Why Are Males Being Forced To Pay For Prenatal And Maternity Benefits In Obamacare?

MEN! Why do I have to pay for coverage that gives me maternity care, newborn baby care and invitro fertilization? I have to pay for such increased coverage because the government has decided that this is part of the minimum coverage that all insurance must provide.

What I am NOT covered for is yearly mammograms and pap tests. I used to be covered for these tests, but the government has decided that it's no longer necessary.

Yes you are.


No I am not. Government studies have determined yearly tests are unnecessary for women my age so I get them only every 5 years.

Breast Cancer Genetic Test Counseling (BRCA) for women at higher risk for breast cancer

Breast Cancer Mammography screenings every 1 to 2 years for women over 40

If you're over 40 you get it every one to two years.
From the rest of the threads they complain about paying for things they should not, really?
You cannot piecemeal things like this, once you allow that to happen the gates open to what everyone wants or does not want to pay for that creates such chaos.

Don't you get it! Personal responsibility.
Why should I have to pay for the child I helped create.
But don't allow a woman to make the choice about her health care and personal responsibilities.
If that's what you truly believe conservatives think, you're astoundingly off base.

You SHOULD have to pay for a child you helped create. If you're not willing to pay for it, don't get anyone pregnant.

It's up to the man and the woman both to ensure they don't get pregnant if they don't want a child. And don't give me nonsense about the government has to buy them their birth control. Condoms are cheap.
Why Are Males Being Forced To Pay For Prenatal And Maternity Benefits In Obamacare?

Every child has a right to know and be supported by his father.

Guys, we brought this on ourselves.
Bullshit. I've never gotten anyone pregnant when I wasn't prepared to be a father.

Condoms are cheaper than Obamacare.

I agree, but guys don't use them as the should, right.

80% black illegitimacy rate, 40% for whites and Mexicans.

Yup, guys, we brought this on ourselves.
Why Are Males Being Forced To Pay For Prenatal And Maternity Benefits In Obamacare?

Every child has a right to know and be supported by his father.

Guys, we brought this on ourselves.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but thanks again for another useless contribution to the discussion.

It has everything to do with the OP, of course it does.
This is insane. Do any of you libs agree that males should be forced to pay for prenatal and maternity benefits when Obamacare kicks in? If so, please explain why. And by the way, look at these premium increases across the board.

Obama accused of breaking promise to consumers as health plans cancel policies - The Washington Post


Why is your concern only for males paying for it, what about menopausal women and infertile couples?
Why Are Males Being Forced To Pay For Prenatal And Maternity Benefits In Obamacare?

Every child has a right to know and be supported by his father.

Guys, we brought this on ourselves.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but thanks again for another useless contribution to the discussion.

It has everything to do with the OP, of course it does.

No it doesn't. I can't get pregnant, dumb ass, so it is inane for me to have maternity coverage for MYSELF. We're not talking about coverage for my wife or a guy's girlfriend. This has nothing to do with responsibility. It's a wealth redistribution scheme, making men pay more so women can pay less, disguised as "fairness."
Which has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but thanks again for another useless contribution to the discussion.

It has everything to do with the OP, of course it does.

No it doesn't. I can't get pregnant, dumb ass, so it is inane for me to have maternity coverage for MYSELF. We're not talking about coverage for my wife or a guy's girlfriend. This has nothing to do with responsibility. It's a wealth redistribution scheme, making men pay more so women can pay less, disguised as "fairness."

Nope, it is a well thought out "daddy pays his fair share" if a woman who he has been oinking gets pregnant. This means she and the child get the care they should have right off the bat, and daddy gets in the picture from the beginning.

This part of the law is great!

Do you not what wealth redistribution means? Do you understand that an insurance pool socializes the risk?
This is insane. Do any of you libs agree that males should be forced to pay for prenatal and maternity benefits when Obamacare kicks in? If so, please explain why. And by the way, look at these premium increases across the board.

Obama accused of breaking promise to consumers as health plans cancel policies - The Washington Post

Maybe women should just stop spreading their legs so they don't get pregnant anymore. Why should a guy have to pay for getting a woman pregnant, right?

Maybe you should learn to think.

