1, 2012 by Rob Bluey

Mike Huckabee, the Family Research Council and others have declared this Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. And while Americans should head to the chicken-sandwich restaurant to show their support, they should also take the opportunity to reflect on the intolerant left.
Watching liberals react to Dan Cathy’s comments on marriage and family over the past two weeks revealed their real agenda: shut down and silence anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

Big-city mayors from Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., vowed to use their political clout to keep Chick-fil-A out of their cities. When the company’s top spokesman died unexpectedly last week, one liberal friend of mine declared on Facebook, “Oh, karma, you crafty bitch.”

I thought liberals were the ones preaching tolerance?

The Chick-fil-A kerfuffle helped clarify a point conservatives have been making for years.

Liberals are interested in debate only when they’re winning. And on the issue of marriage, they’re 0-for-32 in states that have put the question to voters.

That offers some explanation why mayors Tom Menino, Rahm Emanuel, Ed Lee and Vincent Gray promised to punish Cathy because of his differing view on marriage. What’s scary, though, is that individuals with this much clout think it’s appropriate to use that power to exact the punishment.

Never mind that Chick-fil-A takes no position on homosexual marriage, a point the company reiterated during the media firestorm. It didn’t matter. Liberal journalists fanned the flames by deeming Cathy’s comments endorsing the “biblical definition of the family unit“ as anti-gay.
And to make matters worse for the mayors, Chick-fil-A hires employees and serves customers without regard to their sexual orientation. So in this case, the only people discriminating are the mayors.

Sadly, this is a trend that’s played out too frequently of late.

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Why are liberals so intolerant? « Hot Air

So liberals are supposed to be tolerant of intolerance?
Liberals are intolerant because they are remaking the whole world. It is a war and treasonous ideas aren't acceptable in the kind of total war liberals are waging. The ends of planetary peace and equality of prosperity justify the means of intolerance. Once the ideas and opinions of dissenters are eliminated there will be no need for intolerance, we will all be thinking the same way.
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posted at 1:16 pm on August 1, 2012 by Rob Bluey

Mike Huckabee, the Family Research Council and others have declared this Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. And while Americans should head to the chicken-sandwich restaurant to show their support, they should also take the opportunity to reflect on the intolerant left.
Watching liberals react to Dan Cathy’s comments on marriage and family over the past two weeks revealed their real agenda: shut down and silence anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

Big-city mayors from Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., vowed to use their political clout to keep Chick-fil-A out of their cities. When the company’s top spokesman died unexpectedly last week, one liberal friend of mine declared on Facebook, “Oh, karma, you crafty bitch.”

I thought liberals were the ones preaching tolerance?

The Chick-fil-A kerfuffle helped clarify a point conservatives have been making for years.

Liberals are interested in debate only when they’re winning. And on the issue of marriage, they’re 0-for-32 in states that have put the question to voters.

That offers some explanation why mayors Tom Menino, Rahm Emanuel, Ed Lee and Vincent Gray promised to punish Cathy because of his differing view on marriage. What’s scary, though, is that individuals with this much clout think it’s appropriate to use that power to exact the punishment.

Never mind that Chick-fil-A takes no position on homosexual marriage, a point the company reiterated during the media firestorm. It didn’t matter. Liberal journalists fanned the flames by deeming Cathy’s comments endorsing the “biblical definition of the family unit“ as anti-gay.
And to make matters worse for the mayors, Chick-fil-A hires employees and serves customers without regard to their sexual orientation. So in this case, the only people discriminating are the mayors.

Sadly, this is a trend that’s played out too frequently of late.

the rest here
Why are liberals so intolerant? « Hot Air

So liberals are supposed to be tolerant of intolerance?

They are supposed to allow others to disagree with their fabulous lifestyle without being labeled intolerant. However, as we know, everything that alters even slightly from leftist thinking is, to lefties, intolerant.
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posted at 1:16 pm on August 1, 2012 by Rob Bluey

Mike Huckabee, the Family Research Council and others have declared this Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. And while Americans should head to the chicken-sandwich restaurant to show their support, they should also take the opportunity to reflect on the intolerant left.
Watching liberals react to Dan Cathy’s comments on marriage and family over the past two weeks revealed their real agenda: shut down and silence anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

Big-city mayors from Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., vowed to use their political clout to keep Chick-fil-A out of their cities. When the company’s top spokesman died unexpectedly last week, one liberal friend of mine declared on Facebook, “Oh, karma, you crafty bitch.”

I thought liberals were the ones preaching tolerance?

The Chick-fil-A kerfuffle helped clarify a point conservatives have been making for years.

Liberals are interested in debate only when they’re winning. And on the issue of marriage, they’re 0-for-32 in states that have put the question to voters.

That offers some explanation why mayors Tom Menino, Rahm Emanuel, Ed Lee and Vincent Gray promised to punish Cathy because of his differing view on marriage. What’s scary, though, is that individuals with this much clout think it’s appropriate to use that power to exact the punishment.

Never mind that Chick-fil-A takes no position on homosexual marriage, a point the company reiterated during the media firestorm. It didn’t matter. Liberal journalists fanned the flames by deeming Cathy’s comments endorsing the “biblical definition of the family unit“ as anti-gay.
And to make matters worse for the mayors, Chick-fil-A hires employees and serves customers without regard to their sexual orientation. So in this case, the only people discriminating are the mayors.

Sadly, this is a trend that’s played out too frequently of late.

the rest here
Why are liberals so intolerant? « Hot Air

Yet you use the words:all liberals", it is an logical falicy to state that all liberals are the same, while only a few where actually acting in a biased manner.
your statements do not support each other, or the truth.

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