Why Are Males Being Forced To Pay For Prenatal And Maternity Benefits In Obamacare?

You have a point if it is due to artificial insemination and it is for a single woman or a lesbian couple. But the truth is that those instances are a very small percentage of all pregnancies. As for a man not being responsible for a woman's pregnancy, isn't that part of the problem these days?

Doesn't the responsible party pay via child support?

Yea, that seems to work great. Ask all those single mothers how well that works.
So, because some slut gets knocked up and her boyfriend bails, I should pick up the tab for the little bastard?
I thought I would be as strong as I always have been....but that all fell apart at age 58. I drew the short straw, I guess. I am now 61 and Medi-cal pays what needs done. The cancer society paid for my mamm, my mastectomy, would have paid for the chemo and radiation but I declined. They paid EVERYTHING. I get my meds free. I got my colonoscopy free. I get my mammograms free. Until I hit 65. Then I get swapped over to medicare.

I hate not having my own insurance. I hate being helpless, in pain, weak. And dependent. HATE it. But...without that help from the government and state and the cancer society fund raisers and social groups here locally..I would probably be dead now.

I was 60 years old before someone in the state department told me to get my ass on food stamps. I fought it for 2 years, but we were not making it. My husband and I live on 500 per month from his SSI. He is 66 years old. 500 bucks doesn't go far. We pay our share of the rent, the roomies pay the rest....we have to pay our share of utilities..the roomies pay the rest. Gas is needed to get to the doctors, and food? Well...food came last. But like the state employee said "you have worked since you were 16. You are now 60. You paid your dues for everyone else. Now stop being indignant and GET THE FOOD STAMPS, MISSY!". So...much to my chagrin...I did. And it sure helps. A lot. I might be able to get off them once I get my SSI next year when I hit 62.
I thought I would be as strong as I always have been....but that all fell apart at age 58. I drew the short straw, I guess. I am now 61 and Medi-cal pays what needs done. The cancer society paid for my mamm, my mastectomy, would have paid for the chemo and radiation but I declined. They paid EVERYTHING. I get my meds free. I got my colonoscopy free. I get my mammograms free. Until I hit 65. Then I get swapped over to medicare.

I hate not having my own insurance. I hate being helpless, in pain, weak. And dependent. HATE it. But...without that help from the government and state and the cancer society fund raisers and social groups here locally..I would probably be dead now.

I was 60 years old before someone in the state department told me to get my ass on food stamps. I fought it for 2 years, but we were not making it. My husband and I live on 500 per month from his SSI. He is 66 years old. 500 bucks doesn't go far. We pay our share of the rent, the roomies pay the rest....we have to pay our share of utilities..the roomies pay the rest. Gas is needed to get to the doctors, and food? Well...food came last. But like the state employee said "you have worked since you were 16. You are now 60. You paid your dues for everyone else. Now stop being indignant and GET THE FOOD STAMPS, MISSY!". So...much to my chagrin...I did. And it sure helps. A lot. I might be able to get off them once I get my SSI next year when I hit 62.

How many years was "Medicare" deducted from you paychecks?
You may not be old enough to need a colonoscopy or a mammogram, if you are a woman, but I need a colonoscopy every five years. It is now covered 100%. In the past, it would have cost me over $1000.

The reason men are now being charged for things like prenatal care and other woman's care is that is the easiest way to make the cost for the policies the same for a man and woman. Now if you are asking why a man should pay for a woman's healthcare when she is pregnant, either you are being foolish or you need to go back to health class in high school. I'll tell you what; I'll help you out on this one. In the vast majority of pregnancies, a guy helped. The only way a man did not willingly take part is in the case of a woman being inseminated from a sperm bank or in the case of Mary, it was an immaculate conception.

i had one at age 50 it run about 700 bucks

paid out of pocket

i do 4 office visits a year

and 4 lab works (done at a different site)

and one daily medication

all together it costs me less then a thousand a year

the insurance quoted me runs 696 a month (8300 a year)

and guess what i still get to pay towards my office visits and labs

it is cheaper to pay the fine

That's fine so long as you don't get sick. The real purpose of insurance is for when you really get sick. Not everyone does. Almost all homeowners purchase health insurance even though very few people lose their homes.

I know routine healthcare doesn't cost that much if you are healthy. Mine runs about $1500 per year and I have cirrhosis of the liver but it is early stage and not progressing. I've had it for almost ten years now. I am highly unlikely to become seriously ill before I am old enough for Medicaid. I run twenty to twenty five miles per week. I'm in great shape. I just ran a 5k in under 22 minutes last week. I finally broke 22. BTW, I smoked for 30 years before quitting a couple of years ago. But again, I am now in great shape.

Here is the thing though. We just can't be certain who gets sick and who doesn't. There are no guarantees. My wife got sick over twelve years ago. She had leukemia. No reason why, but she drew the short straw. She battled it for ten months before losing the fight. Her medical bills for those ten months came to $1.3 million.