Sorry, I forgot I was talking to an Obamazombie

As for increases in rates, I find it funny how cons continue to tell us that everybody gets medical care whether they are insured or not, but then they blame potential increased costs on having more people seeking medical care. Say what????

I find it pathetic that you defend an increase in rates that has nothing to do with EMTLA by complaining about people getting medical treatment. If Obamacare actually worked the way you insist, ie paying for non insured medical care, the rates would actually go down.

Strangely enough, it was never intended to pay for the uninsured, it was intended to get sick people lower rates by forcing the uninsured to buy insurance.

Here is the deal; overall premiums will increase slightly but many things that were not covered in the past are now covered, and anything preventative is covered 100%, so in the long run, the costs will even out. You may pay a bit more on your premium but you'll pay less on the back end. Yes, some people are going to pay more, and yes some people are going to pay less. As for your charts, they are all contrived to fulfill a preconceived notion. They don't compare apples to apples, so basically they are pointless.

Slightly? That is so stupid even the White House dropped it as an argument, which is why they have resorted to "Lower than expected."
Maybe women should just stop spreading their legs so they don't get pregnant anymore. Why should a guy have to pay for getting a woman pregnant, right?

As for increases in rates, I find it funny how cons continue to tell us that everybody gets medical care whether they are insured or not, but then they blame potential increased costs on having more people seeking medical care. Say what????

Here is the deal; overall premiums will increase slightly but many things that were not covered in the past are now covered, and anything preventative is covered 100%, so in the long run, the costs will even out. You may pay a bit more on your premium but you'll pay less on the back end. Yes, some people are going to pay more, and yes some people are going to pay less. As for your charts, they are all contrived to fulfill a preconceived notion. They don't compare apples to apples, so basically they are pointless.

How do you know all of this? Did Obama promise it to you? :lol:

Actually no. Since I will be buying my health insurance from the exchange, I have actually researched it. The policy I am likely to choose is going to cost me almost exactly the same as my old policy; however, the deductible will double from $2500 to $5000. I never hit my $2500 deductible, so unless I become seriously ill it will have no effect on me. On the good side, all preventative care will be covered 100%, so I will save a few dollars on my well care visits and some testing. All things considered, my overall spending will be almost exactly the same as it is now.

You are paying exactly the same, getting half the coverage, and you think you got a good deal.

And you call me stupid.
but many things that were not covered in the past are now covered,

yeah like pre natal for the males

a service they will never use

but are forced to buy

it is this sort of shit that only gives the hope

that this Bernard Lawrence "Bernie" Madoff health insurance scam a chance to fly

You may not be old enough to need a colonoscopy or a mammogram, if you are a woman, but I need a colonoscopy every five years. It is now covered 100%. In the past, it would have cost me over $1000.

The reason men are now being charged for things like prenatal care and other woman's care is that is the easiest way to make the cost for the policies the same for a man and woman. Now if you are asking why a man should pay for a woman's healthcare when she is pregnant, either you are being foolish or you need to go back to health class in high school. I'll tell you what; I'll help you out on this one. In the vast majority of pregnancies, a guy helped. The only way a man did not willingly take part is in the case of a woman being inseminated from a sperm bank or in the case of Mary, it was an immaculate conception.

If the man isn't responsible for the pregnancy, why, exactly should a man be responsible for said medical costs? And if said woman (or women) not be held financially responsible, having chosen artificial impregnation, not be responsible for associated costs of resultant pregnancy

The women have to get the same policy, but the man gets a free pap smear out of it.
Why Are Males Being Forced To Pay For Prenatal And Maternity Benefits In Obamacare?

Every child has a right to know and be supported by his father.

Guys, we brought this on ourselves.
Bullshit. I've never gotten anyone pregnant when I wasn't prepared to be a father.

Condoms are cheaper than Obamacare.

I agree, but guys don't use them as the should, right.

80% black illegitimacy rate, 40% for whites and Mexicans.

Yup, guys, we brought this on ourselves.
You and your white liberal guilt can go pay for babies you didn't father. Keep your damn hands out of my wallet.
Bullshit. I've never gotten anyone pregnant when I wasn't prepared to be a father.

Condoms are cheaper than Obamacare.

I agree, but guys don't use them as the should, right.

80% black illegitimacy rate, 40% for whites and Mexicans.

Yup, guys, we brought this on ourselves.
You and your white liberal guilt can go pay for babies you didn't father. Keep your damn hands out of my wallet.

You are going to pay for what you do.
It has everything to do with the OP, of course it does.

No it doesn't. I can't get pregnant, dumb ass, so it is inane for me to have maternity coverage for MYSELF. We're not talking about coverage for my wife or a guy's girlfriend. This has nothing to do with responsibility. It's a wealth redistribution scheme, making men pay more so women can pay less, disguised as "fairness."

Nope, it is a well thought out "daddy pays his fair share" if a woman who he has been oinking gets pregnant. This means she and the child get the care they should have right off the bat, and daddy gets in the picture from the beginning.

This part of the law is great!

Do you not what wealth redistribution means? Do you understand that an insurance pool socializes the risk?
So...because she has coverage for the pregnancy, that means he won't leave her?

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
I agree, but guys don't use them as the should, right.

80% black illegitimacy rate, 40% for whites and Mexicans.

Yup, guys, we brought this on ourselves.
You and your white liberal guilt can go pay for babies you didn't father. Keep your damn hands out of my wallet.

You are going to pay for what you do.

I. Already. Have. Dumbass.

What I DON'T want to do is pay for what someone else does.

The left insists I do, out of some kindergarten sense of "fairness".

The right believes in personal responsibility. You progressives HATE that idea.
This is insane. Do any of you libs agree that males should be forced to pay for prenatal and maternity benefits when Obamacare kicks in? If so, please explain why. And by the way, look at these premium increases across the board.

Maybe women should just stop spreading their legs so they don't get pregnant anymore. Why should a guy have to pay for getting a woman pregnant, right?

As for increases in rates, I find it funny how cons continue to tell us that everybody gets medical care whether they are insured or not, but then they blame potential increased costs on having more people seeking medical care. Say what????

Here is the deal; overall premiums will increase slightly but many things that were not covered in the past are now covered, and anything preventative is covered 100%, so in the long run, the costs will even out. You may pay a bit more on your premium but you'll pay less on the back end. Yes, some people are going to pay more, and yes some people are going to pay less. As for your charts, they are all contrived to fulfill a preconceived notion. They don't compare apples to apples, so basically they are pointless.

Yep, like premiums for men being covered for pregnancy. Quite a win for the insurance company since men can't get pregnant. Heck, even if a man has a sex change operation, he still can't get pregnant. Yay government for forcing insurance companies into covering my prenatal and maternity benefits that cannot possibly happen to me.

I'm curious, are they also forcing women to pay for coverage for things like prostate cancer?
You and your white liberal guilt can go pay for babies you didn't father. Keep your damn hands out of my wallet.

You are going to pay for what you do.

I. Already. Have. Dumbass.

What I DON'T want to do is pay for what someone else does.

The left insists I do, out of some kindergarten sense of "fairness".

The right believes in personal responsibility. You progressives HATE that idea.

Insurance works on the collective as well as the individual, kid.

You are not going to privatize your cost and socialize your risk: doesn't work that way.
Actually no. Since I will be buying my health insurance from the exchange, I have actually researched it. The policy I am likely to choose is going to cost me almost exactly the same as my old policy; however, the deductible will double from $2500 to $5000. I never hit my $2500 deductible, so unless I become seriously ill it will have no effect on me. On the good side, all preventative care will be covered 100%, so I will save a few dollars on my well care visits and some testing. All things considered, my overall spending will be almost exactly the same as it is now.
Does your auto insurance policy cover "preventive care", such as oil changes, tire rotation and various filter replacement?
Does your homeowners insurance cover "preventive care" such as heating and AC tuneups, or roof replacement?
Does your life insurance cover "preventive care"?

The entire purpose of insurance was designed to protect one from a catastrophic event, not for maintenance. Somehow, people (and now government) have come to think medical insurance is supposed to be used for maintenance things like getting a physical or a tetanus shot, or for simple medical needs such as a few stitches for a minor cut or an office visit for the flu. Things like that are not catastrophic, just fucking pay for them, and let insurance kick in if something happens like a ruptured appendix or a heart attack or cancer.
Has common sense and reason-ability disappeared from our society?

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