So yea, your yearly medical bills don't amount to much. But what happens if you are the one who draws the short straw? Who pays your medical bills if you don't have insurance? Is everyone else who does pay supposed to pick up the tab for you? I mean you are a conservative who believes the individual should be financially responsible, right?

if i get sick i will get insurance
You have a point if it is due to artificial insemination and it is for a single woman or a lesbian couple. But the truth is that those instances are a very small percentage of all pregnancies. As for a man not being responsible for a woman's pregnancy, isn't that part of the problem these days?

Doesn't the responsible party pay via child support?

Yea, that seems to work great. Ask all those single mothers how well that works.

Perhaps those single mothers should have been a little more choosy with their sexual partners, and properly used birth control.
Prior to the ACA, only 12% of individual plans covered prenatal and maternity care. This requirement could reduce the United State's infant mortality rate. Odd, that ya'll aren't bitching about the male specific coverages...
Prior to Obamacare, I could pick and chose the coverage I wanted and then pay for that. If My insurance company decided to screw Me, I said goodbye and found another.

So, how do I fire the government and tell them to get fucked.

You still can pick and choose what coverage you want from the marketplace and pay for that. What the insurance companies cannot do anymore is offer you crap coverage that doesn't actual cover anything and leaves us all footing the bill because you bought crappy coverage that drops you when you get sick.

The government isn't providing you the insurance (more's the pity), insurance companies are.
MEN! Why do I have to pay for coverage that gives me maternity care, newborn baby care and invitro fertilization? I have to pay for such increased coverage because the government has decided that this is part of the minimum coverage that all insurance must provide.

What I am NOT covered for is yearly mammograms and pap tests. I used to be covered for these tests, but the government has decided that it's no longer necessary.
MEN! Why do I have to pay for coverage that gives me maternity care, newborn baby care and invitro fertilization? I have to pay for such increased coverage because the government has decided that this is part of the minimum coverage that all insurance must provide.

What I am NOT covered for is yearly mammograms and pap tests. I used to be covered for these tests, but the government has decided that it's no longer necessary.

Yes you are.

Maybe women should just stop spreading their legs so they don't get pregnant anymore. Why should a guy have to pay for getting a woman pregnant, right?

As for increases in rates, I find it funny how cons continue to tell us that everybody gets medical care whether they are insured or not, but then they blame potential increased costs on having more people seeking medical care. Say what????

Here is the deal; overall premiums will increase slightly but many things that were not covered in the past are now covered, and anything preventative is covered 100%, so in the long run, the costs will even out. You may pay a bit more on your premium but you'll pay less on the back end. Yes, some people are going to pay more, and yes some people are going to pay less. As for your charts, they are all contrived to fulfill a preconceived notion. They don't compare apples to apples, so basically they are pointless.

There is zero evidence that preventative care results in less medical costs over the long term. In some studies it's actually shown to increase costs because a lot of preventative care is simply unnecessary.

If it costs more to insure a person they should be paying more, period. The reason for it is irrelevant. Making men pay more so women can pay less even though they require more medical care on average is plain and simple wealth redistribution as was pointed out earlier. There is nothing fair about it.
You have a point if it is due to artificial insemination and it is for a single woman or a lesbian couple. But the truth is that those instances are a very small percentage of all pregnancies. As for a man not being responsible for a woman's pregnancy, isn't that part of the problem these days?

Doesn't the responsible party pay via child support?

Yea, that seems to work great. Ask all those single mothers how well that works.

Maybe they shouldn't be having irresponsible sex with men they aren't married to.
MEN! Why do I have to pay for coverage that gives me maternity care, newborn baby care and invitro fertilization? I have to pay for such increased coverage because the government has decided that this is part of the minimum coverage that all insurance must provide.

What I am NOT covered for is yearly mammograms and pap tests. I used to be covered for these tests, but the government has decided that it's no longer necessary.

Yes you are.


No I am not. Government studies have determined yearly tests are unnecessary for women my age so I get them only every 5 years.
Don't you get it! Personal responsibility.
Why should I have to pay for the child I helped create.
But don't allow a woman to make the choice about her health care and personal responsibilities.
Don't you get it! Personal responsibility.
Why should I have to pay for the child I helped create.
But don't allow a woman to make the choice about her health care and personal responsibilities.
If that's what you truly believe conservatives think, you're astoundingly off base.

You SHOULD have to pay for a child you helped create. If you're not willing to pay for it, don't get anyone pregnant.

It's up to the man and the woman both to ensure they don't get pregnant if they don't want a child. And don't give me nonsense about the government has to buy them their birth control. Condoms are cheap.
Why Are Males Being Forced To Pay For Prenatal And Maternity Benefits In Obamacare?

Every child has a right to know and be supported by his father.

Guys, we brought this on ourselves.
Obamacare = redistribution of wealth.

Redistribution of wealth = socialism.

Socialsim = redistribution of power (from the people to the government).

No wonder it has to be forced on us. What amazes me is how any citizen could support it (other than the lazy slugs of society looking for government to force others to give them a free ride).
Why Are Males Being Forced To Pay For Prenatal And Maternity Benefits In Obamacare?

Every child has a right to know and be supported by his father.

Guys, we brought this on ourselves.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but thanks again for another useless contribution to the discussion.

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